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Annual Financial Report

1st Aug 2013 12:39

MOBEUS INCOME & GROWTH 2 VCT PLC - Annual Financial Report

MOBEUS INCOME & GROWTH 2 VCT PLC - Annual Financial Report

PR Newswire

London, August 1

Mobeus Income & Growth 2 VCT plc (formerly Matrix Income & Growth 2 VCT plc ("MIG2", "the Company" or "theFund")) Annual Results announcement for the year ended 30 April 2013 INVESTMENT OBJECTIVE Mobeus Income & Growth 2 VCT plc , formerly Matrix Income & Growth 2 VCT plc("Mobeus Income & Growth 2 VCT" or "the Company" or "the VCT") is a VentureCapital Trust managed by Mobeus Equity Partners LLP (previously Matrix PrivateEquity Partners LLP ("Mobeus")) investing primarily in established, profitable,unquoted companies. Investment Objective - The Company's objective is to provide investors with aregular income stream, arising both from the income generated by the companiesselected for the portfolio and from realising any growth in capital. Venture Capital Trust Status - Mobeus Income & Growth 2 VCT has satisfied therequirements as a Venture Capital Trust under section 274 of the Income Tax Act2007 ("ITA") and the Directors intend to conduct the business of the Company soas to continue to comply with that section. FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS The highlights during the year have been:- • Net Asset Value (NAV basis) Total Return for the year was 12.3%. • Net Asset Value (share price basis) Total Return for the year was 10.9%. • 4p dividend declared and paid in the year. Performance Summary Annual results for the year ended 30 April 2013 Ordinary Shares of 1 penny (formerly C Shares until 10 September 2010) To help Shareholders understand the recent past performance of theirinvestment, comparative data is shown below. Total return (NAV basis) comprisesNAV per share plus cumulative dividends paid per share: Net Net asset Cumulative dividends Share Cumulative Total Return per assets value per paid per Share (p) price Share to Shareholders since (£ m) Share (p) 1 launch²³ (NAV) (p) (NAV basis) (share price (p) basis) (p) Ordinary Share Fund (formerly C Share Fund until 10 September 2010)² As at 30 April 2013 25.7 106.8 18.0 70.3 124.8 88.3 As at 30 April 2012 24.5 98.7 14.0 67.0 112.7 81.0 As at 30 April 2011 24.9 96.2 10.0 62.0 106.2 72.0 At close of Offerfor Subscriptionin 2005 8.7 94.5 - - - - Former Ordinary Share Fund (raised in 2000/2001)³ As at 30 April 2013 - 88.3 36.7 - 125.0 - As at 30 April 2012 - 81.6 33.4 - 115.0 - As at 30 April 2011 - 79.5 30.1 - 109.6 - At close of Offerfor Subscriptionin 2001 12.4 94.0 - - - - ¹Source: London Stock Exchange ²Launch date 30 September 2005 ³ Launch date 10 May 2000 CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT I am pleased to present the thirteenth Annual Report of the Company, for theyear ended 30 April 2013. The Company changed its name from Matrix Income &Growth 2 VCT plc to Mobeus Income & Growth 2 VCT plc on 29 June 2012. Although the UK Government's continuing deficit and consequential high level ofdebt are a concern, there are some signs of a return to economic growth. Ifthis continues, it will provide better trading conditions for the companies inthe portfolio, the majority of which are already trading profitably. During the year, there has been an 11.5% increase in the unrealised gain in thevalue of the portfolio. After a slow start to the year, the number of new andfollow-on investments increased significantly during the last three months ofthe year to 30 April 2013. Performance for the year ended 30 April 2013 The net asset value ("NAV") per share at 30 April 2013 was 106.8 pence (2012:98.7 pence), an increase over the year of 8.1 pence (2012: increase of 2.5pence). To measure the NAV per share total return over the year on alike-for-like basis, the interim dividend of 4 pence paid to Shareholders on 19April 2013, in respect of the year ended 30 April 2013, should be added toclosing NAV per share, producing a closing return of 110.8 pence. Comparingthis to an opening NAV of 98.7 pence, the Company's underlying NAV return pershare was 12.1 pence or 12.3%. This increase compares with an increase of 26.1% in the FTSE SmallCap TotalReturn index and a decrease of 8.3% in the FTSE AIM Total Return index. The share price total return for the year, being the share price at 30 April2013 after adding the dividend of 4 pence paid before the year end, rose by10.9% during the year from 67.0 pence to 74.3 pence. Unrealised increases in the valuation of investments held, notably by ATG MediaHoldings Limited and Blaze Signs Holdings Limited, are primarily responsiblefor the increase in returns for the year. Performance of former share classes Shareholders should note that the performance data above relates to the oneordinary share class now in existence, which was formerly called the C shareclass, before the share class merger completed on 10 September 2010.Shareholders in both the former `O' and `C' share classes may wish to see theperformance of their own investment, and this is shown in the FinancialHighlights on page 2, and in the Investor Performance appendix on page 53. Revenue and Capital returns for the year ended 30 April 2013 The results for the year ended 30 April 2013 are set out in the followingpages. The total return (after tax) attributable to Ordinary Shareholders forthe year was a profit of £2,685,399 (2012: £1,333,109), comprising a netcapital return of £2,223,498 (2012: £816,532) and a revenue return of £461,901(2012: £516,577). This improved performance for the year is mainly due to netincreases of £2.6 million in the value of the investment portfolio. Portfolio Activity Management buy-out transactions ("MBOs") continue to represent a significantproportion of the portfolio with two new MBO transactions occurring in theyear. MBOs now represent 80.8% of the portfolio, with 13.8% in acquisitioncompanies, 3.9% in development capital and 1.5% invested in AIM investments.The portfolio is now invested in a wide range of market sectors with thelargest of those being Support Services at 56.5%. There have been four significant investments in the year, two of which were newinvestments and two of which were further investments into existing portfoliocompanies to build on success so far and to assist both investee companies togenerate further growth. During the year, the VCT invested £3.7 million in total, in new and follow-oninvestments. This includes funds from the acquisition vehicles Sawrey Limited,Almsworthy Trading Limited, Fosse Management Limited and Peddars ManagementLimited. In July 2012, the Company made a new investment of £906,762 into TessellaHoldings Limited, via the acquisition vehicle Sawrey Limited, as part of theManager's Operating Partner programme. In February 2013, the VCT provided an additional £624,769 from AlmsworthyTrading Limited into existing portfolio company Fullfield Limited (Motorclean)to enable their acquisition of rival company Forward Valeting Services, tocreate the UK's largest provider of car valeting services. In March 2013, a new investment of £1,056,417 was made to support the MBO ofGro-Group Holdings Limited, including £1 million from its existing investmentin the acquisition vehicle Fosse Management. Based in Devon, Gro-Group is themarket leader for baby sleep time products in the UK and Australia. Finally, in April 2013, the VCT invested a further £863,923 from PeddarsManagement Limited into an existing portfolio company, ATG Media HoldingsLimited, to enable ATG, to acquire Bidspotter Inc., a US company providing livebidding and auction software to industrial and commercial auctioneers. A further investment of £167,647 was also made into Newquay Helicopters (2013)Limited (formerly British International Holdings Limited) in order to provideworking capital support. After the year end this support has enabled thecompany to sell the major part of its business, in turn enabling it to repaymost of the VCT's loan stock and accrued interest, resulting in proceeds todate of £1,671,825. After the year end, the Company made an investment of £967,781 in VeritekGlobal Limited, using the acquisition vehicle Madacombe Trading Limited. There have been a number of realisations and loan stock repayments during theyear. In May 2012, Holidays Limited was realised for £1,486,978, whichcontributed to a total return on original investment of 2.5 times money