14th Sep 2023 12:43
M&C Saatchi PLC - London-based advertising agency - Net revenue in the six months that ended June 30 declines 7.0% to GBP120.4 million from GBP129.4 million a year before, but M&C Saatchi says within that double-digit-percentage growth in 'Issues' and 'Passions' specialisms show the benefit of its diversification away from traditional advertising. Swings to pretax loss of GBP5.1 million from GBP300,000 profit. On an adjusted basis, pretax profit nearly halves to GBP8.8 million from GBP16.0 million. Net cash falls to GBP15.4 million from GBP39.7 million. Declares no interim dividend, unchanged from a year before. Paid a final dividend for 2022 and intends to adopt a progressive dividend policy in the future. Read More