6th Jun 2023 10:58
Mosman Oil & Gas Ltd - New South Wales, Australia-based oil exploration, development and production company with operations in Australia and the US - Says US output continuing in line with internal estimates. Gross production at all US sites in April was 6,915 barrels of oil equivalent and 2,936 barrels net to Mosman. Gross production daily average was 232 barrels of oil equivalent per day, while net daily average was 101 barrels per day. Net production daily average was down 24% from 133 barrels per day. Mosman attributes this to workovers at First Wilcox zone at Cinnabar lease in East Texas, in which it has a 75% working interest. Workover on April 25 isolated First and Second Wilcox zones with a cement retainer; First Wilcox has flowed intermittently since then. Further workovers are planned to optimise production. A lightning strike at Stanley project in early May caused minor loss of production while damaged equipment was replaced. Arkoma stacked pay project in Oklahoma remains for sale. Cash at May 31 was around AUD1.2 million, or roughly USD798,400. Read More