3rd May 2022 13:38
Puma VCTs - venture capital trusts - Puma Alpha VCT PLC, Puma VCT 12 and Puma VCT 13 PLC note that Tictrac Ltd has been acquired by Canadian telemedicine firm Dialogue Health Technologies Inc. Trictac offers a health app for insurance companies and corporate clients to provide to their user bases. The VCTs sold their respective stakes in Tictrac, saying the cash received was similar to the value at which the stakes were held on their balance sheets. All three VCTs had invested in Trictrac in 2020. Puma Alpha VCT had invested GBP600,000, while VCT 12 invested GBP2.1 million and VCT 13 GBP1.9 million. The exit provided each a 1.93-times return on investment for a internal rate of return of 37%. Read More