in twoand a half years. Blaze Signs Holdings Limited has repaid £979,639 of theiroutstanding loan including premium during the year which brings total loanproceeds (including interest) received to date to £1,580,136. In March 2013, a portion of loan stock and the entire equity holding ofFaversham House Holdings Limited was realised for £154,435 proceeds andgenerated a gain of £41,471 in the year. The VCT retains loan stock valued atcost, being £111,335. There were three further loan repayments in the year: £83,179 from FullfieldLimited, £84,087 from DiGiCo Global Limited and £26,037 from Tessella HoldingsLimited, which is a reflection of the strength of these investee companies'trading. Portfolio review As explained earlier, the performance of the portfolio is the main source ofthe VCT's good performance this year. The higher valuations for ATG MediaHoldings Limited, Blaze Signs Holdings Limited, Fullfield Limited (MotorcleanLimited), Ingleby (1879) Limited (EMaC Limited), DiGiCo Global Limited andFocus Pharma Holdings Limited reflect strong trading performances, as also wasthe case with a number of other companies. There are a smaller number ofcompanies that are struggling to make progress. This is either because they arerelated to the construction sector or are simply trading below plan. Overall,portfolio companies' performance for the year has been encouraging. The Company now holds 28 investments at the year-end, which were valued at100.7% of cost, up from 95.6% at the previous year end. Further details of these investments and transactions are provided in theInvestment Manager's Review on pages 7 to 12. Income returns Revenue returns have been broadly consistent this year, generating a profit of£461,901, a fall of £54,676 from £516,577 in 2012. This decline is mainly as aresult of a large DiGiCo Global Limited dividend (£135,282) received in theprevious year before the partial sale of that investment last year, partiallyoffset by an encouraging increase in loan interest receipts. Loan stock interest from investee companies rose to £865,768 (2012: £789,960),as several new investments generated new income, while some investee companieswere able to pay interest arrears. The annualised yield from loan stocks atvaluation is higher at 6.1% (2012: 4.9%), reflecting a number of newinvestments yielding good rates of interest. This higher running yield isdespite a number of loan repayments in the year. Excluding DiGiCo Global Limited, dividend income from other investee companieshas risen 67% to £135,481. The majority of dividends received have either risenon last year's level or have been a maiden dividend by that investee company. Low interest rates continue to restrict revenue generation on bank deposits andmoney-market funds. Total income from cash and money market funds was £17,675(2012: £36,458). The Board remains committed to security as the primary aim foruninvested funds rather than attempting to increase the rate of return at theexpense of an increase in risk. Investment management fees have remained steady over the year. Running expenseshave risen by £17,128, due to higher registrar, audit and trail commission fees(the last primarily a result of higher net assets). Dividends The revenue account generated a net revenue gain for the year, as explainedabove, of 1.87 pence per share (2012: gain of 2.03 pence). Your Board declaredan interim dividend totalling 4 pence per share, of which 1.25 pence was incomeand 2.75 pence was capital. This was paid on 19 April 2013 and brought totaldividends paid to Ordinary Shareholders to 18 pence and the total paid toformer O fund Shareholders to 36.7 pence. The Company is required to pay a minimum income dividend each year, to complywith VCT rules. The amount of 1.25p, which was part of the interim dividend of4p per share already paid on 19 April 2013, is fractionally less than theminimum required. To address this issue, the Board has declared a furtherinterim income dividend of 0.1p in respect of income earned for the year ended30 April 2013. To save postage costs, this will be paid at the same time aspaying the interim dividend for the year ending 30 April 2014, currentlyplanned to be on 22 April 2014 to Shareholders on the Register on 28 March2014. Share buy-backs During the year ended 30 April 2013, the Company continued to implement itsbuy-back policy and bought back 776,749 Ordinary Shares in five transactions,representing 3.1% of the shares in issue at the start of the year for anaggregate consideration of £541,894. These shares were subsequently cancelledby the Company. The shares above were bought back for an average price of 69.76pence per share, at discounts to the net asset value at the date of eachbuyback ranging from 34.13 % to 30.83%. The value of these discounts hascontributed to an increase in net asset value per share of 1.06p, based on theclosing number of shares in issue at the year end. Change of ownership at Mobeus Equity Partners, previously Matrix Private EquityPartners As mentioned in last year's Annual Report, the partners of the InvestmentManager, Mobeus Equity Partners LLP (formerly Matrix Private Equity PartnersLLP) acquired a full interest in the business on 29 June 2012. This led to theInvestment Manager becoming a fully independent owner-managed firm. Since this management buy-out, the Company's arrangements with Mobeus have notchanged and the Directors continue to look forward to working with Mobeus toprovide attractive long term returns on your Company investment, whilstreserving the Company's rights under the investment management agreement. Shareholder communication May I remind you that the Company continues to have its own website which isavailable at Around 140 Mobeus VCT Shareholders attended the Manager's third annualShareholder Workshop in January 2013. Shareholders attending heardpresentations from the Manager and the CEO of DiGiCo Global Limited, one of theVCT's portfolio companies. Auditor With effect from 28 March 2013, the Company's auditor, PKF (UK) LLP merged withBDO LLP to become part of BDO LLP. The Board has subsequently appointed BDO LLPas the Company's auditor to fill the casual vacancy arising as a result of theresignation of PKF (UK) LLP following the merger. Strategy Your Board considers the Company's strategy at least annually. The main issuesaddressed are the investment objectives and policies, the role and performanceof the Investment Manager and the methods of providing Shareholders with asatisfactory return on their investment. As Shareholders will know, our strategy has been to seek to maximise the NetAsset Value return by: 1. setting the Investment Manager a target of a minimum average annual returnof 8%; 2. not issuing new shares while additional funds are not required to take upnew investment opportunities or until the renewal vote due in September 2015; 3. buying back shares at a price which considers the interests of thecontinuing Shareholders, together with those of Shareholders seeking to realisetheir investment; and 4. paying a consistent annual dividend while maintaining the net asset value ofthe fund. It is pleasing to report that: 1. returns on the Ordinary Shares for the three years and the year to 30 April2013 were 36.9% (11% compound per year) and 12.2% respectively. These aresignificantly higher than achieved in previous years; 2. the proportion of net assets invested in businesses is higher than it wouldhave been if more new shares had been issued since the Company's lastfund-raising in 2009. Given the very low return earned on uninvested funds,this has delivered higher returns; 3. buying back shares at the discount to net asset value has created demandfrom outside investors for the Company's shares and has increased the returns;and 4. an annual dividend of 4p has been paid over the past three years. Theincrease in the net asset value to 106.8p allows for higher dividends to bepaid in future years. The level of uninvested funds, augmented by regular disposals of portfolioinvestments, has enabled the Company to take up all the available newinvestment opportunities to date. However, as part of our most recent strategyreview, the analysis of the anticipated cash inflows and outflows fromoperations and investment activities over the next 18 months indicated that, asa result of a recovery in the market and of an increase in the average size ofnew investments, the amount of new investment opportunities will exceed theamount of disposals to an extent that additional funds will be required if allthe new investment opportunities are to be taken up. Consequently, your Board is considering raising additional funds during thecurrent financial year. If a fund-raising were to proceed, it would entail thefollowing revisions to our current stategy: 1. extending the life of the Company until the fifth anniversary of the latestallotment of shares, in order to maintain the tax reliefs on the new shares tobe issued. Resolutions to authorise the allotment of shares arising from afund-raising and to extend the life of the Company will be put to Shareholdersat the Annual General Meeting to be held on 20 September 2013. If either of theresolutions were not passed or if they were passed but the fund-raising werenot to proceed, it would be the Directors' intention to continue to hold arenewal vote as currently scheduled, in September 2015; and 2. adopting a buy-back policy with the objective of maintaining the discount toNAV at 10% or less. The attractiveness of any fundraising will be enhanced ifprospective investors can see a clearer opportunity to exit at a level closerto net asset value. Outlook So far during 2013, global quoted stock markets have shown a significant amountof volatility. Markets are adjusting to the expectation of future reductions insupport, from the quantitative easing programme undertaken by central banks. Onbalance, it seems that the threats to economic growth posed by the Eurozonecrisis are perceived as lower for now. Against this, the UK Government'scontinued austerity plan limits the scope for fiscal stimulus to provide asource of growth to the small business sector. The environment for smallercompanies remains uncertain, if UK economic growth is limited. On a morepositive note, recent data on the UK economy appears to indicate that arecovery from the financial crisis is underway, and business surveys reveal acautious optimism in the corporate sector. As explained above, the Board is mindful that the VCT should have adequateliquidity to take advantage of the increased number and quality of businessescurrently being evaluated by the Manager. In view of the uncertain environmentabove, it is imperative that only the highest quality businesses are selectedwith the terms of the deal structured so as to minimise the downside risk toShareholders. The cautious approach of selecting well-run profitable companiesoperating in niche markets is the primary reason for the quality of theinvestment portfolio currently held within the VCT. Annual General Meeting The Annual General Meeting of the Company will be held at 12.00 noon on 20September 2013 at the offices of SGH Martineau LLP, One America Square,Crosswall, London EC3N 2SG. An explanation of the resolutions to be proposed atthis meeting may be found in the Directors' Report. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Shareholders for their continuedsupport and I hope I have the opportunity of meeting you at the Annual GeneralMeeting. Nigel Melville Chairman 1 August 2013 SUMMARY OF THE STATEMENT OF DIRECTORS' RESPONSIBILITIES REPORT The Directors confirm, to the best of their knowledge: • that the Financial Statements have been prepared in accordance with UK Generally Accepted Accounting Practice and give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, financial position and profit or loss of the Company; and • that the annual report includes a fair review of the development and performance of the business and the position of the Company, together with a description of the principal risks and uncertainties that it faces. By order of the Board Nigel Melville Chairman 1 August 2013 INVESTMENT POLICY Investment policy The Company's policy is to invest primarily in a diverse portfolio of UKunquoted companies. Investments are structured as part loan and part equity inorder to receive regular income and to generate capital gains from trade salesand flotations of investee companies. Investments are made selectively across a number of sectors, primarily inmanagement buyout transactions (MBOs) i.e. to support incumbent managementteams in acquiring the business they manage but do not own. Investments areprimarily made in companies that are established and profitable. The Company's cash and liquid resources may be invested to maximise incomereturns in a range of instruments of varying maturities, subject to theoverriding criterion that the risk of loss of capital be minimised. UK companies The companies in which investments are made must have no more than £15 millionof gross assets at the time of investment and £16 million immediately followingthe investment to be classed as a Venture Capital Trust ("VCT") qualifyingholding. VCT regulation The investment policy is designed to ensure that the Company continues toqualify and is approved as a VCT by HM Revenue & Customs ("HMRC"). Amongst other conditions, the Company may not invest more than 15 per cent. ofits investments in a single company and must achieve at least 70 per cent. byvalue of its investments throughout the period in shares or securities in VCTqualifying holdings, of which a minimum overall of 30 per cent. by value mustbe ordinary shares which carry no preferential rights. In addition, althoughthe Company can invest less than 30 per cent. of an investment in a specificcompany in ordinary shares, it must have at least 10 per cent. by value of itstotal investments in each VCT qualifying company in ordinary shares which carryno preferential rights (save as may be permitted under VCT rules). The VCT regulations in respect of funds raised after 6 April 2011 have changed,such that 70% of qualifying holdings invested with such funds must be held inequity. Asset mix The Investment Manager aims to hold approximately 80 per cent of net assets byvalue in the Company's qualifying investments. The balance is held in readilyrealisable interest bearing investments and deposits and in some non-qualifyingholdings in the same investee companies in which qualifying investments havebeen made. Risk diversification and maximum exposures Risk is spread by investing in a number of different businesses acrossdifferent industry sectors. To reduce the risk of high exposure to equities,each qualifying investment is structured using a significant proportion of loanstock (up to 70 per cent. of the total investment in each VCT qualifyingcompany). Initial investments in VCT qualifying companies are generally made inamounts ranging from £200,000 to £2 million at cost, or such amounts as VCTlegislation permits. Normally, no holding in any one company will be greaterthan 10 per cent. (but in any event will not be greater than 15 per cent.) ofthe value of the Company's investments, based on cost, at the time ofinvestment. Ongoing monitoring of each investment is carried out by theInvestment Manager, generally through taking a seat on the board of each VCTqualifying company. Co-investment The Company aims to invest alongside the three other VCTs advised by theInvestment Manager with a similar investment policy. This enables the Companyto participate in larger combined investments advised on by the InvestmentManager . Borrowing The VCT has no borrowing and does not have any current plans for futureborrowings. MANAGEMENT The Board has overall responsibility for the Company's affairs including thedetermination of its investment policy. Investment and divestment proposals areoriginated, negotiated and recommended by the Investment Manager (Mobeus EquityPartners LLP) and are then subject to formal approval by the Directors. MobeusEquity Partners LLP also provides Company Secretarial and Accountancy servicesto the VCT. INVESTMENT MANAGER'S REVIEW Overview The investment portfolio has benefitted from two main developments over theyear. The continued positive trend in the volume and quality of opportunitiesseen by the team has led to a number of completions, and strong performanceacross the portfolio has led to further valuation uplifts. The UK economy continues to present challenges to the small company sector.Despite this, the investment portfolio is demonstrating resilience, and manyportfolio companies are growing profits. Our strategy of selecting established,profitable and cash flow generative companies with high quality, motivatedmanagement teams is generating good returns. As a result of both realisations and loan repayments, the Company's liquidityposition has strengthened and so it is well resourced to invest. Whereappropriate, we have actively encouraged management teams to pursue anacquisition strategy, supported by additional investment. This approach has ledto two follow-on investments to support sizeable acquisitions, both completedin the early part of 2013. The long-standing investment strategy of investing in well-structured MBOdeals, partly in equity and partly in income yielding loan stocks, givessubstantial downside protection to Shareholders' capital. A large part of the investment management team's work involves being activelyengaged with the management teams of investee companies and encouraging them toquestion budgets, forecasts and cost structures and to take cost cuttingmeasures as necessary to ensure that their business is robust to the difficulteconomic environment within which many are operating. The fruits of this areshown in the financial robustness and profitability of most companies in theportfolio, and the way in which many have recovered from the depths of therecession in 2008-9. New investment There have been two significant investments into new portfolio companies duringthe year. In July 2012, the Company invested £906,762 into the MBO of TessellaHoldings Limited, an international provider of science-powered technology andconsulting services. The Company used its acquisition vehicle Sawrey Limited,in which it had already invested £1 million, to acquire Tessella, resulting ina small partial return of capital. Founded in 1980, Tessella deliversinnovative and cost-effective solutions to complex real-world commercial andtechnical challenges such as developing smarter drug trials, and minimisingrisk in oil and gas exploration. This company has made an encouraging startsince investment and is already making staged loan stock repayments. In March 2013, the Company completed a new investment of £1,056,417, to supportthe MBO of Gro-Group Holdings Limited. The amount invested included £1 millionfrom the Company's existing investment in the acquisition vehicle FosseManagement Limited. Devon based Gro-Group created the original, and nowinternationally renowned, Gro-bag which has become the number one baby sleepbag brand in the UK and Australia. Market penetration of the product hasincreased from zero to around 90% since the company was founded in 2000 andturnover has grown to £12 million. Shortly after the period-end in July 2013, the VCT completed a further newinvestment of £967,781 in Veritek Global Limited (resulting in a small refundof the VCT's existing investment of £1 million in the acquisition vehicle,Madacombe Trading) to support the MBO of Veritek, a Europe-wide provider ofinstallation, maintenance and support services for blue-chip owners of printingequipment. Follow-on investment As explained earlier, the investment management team has focussed on theopportunities for expansion by acquisition within the existing portfolio. Theprincipal aim of this is enhancing the value of existing successful investmentsthrough further funding; backing successful management teams within theportfolio is likely to involve a materially lower investment risk than a firstinvestment in a new portfolio company. Two such investments have been completed in 2013. The first of these wascompleted in February; the VCT provided an additional £624,769, via acquisitionvehicle Almsworthy Trading Limited, to finance Motorclean Limited's acquisitionof a competitor, Forward Valeting Services, to create the UK's largest providerof car valeting services. This resulted in a repayment of funds to the Companyfrom Almsworthy of £375,231. In April 2013, a further £863,923 was invested into ATG Media Holdings Limitedto enable it to acquire Bidspotter Inc., a US business engaged in providinglive bidding and auction software to industrial and commercial liquidationauctioneers. £1 million already invested into Peddars Management Limited wasused to finance the transaction, resulting in a net repayment to the VCT of £136,077. Although most portfolio companies have shown significant resilience during theyear, two portfolio companies required relatively small amounts of furtherfunds. In June 2012, £57,143 was further advanced to PXP Holdings Limited, aspart of a major-restructuring of the company following a sustained period ofpoor trading in a challenging market. Improved performance is expected during2013. A further loan of £167,647 was advanced to support the working capitalrequirements of Newquay Helicopters (2013) Limited (formerly BritishInternational Holdings Limited). This was to provide working capital pendingthe disposal of the company's major trading subsidiary which has now occurred.The company has now repaid the principal and premiums of the first two loanstocks, together with all premiums and interest arrears for total cash proceedsof £1,671,825. The capital proceeds of £1,248,800 compare with a relatedinvestment cost of £934,000. This is a pleasing outcome and there is prospectfor further returns of capital as the company realises its remaining assets andactivities. The Operating Partner Programme as a whole has continued to generate successfulinvestments for the Company. Four of the seven acquisition vehicles in theportfolio at the start of the year have been utilised in either new orfollow-on investments. The programme has £2 million remaining in two vehicles,each headed by an experienced chairman well known to the Investment Manager. Realisations There have been a number of cash returns in the period, comprising investmentrealisations and loan stock repayments. During the year these have generatednet cash proceeds of £3,380,036. In May 2012, the Company realised its entire investment in HolidaysLimited, the specialist online ski and cruise holiday travel agent, for netcash proceeds of £1,455,265 through a sale to Growth Capital Partners. Thisrealisation contributed to total cash proceeds of £2,530,414 to the Companyover the two and a half year life of the investment, representing a 2.53 timesreturn on the Company's original investment of £1,000,000. We supported thisestablished online ski agent through a period of rapid growth in its cruiseholiday business since the MBO in December 2009. IGLU is now one of the leadingdistributors of cruise holidays in the UK, and the largest independent retailerof ski holidays. This company's annual revenue now exceeds £90 million. In March 2013, a portion of loan stock and the entire equity holding ofFaversham House Holdings Limited was realised for proceeds of £154,435,generating a gain of £41,471 in the year, but a loss against original cost of £109,100. The VCT retains loan stock valued at cost, being £111,335. Strong cash generation is a continuing feature of a number of companies in theportfolio and as a result the VCT has received several loan stock repayments.Blaze Signs Holdings Limited has now fully repaid its original loan and alsomade repayments of its second loan totalling £979,639 (including premium of £226,071). In addition to this, Blaze has paid arrears of loan interest of £109,073 in the current year. Fullfield Limited (£83,179), DiGiCo Global Limited(£84,087) and Tessella Holdings Limited (£26,037) have also made loanrepayments in the year. The Portfolio The portfolio at 30 April 2013 comprised 28 investments (2012: 31) with a costof £21.6 million (2012: £23.3 million) and valued at £21.8 million (2012: £22.3million). On a like-for-like basis, the portfolio's value has increased by11.8% compared with the valuations prevailing at 30 April 2012. Many portfolio companies have performed well over the year. ATG Media HoldingsLimited and DiGiCo Global Limited have again traded strongly despite thepressures of the economic environment. DiGiCo has recently launched a new rangeof products. Blaze Signs Holdings Limited has made an impressive recovery overthe last two years and has benefitted from high profile contracts includingwork for the Olympics, enabling it to repay a large part of its loans as notedabove. Focus Pharma Holdings Limited achieved record results, is performingwell on product development and launches and has a healthy pipeline of newproducts. Fullfield Limited continues to show strong cash generation, and isexpected to improve further following its acquisition of Forward Valeting. EMaCLimited has exceeded expectations since investment last year, and its value hasnow moved significantly above cost. The partial disposal of the investment inFaversham House for in excess of the opening valuation has enabled an uplift inthe remaining value of the loan stock. Tessella Holdings Limited has made asolid start since investment, with the pipeline of opportunities across thegroup remaining good. Against these positive performances, PXP Holdings Limited and The PlasticSurgeon Holdings Limited continue to suffer from the downturn in theconstruction and house building sectors. However, management have worked wellto reposition both of these businesses and make the necessary cut in costs.Youngman Group Limited's trading environment remains fragile, although it hastraded profitably throughout the period. ASL Technology Holding Limited'sperformance is improving but the group's overall performance is behindinvestment plan. RDL Corporation Limited has continued to perform belowexpectations, with its IT recruitment business in particular at lower thanplanned levels. Overall, we are encouraged by the strong and resilient performance of themajority of our investee companies. Our strategy remains to invest in mature,profitable companies and by retaining investments until they have reached theoptimum point for exit, maximum value will be achieved for shareholders. Outlook The UK economy outlook remains uncertain, but the Investment Manager remainscommitted to pursue its MBO strategy and we are encouraged by the healthy dealflow and the quality of opportunities being seen. We will continue to apply amore broad touch to our investments looking at both new businesses and atopportunities that may arise within the existing portfolio. The uncertainty in the small company sector necessitates that each investeecompany takes appropriate actions to respond to the challenges ahead. We aremaintaining our prudent and measured risk approach to making new investmentsand aim to ensure that the portfolio remains well capitalised. We are confidentwe can deliver good returns to investors over the medium to long term. Details of the Company's ten largest investments by value (excluding the threeacquisition companies), representing 50.1% by cost and 67.0% by value of theportfolio, are set out in the Annual report. INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO SUMMARY as at 30 April 2013 Date of first Total Book Valuation Additions Disposals Valuation Change in % of investment/ cost at 30 at 30 at cost at at 30 valuation net Sector April 2013 April 2012 valuation April 2013 for year assets by value £ £ £ £ £ £ Qualifyinginvestments AIM quotedinvestments Omega December 2010 214,998 259,789 - - 331,455 71,666 1.3%DiagnosticsGroup plc In vitro Pharmaceuticalsdiagnostics forfoodintolerance,auto-immunediseases andinfectiousdiseases Vphase plc March 2001 254,586 1,014 - - 507 (507) 0.0% Development of Electronic andenergy saving electricaldevices for equipmentdomestic use Sub-total AIM 469,584 260,803 - - 331,962 71,159 1.3%investments Unquotedinvestments ATG Media October 2008 1,631,830 1,865,911 863,923 - 3,334,643 604,809 13.0%HoldingsLimited1 Publisher and Mediaonline auctionplatformoperator Fullfield July 2011 1,624,769 1,062,194 624,769 - 1,920,275 233,312 7.5%Limited tradingas MotorcleanLimited2 Vehicle Supportcleaning and servicesvalet services Ingleby (1879) October 2008 1,000,000 1,000,000 - - 1,328,301 328,301 5.2%Limited tradingas EMaC Limited Service plans Supportfor the motor servicestrade Blaze Signs April 2006 644,930 1,422,619 - 979,639 1,143,484 700,504 4.5%HoldingsLimited Manufacturing Supportand servicesinstallation ofsigns Gro-Group March 2013 1,056,417 - 1,056,417 - 1,056,417 - 4.1%HoldingsLimited3 Baby sleep Generalproducts retailers Ackling January 2012 1,000,000 1,000,000 - - 1,000,000 - 3.9%ManagementLimited Food Food productionmanufacturing, & distributiondistributionand brandmanagement Culbone Trading April 2012 1,000,000 1,000,000 - - 1,000,000 - 3.9%Limited Outsourced Supportservices services Madacombe April 2012 1,000,000 1,000,000 - - 1,000,000 - 3.9%Trading Limited Engineering Supportservices services Newquay June 2006 1,000,000 1,005,644 - - 997,500 (8,144) 3.9%Helicopters(2013) Limited(previouslyBritishInternationalHoldingsLimited) Helicopter Supportservice servicesoperators Focus Pharma October 2007 517,827 578,529 - - 914,513 335,984 3.6%HoldingsLimited Licensor and Supportdistributer of servicesgenericpharmaceuticals Tessella July 2012 880,725 - 906,762 26,037 880,725 - 3.4%HoldingsLimited4 Provider of Supportscience powered servicestechnology andconsultingservices EOTH Limited October 2011 817,185 817,185 - - 842,294 25,109 3.3%trading asEquip OutdoorTechnologiesLimited Branded outdoor Generalequipment and retailersclothing Youngman Group October 2005 1,000,052 699,966 - - 699,966 - 2.7%Limited Manufacturer of Supportladders and servicesaccess towers Machineworks April 2006 25,727 550,340 - - 674,691 124,351 2.6%SoftwareLimited Software for Software andCAM and machine Computertool vendors Services RDL Corporation October 2010 1,000,000 921,169 - - 663,859 (257,310) 2.6%Limited Recruitment Supportconsultants for servicesthepharmaceutical, businessintelligenceand ITindustries ASL Technology December 2010 1,360,130 801,951 - - 611,725 (190,226) 2.4%HoldingsLimited Printer and Supportphotocopier servicesservices The Plastic April 2008 392,264 203,433 - - 353,544 150,111 1.4%SurgeonHoldingsLimited Snagging and Supportfinishing of servicesdomestic andcommercialproperties Racoon December 2006 878,527 254,441 - - 250,551 (3,890) 1.0%InternationalHoldingsLimited Supplier of Personal goodshairextensions,hair careproducts andtraining Vectair January 2006 60,293 154,045 - - 222,027 67,982 0.9%HoldingsLimited Design and sale Supportof washroom servicesproducts Lightworks April 2006 25,727 116,629 - - 146,059 29,430 0.6%SoftwareLimited Software for Software andCAD vendors Computer Services Monsal Holdings December 2007 847,614 76,897 - - 76,897 - 0.3%Limited Supplier of Engineeringengineeringservices to thewater and wastesectors PXP Holdings December 2006 1,220,579 - 57,143 - 57,143 - 0.2%Limited(PinewoodStructures) Design, Constructionmanufacture andsupply oftimber framesfor buildings December 2009 - 1,455,265 - 1,455,265 - - 0.0%HolidaysLimited Online ski and Retailcruise travelagent Almsworthy March 2012 - 1,000,000 - 375,231 - - 0.0%Trading Limited2 Specialist Supportconstruction, servicesbuildingsupportservices,buildingproducts andrelatedservices Peddars January 2012 - 1,000,000 - 136,077 - - 0.0%ManagementLimited1 Database Supportmanagement, servicesmapping, datamapping andmanagementservices tolegal andbuildingindustries Fosse January 2012 - 1,000,000 - - - - 0.0%ManagementLimited3 Brand Supportmanagement, servicesconsumerproducts andretail Sawrey Limited4 March 2011 - 1,000,000 - 93,238 - 0.0% Marketing Supportservices and servicesmedia Legion Group August 2005 150,000 - - - - - 0.0%plc Provision of Supportmanned Servicesguarding,mobilepatrolling, andalarm responseservices Sub-total 19,134,596 19,986,218 3,509,014 3,065,487 19,174,614 2,140,323 74.9%unquotedinvestments Total 19,604,180 20,247,021 3,509,014 3,065,487 19,506,576 2,211,482 76.2%5qualifyinginvestments Non-qualifyinginvestments Money market 3,727,300 2,099,906 - - 3,727,300 14.5%funds6 DiGiCo Global December 2011 1,250,204 1,334,291 - 84,087 1,587,065 336,861 6.1%Limited(formerlyNewincco1124Limited) Design and Technology,manufacture of hardware andaudio mixing equipmentdesks Newquay as above 327,647 320,000 167,647 - 487,647 - 1.9%Helicopters(2013) Limited(formerlyBritishInternationalHoldingsLimited) Cash 211,420 79,786 - - 211,420 0.8% Faversham House December 2010 111,335 216,647 - 112,964 111,335 7,652 0.4%HoldingsLimited Publisher, Mediaexhibitionorganiser andoperator ofwebsites fortheenvironmental,visualcommunicationsand buildingservicessectors Ingleby (1879) as above 95,723 95,723 - - 95,723 - 0.4%Limited tradingas EMaC Limited ATG Media as above 104 443 - - 647 204 0.0%HoldingsLimited1 Fullfield as above - 83,179 - 83,179 - - 0.0%Limited tradingas MotorcleanLimited Fuse 8 plc March 2004 250,000 - - - - - 0.0%(AwardInternationalHoldings plc) Promotional Supportgoods and Servicesservices agency Legion Group as above 106 - - - - - 0.0%plc Total 5,973,839 4,229,975 167,647 280,230 6,221,137 344,717 24.1%non-qualifyinginvestments Debtors 157,722 213,610 157,722 0.6% Creditors (190,059) (163,967) (190,059) (0.9)% Net assets 25,545,682 3,676,661 3,345,717 2,556,199 7 Net assets at 24,526,639 25,695,376 100.0%year-end 1£863,923 was further invested into ATG Media Holdings Limited. This financewas provided by the acquisition vehicle Peddars Management Limited and resultedin a net repayment to the Company of £136,077. 2£624,769 was further invested into Fullfield Limited (trading as Motorclean).This finance was provided by the acquisition vehicle Almsworthy Trading Limitedand resulted in a net repayment to the Company of £375,231. 3£1,000,000 of this investment into Gro-Group Limited was provided by FosseManagement Limited, one of the Company's acquisition vehicles. 4£906,762 of this investment into Tessella Holdings Limited was provided bySawrey Limited, one of the Company's acquisition vehicles and resulted in a netrepayment to the Company of £93,238. 5As at 30 April 2013, the Company held more than 70% of its total investmentsin qualifying holdings, and therefore complied with the VCT Investment test. 6Disclosed within current assets as current investments in the Balance Sheet. 7 Total investment additions figure of £3,676,661 differs to that shown in note9 of £281,207. This is due to recent investments in Fullfield Limited,Gro-Group Holdings Limited, Tessella Holdings Limited and ATG Media HoldingsLimited being funded via amounts already invested in acquisition vehiclesAlmsworthy Trading Limited, Fosse Management Limited, Sawrey Limited, andPeddars Management Limited respectively. PRINCIPAL RISKS, MANAGEMENT AND REGULATORY ENVIRONMENT The Board believes that the principal risks faced by the VCT are: Economic risk events such as an economic recession and movement in interestrates could affect trading conditions for smaller companies and consequentlythe value of the VCT's qualifying investments. Loss of approval as a Venture Capital Trust the VCT must comply with section274 of the Income Tax Act 2007 which allows it to be exempted from capitalgains tax on investment gains. Any breach of these rules may lead to the VCTlosing its approval as a VCT, qualifying shareholders who have not held theirshares for the designated holding period having to repay the income tax reliefthey obtained and future dividends paid by the VCT becoming subject to tax. TheVCT would also lose its exemption from corporation tax on capital gains. Fundsraised after 5 April 2012 and used by an investee company for the acquisitionof shares in another company are restricted from being qualifying for VCTpurposes. This may reduce the number of investment opportunities for suchfunds. Investment and strategic risk inappropriate strategy or consistently weak VCTqualifying investment recommendations might lead to under performance and poorreturns to Shareholders. Investment in unquoted small companies by its natureinvolves a higher degree of risk than investment in companies traded on theLondon Stock Exchange main market. Smaller companies often have limited productlines, markets or financial resources and may be dependent for their managementon a smaller number of key individuals. This may make them more risk-prone andvolatile investments. Regulatory risk the VCT is required to comply with the Companies Act 2006, therules of the UK Listing Authority and United Kingdom Accounting Standards.Breach of any of these might lead to suspension of the VCT's Stock Exchangelisting, financial penalties or a qualified audit report. In addition, rulesand regulations, or their interpretation, may change from time to time, whichmay limit the types of investments the Company can make and/or reduce the levelof returns which would otherwise be achievable. Financial and operating risk inadequate controls might lead to misappropriationof assets. Inappropriate accounting policies might lead to misreporting orbreaches of regulations. Failure of the Manager's and Administrator'saccounting systems or disruption to its business might lead to an inability toprovide accurate reporting and monitoring. Market risk movements in the valuations of the VCT's investments will, interalia, be connected to movements in UK Stock Market indices. They may also bemore susceptible to changes to political, exchange rate, taxation, economic andother regulatory changes and conditions. Asset liquidity risk the VCT's investments may be difficult to realiseespecially in the current economic climate. Market liquidity risk Shareholders may find it difficult to sell their sharesat a price which is close to the net asset value. Credit/counterparty risk a counterparty may fail to discharge an obligation orcommitment that it has entered into with the Company. For further information,please see the discussion on `credit risk' in Note 12 below. Fraud and dishonesty risk fraud may occur involving company assets perpetratedby a third party, the Investment Manager or other service provider. The Board seeks to mitigate the internal risks by setting policy and byundertaking a key risk management review at each quarterly Board meeting.Performance is regularly reviewed and assurances in respect of adequateinternal controls and key risks are sought and received from Mobeus on a sixmonthly basis. In the mitigation and management of these risks, the Boardapplies rigorously the principles detailed in the AIC Code of CorporateGovernance. The Board also has a share buyback policy to try to mitigate theMarket Liquidity risk. This policy is reviewed at each quarterly Board Meeting. Income Statement Year ended 30 April 2013 Year ended 30 April 2012for the year ended30 April 2013 Notes Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total £ £ £ £ £ £ Unrealised 9 - 2,556,199 2,556,199 - 949,129 949,129gains oninvestments Realised gains 9 - 34,319 34,319 - 230,239 230,239on investments Income 2 1,025,133 - 1,025,133 1,042,824 - 1,042,824 Investment 3 (151,992) (455,974) (607,966) (152,221) (456,662) (608,883)management fees Other expenses (322,286) - (322,286) (280,200) - (280,200) Profit on 550,855 2,134,544 2,685,399 610,403 722,706 1,333,109ordinaryactivitiesbefore taxation Taxation on 4 (88,954) 88,954 - (93,826) 93,826 -profit onordinaryactivities Profit on 461,901 2,223,498 2,685,399 516,577 816,532 1,333,109ordinaryactivitiesafter taxation Basic and 1.87p 9.00p 10.87p 2.03p 3.20p 5.23pdilutedearnings per Share: Ordinary shares 6 All the items in the above statement derive from continuing operations. There were no other gains or losses in the year. The total column of this statement is the profit and loss account of theCompany. Other than revaluation movements arising on investments held at fair valuethrough profit and loss, there were no differences between the profit as statedabove and historical cost. The notes below form part of these financial statements. Balance Sheet as at 30 April 2013 Company number: 3946235 As at As at Notes 30 April 2013 30 April 2012 £ £ Fixed assets Investments at fair value 9 21,788,993 22,297,304 Current assets Debtors and prepayments 7 157,722 213,610 Current Investments 8 3,727,300 2,099,906 Cash at bank 8 211,420 79,786 4,096,442 2,393,302 Creditors: amounts falling due (190,059) (163,967)within one year Net current assets 3,906,383 2,229,335 Net assets 25,695,376 24,526,639 Capital and reserves Called up share capital 10 240,707 248,475 Capital redemption reserve 10 65,940 58,172 Revaluation reserve 10 2,827,063 1,478,804 Special distributable reserve 10 13,176,946 14,350,803 Profit and loss account 10 9,384,720 8,390,385 Equity shareholders' funds 25,695,376 24,526,639 Net asset value per share - basicand diluted Ordinary Shares 6 106.75p 98.71p Nigel Melville Chairman 1 August 2013 The notes below form part of these financialstatements. Reconciliation of Movementsin Shareholders' Funds forthe year ended 30 April 2013 Year ended Year ended Notes 30 April 2013 30 April 2012 £ £ Opening shareholders' funds 24,526,639 24,863,968 Share capital bought back 10 (541,894) (668,744) Profit for the year 2,685,399 1,333,109 Dividends paid in year 5 (974,768) (1,001,694) Closing shareholders' funds 25,695,376 24,526,639 Cash Flow Statement for the year ended 30 April 2013 Year ended Year ended 30 April 2013 30 April 2012 Notes £ £ Interest income received 884,548 671,990 Dividend income 157,147 241,452 Other income 6,678 - Investment management fees paid (607,966) (608,883) Cash payments for other expenses (287,611) (280,803) Net cash inflow from operating 152,796 23,756activities Investing activities Purchase of investments 9 (281,207) (8,152,849) Disposals of investments 9 3,380,036 5,421,329 Net cash inflow/(outflow) from 3,098,829 (2,731,520)investing activities Dividends Equity dividends paid 5 (974,768) (1,001,694) Cash inflow/(outflow) before financing 2,276,857 (3,709,458)and liquid resource management Financing Purchase of own shares (517,829) (725,638) Net cash outflow from financing (517,829) (725,638) Management of liquid resources (Increase)/decrease in monies held in (1,627,394) 4,438,591current investments Increase in cash for the year 131,634 3,495 Notes to the Accounts for the year ended 30 April 2013 1.Basis of accounting The accounts have been prepared under UK Generally Accepted Accounting Practice(UK GAAP) and the Statement of Recommended Practice, `Financial Statements ofInvestment Trust Companies and Venture Capital Trusts' ("the SORP") issued bythe Association of Investment Companies in January 2009. The financialstatements are prepared under the historical cost convention except for themeasurement of certain financial instruments at fair value. 2.Income 2013 2012 £ £ Income from bank deposits 991 764 Income from investments - from equities 135,481 216,406 - from overseas based OEICs 12,066 22,552 - from UK based OEICs 4,618 13,142 - from loan stock 865,768 789,960 1,017,933 1,042,060 Other income 6,209 - Total income 1,025,133 1,042,824 Total income comprises Dividends 152,165 252,100 Interest 866,759 790,724 Other 6,209 - 1,025,133 1,042,824 Income from investments comprises Listed overseas securities 12,066 22,552 Unlisted UK securities 140,099 229,548 Loan stock interest 865,768 789,960 1,017,933 1,042,060 Total loan stock interest due but not recognised in the year was £405,722(2012: £232,301). 3.Investment Manager's fees Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total 2013 2013 2013 2012 2012 2012 £ £ £ £ £ £ Mobeus Equity 151,992 455,974 607,966 152,221 456,662 608,883Partners LLP Under the terms of a revised investment management agreement dated 10 September2010, Mobeus Equity Partners LLP ("Mobeus") (formerly called Matrix PrivateEquity Partners LLP ("MPEP") up to 29 June 2012) provides investment advisory,administrative and company secretarial services to the Company, for a fee of 2%per annum calculated on a quarterly basis by reference to the net assets at theend of the preceding quarter, plus a fee of £113,589 per annum, the latterbeing subject to changes in the retail prices index each year. This agreementreplaced the previous agreements with MPEP dated 10 May 2000 and 20 September2005, and the accounting services agreement and the secretarial servicesagreement with Matrix-Securities Limited both dated 20 September 2005, all ofwhich were terminated on 10 September 2010. In accordance with the policystatement published under "Management and Administration" in the Company'sprospectus dated 10 May 2000, the Directors have charged 75% of the investmentmanagement expenses to the capital account. This is in line with the Board'sexpectation of the long-term split of returns from the investment portfolio ofthe Company. For the year ended 30 April 2013, the expense cap hasn't beenbreached (2012: £nil). The following performance incentive fee arrangements continue to be in place,and operated as detailed below: C share fund • the performance incentive fee payable will be calculated as an amount equivalent to 20 per cent of the excess of annual dividends paid to the holders of New Ordinary Shares but then reduced to the proportion which the C Shares aggregate merger net asset value represents of the entire merger net asset value of the Company; and • the dividend shortfall per former C Share at 30 April 2013 is 22.93p (£ 3,593,163 in aggregate, being 65.1% of the total shortfall at the year-end (where 65.1% was the proportion of C shares to the total number of shares in issue at the date of the Share Merger) and taking into account the target rate of dividends and the dividends paid to shareholders). The 6p annual dividend hurdle (as adjusted for RPI) and the £1 NAV maintenanceprovisions will continue to apply in respect of shares in issue and fundsraised at the date of the Share Merger. Ordinary share fund During the year, the rights to any performance fee from the original Ordinaryshare fund lapsed. This is because the hurdle of 80p of cumulative dividendspaid on each former Ordinary Share had to be fulfilled by 22 December 2012,which has not occurred. 4.Taxation on ordinary activities 2013 2013 2013 2012 2012 2012 Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total £ £ £ £ £ £ a) Analysis of taxcharge: UK Corporation tax on (88,954) 88,954 - (93,826) 93,826 -profits for the year Total current tax (88,954) 88,954 - (93,826) 93,826 -charge Corporation tax isbased on a rate of20% (2012: 20%) b) Profit on ordinary 550,855 2,134,544 2,685,399 610,403 722,706 1,333,109activities before tax Profit on ordinary 110,171 426,909 537,080 122,081 144,541 266,622activities multipliedby small company rateof corporation tax inthe UK of 20% (2012:20%) Effect of: UK dividends (27,097) - (27,097) (43,282) - (43,282) Unrealised gains not - (511,240) (511,240) - (189,826) (189,826)allowable Realised gains not - (6,864) (6,864) - (46,048) (46,048)taxable Marginal rate relief 5,880 (5,880) - 15,027 (15,027) - Unrelieved - 8,121 8,121 - 12,534 12,534expenditure Actual current tax 88,954 (88,954) - 93,826 (93,826) -charge Tax relief relating to investment management fees is allocated between revenueand capital where such relief can be utilised. No asset or liability has been recognised for deferred tax in relation tocapital gains or losses on revaluing investments as the Company is exempt fromcorporation tax in relation to capital gains or losses as a result ofqualifying as a Venture Capital Trust. There is no potential liability to deferred tax (2012: nil). There is anunrecognised deferred tax asset of £362,594 (2012: £307,179). This unrecogniseddeferred tax asset relates to taxable losses arising from expenses exceedingtaxable income. In the directors' opinion, these are unlikely to be recoveredfor the foreseeable future and therefore have not been recognised. 5.Dividends paid and payable 2013 2012 £ £ Amounts recognised as distributions to equity holders in theyear: Ordinary shares Interim income dividend paid for the year ended 30 April 303,182 500,8472013 of 1.25p (2012: 2p) per share Interim capital dividend paid for the year ended 30 April 671,586 500,8472013 of 2.75p (2012: 2p) per share Total paid 974,768 1,001,694 Any proposed final dividend is subject to approval by Shareholders at theAnnual General Meeting and has not been included as a liability in thesefinancial statements. Set out below are the total income dividends payable in respect of thefinancial year, which is the basis on which the requirements of section 274 ofthe Income Tax Act 2007 are considered. 2013 2012 £ £ Ordinary shares Revenue available for distribution by way of dividends 461,901 516,577for the year Interim income dividend for the year ended 30 April 2013 303,182 500,847paid of 1.25p (2012: 2p) per share Second interim income dividend for the year ended 30 24,071 -April 2013 of 0.1p (2012: nil p) per share 6.Basic and diluted earnings and return per share 2013 2012 £ £ Total earnings after taxation: 2,685,399 1,333,109 Basic and diluted earnings per share (note a) 10.87p 5.23p Net revenue from ordinary activities after 461,901 516,577taxation Basic and diluted revenue earnings per share 1.87p 2.03p(note b) Net realised capital gains 34,319 230,239 Net unrealised capital gains 2,556,199 949,129 Capital expenses (net of taxation) (367,020) (362,836) Total capital return 2,223,498 816,532 Basic and diluted capital earnings per share 9.00p 3.20p(note c) Weighted average number of shares in issue in 24,697,137 25,484,692the year Notes: a.Basic earnings per share is total earnings after taxation divided by theweighted average number of shares in issue. b.Revenue earnings per share is the revenue return after taxation divided bythe weighted average number of shares in issue. c.Capital earnings per share is the total capital return after taxation dividedby the weighted average number of shares in issue. d.There are no instruments that will increase the number of shares in issue infuture. Accordingly, the above figures currently represent both basic anddiluted returns. 7.Debtors 2013 2012 £ £ Amounts due within one year: Accrued income 152,748 200,946 Prepayments 4,974 12,664 157,722 213,610 8.Current asset investments Current asset investments total £3,727,300 (2012: £2,099,906) and compriseinvestments in four OEIC money market funds (three Dublin based and one Londonbased). The share of each OEIC represented by these holdings is less than 1% inall cases. All of this sum is subject to same day access. These sums areregarded as monies held pending investment and are treated as liquid resourcesin the Cash Flow Statement and in note 18 contained in the Annual Report &Accounts. 9.Investments at fair value Movements in investments during the year are summarised as follows: Traded on Unquoted Unquoted Loan Stock Total AIM equity preference shares shares £ £ £ £ £ Cost at 30 April 2012 469,584 7,015,231 43,413 15,797,142 23,325,370 Permanent impairment at (250,000) (150,106) - (774,864) (1,174,970)30 April 2012 Unrealised gains/ 41,219 618,637 (17,565) (495,387) 146,904(losses) at 30 April2012 Valuation at 30 April 260,803 7,483,762 25,848 14,526,891 22,297,3042012 Purchases at cost - 57,143 - 224,064 281,207 Sale proceeds - (1,729,512) (2,326) (1,687,063) (3,418,901) Reclassified* - (1,060,980) 476 1,060,504 - Realised gains - 47,258 - 25,926 73,184 Unrealised gains/ 71,159 2,102,333 (1,000) 383,707 2,556,199(losses) Closing valuation at 30 331,962 6,900,004 22,998 14,534,029 21,788,993April 2013 Cost at 30 April 2013 469,584 6,365,282 39,734 14,764,699 21,639,299 Permanent impairment at (254,586) (400,106) - (774,864) (1,429,556)30 April 2013 Unrealised gains/ 116,964 934,828 (16,736) 544,194 1,579,250(losses) at 30 April2013 Valuation at 30 April 331,962 6,900,004 22,998 14,534,029 21,788,9932013 8 The equity of acquisition vehicles was exchanged for equity and loan stockissued by the eventual acquirer of the target business. A breakdown of the increases and the decreases in unrealised valuations of theportfolio is shown in the Investment Portfolio Summary above. Reconciliation of investment transactions to cash and income statementmovements The difference between sales proceeds above of £3,418,901 and disposals ofinvestments shown by the Cash Flow Statement of £3,380,036, is transactioncosts of £38,865. These transaction costs also account for the differencebetween realised gains above of £73,184 and that shown in the Income Statementof £34,319. Unrealised gains/(losses) at 30 April 2013 of £1,579,250 differ to that shownin the Revaluation Reserve of £2,827,063. The difference of £1,247,813 is loanstock received (net of a £84,087 repayment made during the year) as part of thedisposal of DiGiCo Europe Limited in December 2011 which was not recognised asa realised gain in that year. 10.Movement in share capital and reserves Called Capital Revaluation Special Profit Total up Share redemption reserve distributable and loss capital reserve reserve * account* £ £ £ £ £ £ At 30 April 248,475 58,172 1,478,804 14,350,803 8,390,385 24,526,6392012 Share (7,768) 7,768 - (541,894) - (541,894)buybacks Transfer of - - - (631,963) 631,963 -realisedlosses toSpecialdistributablereserve(note) Realised gain - - - - 34,319 34,319oninvestments Realisation - - (1,207,940) - 1,207,940 -of previouslyunrealisedgain Dividends - - - - (974,768) (974,768)paid Profit for - - 2,556,199 - 94,881 2,651,080the year As at 30 240,707 65,940 2,827,063 13,176,946 9,384,720 25,695,376April 2013 \* These reserves less net unrealised losses on Level 1 investments per note 9total £22,424,044 (2012: £22,532,407) and are regarded as distributablereserves for the purpose of assessing the Company's ability to pay dividends toshareholders. The Company's revaluation reserve represents the capital reserve (unrealised)upon investments held at the year end. The cancellation of the formerly named C Share Fund's share premium account (asapproved at the Extraordinary General meeting held on 10 September 2008 and bythe order of the Court dated 28 October 2009), together with the previouscancellation of the share premium account attributable to the former OrdinaryShare Fund and C Shares, has provided the Company with a special distributablereserve. The purpose of this reserve is to fund market purchases of theCompany's own shares as and when it is considered by the Board to be in theinterests of the Shareholders, and to write-off existing and future losses asthe Company must take into account capital losses in determining distributablereserves. The total transfer of £631,963 to the special distributable reservefrom the profit and loss account is the total of realised losses incurred bythe Company in the year. 11.Basic and diluted net asset value per share Net asset value per Ordinary Share is based on net assets at the end of theyear, and on 24,070,716 (2012: 24,847,465) Ordinary Shares, being the number ofOrdinary Shares in issue on that date. 12.Management of capital The Company's objectives when managing capital are to safeguard the Company'sability to continue as a going concern, so that it can continue to providereturns for shareholders and to provide an adequate return to shareholders byallocating its capital to assets commensurate with the level of risk. By its nature, the Company has an amount of capital, at least 70% (as measuredunder the tax legislation) of which is and must be, and remain, invested in therelatively high risk asset class of small UK companies within three years ofthat capital being subscribed. The Company accordingly has limited scope tomanage its capital structure in the light of changes in economic conditions andthe risk characteristics of the underlying assets. Subject to this overallconstraint upon changing the capital structure, the group may adjust the amountof dividends paid to shareholders, return capital to shareholders, issue newshares, or sell assets if so required to maintain a level of liquidity toremain a going concern. Although, as the Investment Policy implies, the Board would consider levels ofgearing, there are no current plans to do so. It regards the net assets of theCompany as the Company's capital, as the level of liabilities are small and themanagement of them is not directly related to managing the return toshareholders. There has been no change in this approach from the previous year. 13.Post balance sheet events On 30 May 2013, Newquay Helicopters (2013) Limited (formerly BritishInternational Holdings Limited ) repaid the principal, premiums and loaninterest arrears of its first two loan stocks for total cash proceeds of £1,671,825. The capital proceeds of £1,248,800 within this sum compares to arelated investment cost of £934,000. On 26 July 2013, £967,781 was invested in Veritek Global Limited, using theacquisition vehicle Madacombe Trading Limited. 14. Statutory information The financial information set out in these statements does not constitute theCompany's statutory accounts for the year ended 30 April 2013 in terms ofsection 434 of the Companies Act 2006 but is derived from those accounts.Statutory accounts for the year ended 30 April 2013 will be delivered toCompanies House following the Company's Annual General Meeting. The auditorshave reported on those accounts: their report was unqualified and did notcontain a statement under Section 498 of the Companies Act 2006. 15. Annual Report The Annual Report for the year ended 30 April 2013 will shortly be madeavailable on the Company's website: and Shareholders will benotified of this by email or post or sent a hard copy in the post in accordance with their instructions. Copieswill be available thereafter to members of the public from the Company'sregistered office. 16. Annual General Meeting The Annual General Meeting of the Company will be held at 12.00 noon on 20September 2013 at the offices of SGH Martineau LLP, One America Square,Crosswall, London EC3N 2SG. Contact details for further enquiries:Robert Brittain of Mobeus Equity Partners LLP (the CompanySecretary) on 020 7024 7600 or by e-mail to [email protected] Wignall or Mike Walker at Mobeus Equity Partners LLP (theInvestment Manager) on 020 7024 7600 or by e-mail to [email protected]. DISCLAIMERNeither the contents of the Company's website nor the contents of any websiteaccessible from hyperlinks on the Company's website (or any other website) isincorporated into, or forms part of, this announcement.

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