12th Jan 2024 09:26
EnSilica PLC - Abingdon, Oxfordshire-based semiconductor designer and supplier - Launches a post-quantum cryptography accelerators range, with the first of these intellectual property licences granted to an unnamed "major" semiconductor supplier. Says it is "one of the few" companies to offer advanced cryptographic accelerators to the market as licensable IP cores, expanding its comprehensive range of non-quantum resistant cryptography accelerators for use in its application-specific integrated circuits and other semiconductors. Chief Executive Officer Ian Lankshear says: "EnSilica's commitment to technological innovation is reflected in our comprehensive range of cryptographic accelerators IP to address the next generation of cybersecurity threats. The commercial licensing agreement with this major semiconductor giant validates the intrinsic value of our intellectual property. EnSilica not only licences its IP to other semiconductor companies but also leverages it in the development of custom ASICs which we supply to our clients. Having such IP is a key differentiator for EnSilica's ASIC business given the markets we address, as well as for bringing in high margin IP licensing revenue." Read More