13th Aug 2009 12:37
ETFS Commodity Securities Limited
12 August 2009
UBS replaces AIG-FP for Commodity Securities
Further to the announcements made by ETF Securities Limited on 1 July 2009 and by ETFS Commodity Securities Limited ("CSL") on 5 August 2009 in relation to the securities ("Commodity Securities") issued by CSL, CSL is pleased to announce that as expected the Effective Date for the purposes of the agreements between CSL, AIG Financial Products Corp. ("AIG-FP"), UBS AG London branch ("UBS") and The Law Debenture Trust Corporation p.l.c. was today, 12 August 2009, and completion of the novations of commodity contracts referred to in such agreements has occurred.
Supplementary prospectuses dated 11 August 2009 giving information on UBS and the new agreements entered into between CSL and UBS have been published and are available at http://www.etfsecurities.com/csl. For the purposes of such supplementary prospectuses CSL confirms that the Effective Time (as defined therein) has occurred.
12 August 2009
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