11th Jul 2023 13:16
Sirius Real Estate Ltd - London and Johannesburg-listed property investor - Says 22.5% of shareholders oppose a resolution to authorise directors generally and unconditionally to allot equity securities. Says all resolutions were duly passed at the annual general meeting held on Monday. Sirius invites dissenting shareholders to engage with it. Says it has been engaging with shareholders regarding resolution 16 in the lead up to the AGM and has a good understanding of the concerns of some of its major shareholders. "It is, however, the intention to extend the consultation process and report to shareholders in line with the requirements of the [UK Corporate Governance Code 2018]," the group says.
Current stock price in London: 84.80 pence, up 1.5% on Tuesday
12-month change: down 7.0%
Current stock price in Johannesburg: ZAR20.40, up 1.5%
12-month change: down 9.0%
By Artwell Dlamini, Alliance News reporter
Comments and questions to [email protected]
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