19th Oct 2006 07:00
Frontier Mining Ltd18 October 2006 19 October 2006 AIM: FML Frontier Mining Ltd. ("the Company" or "Frontier") Trench and Diamond Drill Results from Beschoku Gold / Copper Prospect, Kazakhstan Frontier is pleased to report encouraging results from the second stage drillingand trenching programme that has been completed at the Beschoku Gold-CopperProspect in Kazakhstan. The programme was designed to test the down dip and strike extension potentialof the mineralised breccia pipe which was intercepted in four diamond holesdrilled in 2005. The 2006 exploration programme comprised of 15 angled diamondholes totalling 1,743 metres and the excavation of an 85 metre long trench.Assay results have been received from all trench and diamond drill holes. Theseare detailed in Table 1 below. The trench was excavated to the strike of mineralisation and was designed toprovide geological and geochemical information on the near surface expression ofthe breccia body. Samples were collected at either one or two metre intervalsin bedrock. The trench intercepted 28 metres at 4.87 g/t gold ("Au") and 0.66%("Cu") across a zone of oxidised breccia. Diamond drill hole BCH-43 was a 20 metre step-forward of the 2005 hole BCH-24and intercepted 12 metres at 4.57 g/t Au and 0.90 % Cu. Hole BCH-44 was a 25metre step-back of hole BCH-24 and intercepted 24 metres at 1.83 g/t Au and 0.43% Cu. Mineralisation is open at depth in the line of this section. Hole BCH-45 was a 20 metre step-forward of the 2005 hole BCH-22 and intercepted26.0 metres at 4.25 g/t Au from a downhole depth of 2 metres. Hole BCH-46 was a35 metre step-back of hole BCH-22 and intercepted 4.0 metres at 3.0 g/t Au and0.71% Cu and 10 metres at 0.26 g/t Au and 0.18% Cu from a downhole depth of 84metres. Hole BCH-42 tested the strike extension 50 metres to the northwest of thepreviously defined margin of the breccia pipe and intercepted 32 metres at 0.4 g/t Au and 0.60% Cu from a downhole depth of 68 metres. Two styles of mineralisation have been identified within the drill core: apyrite-chalcopyrite mineralised hydrothermally-fractured intrusive breccia withstrong potassic and sericitic alteration; and skarn-type mineralisationcomprising clinopyroxene and magnetite alteration with overprintingchalcopyrite. Both styles of mineralisation represent robust explorationtargets and their recognition has helped focus ongoing exploration and targetgeneration. Mineralisation at Beschoku is related to a regional-scale fracture system whichhas the potential to host other mineralised breccias. Frontier Mining Ltd notesthat large areas of the fracture system are covered by a thin veneer ofunconsolidated quaternary sediment which effectively masks the bedrock geology.The association of gold-copper mineralisation with pyrite and magnetite suggeststhat Induced Polarisation and Field Magnetic studies will be effective in targetidentification. Detailed geophysics acquired in 2006 are presently beingre-interpreted in order to design a high resolution geophysical programme totarget strike extensions of the Beschoku Breccia Pipe and the regional fracturesystem which hosts mineralisation. Ongoing exploratory programmes are plannedfor early 2007. Brian Savage, CEO, commented, "We are pleased with the results from our 2006exploration programme. The results from the trenching confirm that high gradebreccia-hosted mineralisation extends to surface over mineable widths. Themineralisation intercepted in hole BCH-42 almost doubles the strike extension ofknown mineralisation and confirms that this also extends to the northwest of themain breccia pipe. The 2006 step-back holes both intercepted brecciamineralisation and indicated that it is still open at depth. The exploration hasprovided us with some key areas of interest and we will now undertake a moretargeted approach to further delineate the value of this prospect.". Enquiries: Frontier Mining Ltd Brian Savage:- +44 (0) 20 7849 6530Parkgreen Communications Cathy Malins / Annabel Leather:- +44 (0) 020 7493 3713 About Frontier Mining Ltd: Frontier Mining Ltd. is a mineral exploration and development company that wasincorporated in the state of Delaware, USA, on August 5, 1998 for the purpose ofexploring and developing gold and copper deposits in the Republic of Kazakhstan.Through its subsidiaries and affiliates, Frontier locates, evaluates,acquires, explores and develops mineral properties. Frontier has two licenses owned by its wholly owned subsidiaries in Kazakhstan.They are the Naimanjal exploration and mining licence, held by FML Kazakhstan,and the Baltemir exploration licence, held by Baltemir LLP. Frontier has oneproducing gold mine, Naimanjal; one pre-feasibility stage gold project,Koskuduk; and one exploration stage gold prospect, Baltemir. Frontier also has one potential copper porphyry deposit with associated gold andmolybdenum, Baitimir; and several copper/gold prospects along a 25-km trendincluding both VMS and porphyry types. Metallurgical tests on its Beschoku andYubileiny copper projects confirm the oxide copper ore is amenable to extractionusing low cost SX-EW technology. Frontier shares are traded on the AIM market of the London Stock Exchange.Frontier has 132,648,563 ordinary shares issued and 6,197,091 outstandingoptions and warrants, giving 138,845,654 fully diluted ordinary shares. Further company information may be accessed at the Frontier Mining Ltd. websiteat: www.frontiermining.com Qualified Persons and QA/QC: Frontier employs a robust QA/QC protocol which was designed by SRK ExplorationServices. The quality control programme is independent of the assaylaboratories internal QA/QC and involves the insertion of certified referencestandards, quality control blanks and staged duplicates into each batch ofsamples. SRK Exploration Services have reviewed the assay results for thecertified reference standards, quality control blanks and staged duplicatesinserted during the 2006 exploration programme and confirm that samplepreparation and assaying has been of a high standard. Diamond drill core is cut into equal halves using a diamond drill saw at theCompanies core handling facility in Kurchatov. Samples are crushed andpulverized by Geochem Exploration LLP in Almaty and are assayed by Alex StewartAssayers at Kara Balta in Kyrgyzstan. Alex Stewart Assayers Kara Balta operateand ISO accredited laboratory, participate in the biannual Geostats Pty Ltdround robin surveys of laboratory quality and are an international subsidiary ofthe Alex Stewart Group. SRK Exploration Services conducted an unannounced audit of Alex StewartsAssayers laboratory at Kara Balta prior to the commencement of the Companies2006 field programme. Alex Stewart Assayers performed very well during thisaudit and demonstrated appropriate accuracy, precision and overall QA/QC. Table 1: Significant diamond drill core intercepts. Holes BCH-22 to BCH-25 weredrilled in 2005. Holes BCH-42 to BCH-49 were drilled in 2006. All holes areangled holes and reported intervals are drill hole lengths. Drill Hole From To Interval Au(g/t) Cu (%) (m) (m) (m) BCH-22 24.1 43.4 19.3 4.30 1.68 50.8 68.1 17.3 12.70 0.65 Inc 55.0 63.1 8.6 24.69 0.65BCH-23 33.5 39.9 6.4 2.58 0.45 52.4 56.2 13.8 14.46 0.49BCH-24 38.7 49.0 10.3 0.79 0.87 58.1 69.5 13.9 5.32 0.64BCH-25 34.5 50.0 15.5 1.95 0.87BCH-42 68.0 100.0 32.0 0.43 0.57BCH-43 20.0 32.0 12.0 4.57 0.90BCH-44 84.0 108.0 24.0 1.83 0.43BCH-45 2.0 28.0 26.0 4.25 0.46BCH-46 84.0 88.0 4.0 3.01 0.71 96.0 106.0 10.0 0.27 0.18BCH-48 8.0 14.0 6.0 8.53 1.78 18.0 42.0 24.0 5.78 0.39BCH-49 72.0 86.0 14.0 0.76 0.73 This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock ExchangeRelated Shares: