9th Jul 2007 16:00
TyraTech, Inc.09 July 2007 Press Release 9 July 2007 TyraTech Inc. ("TyraTech" or "the Company") Appointment of VP, Global Markets TyraTech (AIM:TYR), the pioneer of safer, effective and natural pesticideproducts, announced today the appointment of Stephen P. Briggs as Vice PresidentGlobal Markets with immediate effect. In this senior management role, Mr Briggswill lead the sales and marketing organisation and the strategic development ofmarkets for TyraTech's new class of highly effective, non-toxic, insecticidesand anti-parasitics. Mr Briggs brings to TyraTech 26 years' experience working in agricultural cropprotection and speciality pesticide market products. He has a proven trackrecord of increasing company sales and profitability in his previous positionsat American Cyanamid Co., Micro Flo Company and most recently, BASF Corp. Prior to joining the Company he was Director of the Specialty ProductsDepartment, which markets products and services into the Pest Control market,the Vegetation Control market and the Turf and Ornamental marketplace at BASFCorp, one of the world's leading chemical pesticide companies, leading therestructuring of the North American business and substantially increasing itsrevenue. As the past Chairman of the Responsible Industry for a Sound Environment Board("RISE"), Mr Briggs is widely recognised within the pesticide industry sector.RISE is a US not-for-profit trade association representing producers andsuppliers of specialty pesticides and fertilizers, which serves as a resourceand advocate for member companies, providing current and accurate information onissues and research affecting the industry. The association also monitorslegislative and regulatory issues in the United States. Douglas Armstrong PhD, Chief Executive Officer of TyraTech, said: "Steve Briggsis a very important addition to our senior management team. His wealth ofknowledge and expertise in the global commercial exploitation of insecticide andagricultural products combined with considerable and widely respected leadershipand management skills will strengthen our Company." - Ends - For further information:TyraTech Inc.Douglas Armstrong PhD, Chief Executive Officer Tel: +1 (321) 409 7403 www.tyratech.com Nomura Code SecuritiesCharles Walker Tel: +44 (0) 20 7776 1200 www.nomuracode.com Media enquiries:AbchurchHeather Salmond Tel: +44 (0) 20 7398 [email protected] Gareth [email protected] Stephanie [email protected] www.abchurch-group.com About TyraTech, Inc. www.tyratech.com TyraTech is pioneering a new class of highly effective, non-toxic, pesticidesand anti-parasitic compounds to address global agriculture, horticulture,functional foods, healthcare and veterinary markets. Using a revolutionarychemoreceptor screening process, TyraTech has identified proprietary blends ofnatural oils that stimulate the reactions and biological behaviour of insectsand parasites so that they can be effectively repelled or killed. TyraTech'stechnology prevents the development of resistance and avoids the environmentalconcerns and human health risks of chemical solutions whilst still being atleast, if not more, effective. The Company's products have been validated through strong partnerships withmultinational conglomerates operating within a growing US$23 billion worldwidemarket that is being increasingly driven by environmental legislation andend-user demand. TyraTech continues to develop new product applications based on safe, naturalingredients with a broad range of partners around the world. "Some of the information contained in this press release containsforward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are based on our currentexpectations and assumptions regarding our business, the economy and otherfuture conditions. Because forward-looking statements relate to the future,they are, by their nature, subject to inherent uncertainties, risks and changesin circumstances that are difficult to predict. We caution you not to rely onany such statements as statements of historical fact or as guarantees orassurances of future performance. We undertake no obligation to publicly updateor revise and forward-looking statements." This press release does not constitute or form part of any offer or invitationto sell or issue, or any solicitation of any offer to purchase or subscribe for,any Common Shares of the Company or any other securities, nor shall it (or anypart of it), or the fact of its distribution, form the basis of, or be relied onin connection with, any contract therefore. This document is not a prospectusand no person should subscribe for or purchase any shares referred to in thisdocument except on the basis of the information in the Prospectus. The Common Shares have not been registered under the Securities Act of 1933, asamended, or any state securities laws and may be offered and sold only intransactions exempt from, or not subject to, the registration requirements ofsuch Act. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock ExchangeRelated Shares: