28th May 2020 15:17
London, 28 May 2020
Update on AGM
Georgia Capital PLC confirms that, further to our announcement on 23 April 2020 and having taken into account the situation with the COVID-19 pandemic, the UK Government's lockdown measures, and the health and safety of shareholders and employees, the Annual General Meeting ("AGM") on 4 June 2020 will be held as a closed meeting. There will be a requisite number of people present in order to establish a quorum of two members present in person or by proxy. The date, time and location and business to be conducted remain as set out in the Notice of AGM 2020 which is available at https://georgiacapital.ge/ir/shareholder-meetings.
Shareholders and their proxies will not be able to attend in person, instead shareholders are encouraged to vote by proxy and provide voting instructions in advance of the AGM, in accordance with the instructions explained in the Notice of AGM. In addition, if a shareholder has a question they would have raised at the AGM, that question can be submitted by email in advance of the AGM to [email protected].
As announced on 20 May 2020, a draft of the buyback contract referred to in resolution 17 of the Company's AGM Notice is available on the Company's website at https://georgiacapital.ge. Shareholders may also request a hard copy of the buyback contract by contacting [email protected].
The Board would like to take this opportunity to thank shareholders for their support and understanding, and to wish them well in these difficult times.
Name of authorised official of issuer responsible for making notification: Nino Rekhviashvili, Head of Investor Relations
About Georgia Capital PLC
Georgia Capital is a platform for buying, building and developing businesses in Georgia with holdings in sectors that are expected to benefit from the continued growth and further diversification of the Georgian economy. The Group seeks to capture growth in the sectors in which it currently operates and drive the development of new high-growth businesses in Georgia, which it intends to add either by acquiring businesses in their early development stage or by establishing greenfield businesses, often consolidating fragmented or underdeveloped markets. The Group currently has nine private businesses: (i) a water utility business (GGU); (ii) a renewable energy business (hydro and wind assets held through GRPC, Hydrolea and Qartli wind farm); (iii) a housing development business (m2, renamed as Georgia Real Estate); (iv) a hospitality and commercial real estate business (m2, renamed as Georgia Real Estate); (v) a property and casualty insurance business (Aldagi); (vi) a beverages business (Georgia Beverages); (vii) an education business (three partners: BGA, Buckswood and Green school); (viii) an auto service business (Greenway and Amboli) and (ix) a digital services business (Redberry). Georgia Capital also has two public company holdings (London Stock Exchange premium-listed Georgian companies): (i) Georgia Healthcare Group PLC ("GHG"), (70.6% equity stake), a UK incorporated holding company of the largest healthcare services provider in Georgia, which is also the largest pharmaceuticals retailer and wholesaler in the country; and (ii) Bank of Georgia Group PLC ("BoG"), (19.9% equity stake), a leading universal bank in Georgia.
JSC Georgia Capital has, as of the date hereof, the following credit ratings: | |
S&P Global | 'B'/FC & 'B'/LC |
Moody's | B2/CFR & B2/PDR |
For further information, please visit www.georgiacapital.ge or contact:
Irakli Gilauri | Giorgi Alpaidze | Nino Rekhviashvili |
Chairman and Chief Executive | Chief Financial Officer | Head of Investor Relations |
+995 322 005 000 | + 995 322 005 045 | |
This news report is presented for general informational purposes only and should not be construed as an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any securities
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