13th Apr 2005 16:42
Pfizer Invites Public to Listen to Webcast of April 19 Conference Call With Analysts NEW YORK, April 13 -- Pfizer Inc invites investors and the general public to listen to a webcast of a conference call with investment analysts at 1:00 p.m. EDST on Tuesday, April 19, 2005. The purpose of the call is to provide an update on Pfizer's quarterly results and on its expectations for financial performance in 2005-07, as reflected in the company's First Quarter 2005 Performance Report, to be issued that morning. To access the webcast, visit our web site homepage at http://www.pfizer.com and click on the "Quarterly Corporate Performance - First Quarter 2005 Webcast" link. The Performance Report will be available to you by going to http://www.pfizer.com/8k , and then clicking on the "8-K" filing dated April 19, 2005. Information on accessing and pre-registering for the webcast will be available at http://www.pfizer.com beginning April 14, 2005. Visitors to http://www.pfizer.com will be able to listen to an archived copy of the webcast of the conference call through 12 Noon, Wednesday, April 26. SOURCE Pfizer Inc 04/13/2005 /CONTACT: Paul Fitzhenry of Pfizer Inc, +1-212-733-4637/ /Company News On-Call: Pfizer's press releases are available through PR Newswire's Company News On-Call service on PRN's Web Site. Visit http://www.prnewswire.com/comp/688250.html/ /Photo: A free corporate logo to accompany this story is available immediately via Wieck Photo Database to any media with telephoto receiver or electronic darkroom, PC or Macintosh, that can accept overhead transmissions. To retrieve a logo, please call 972-392-0888./ /Company News On-Call: http://www.prnewswire.com/comp/688250.html / /Web site: http://www.pfizer.com / (PFE) ENDPFIZER INCRelated Shares: