2nd Jul 2010 13:22
Cyril Sweett Group plc (the "Company" or "Cyril Sweett")
2 July 2010
Transfer of Cyril Sweett SIP Shares
The Company announces that on 1 July 2010, the trusteeship of the Cyril Sweett Share Incentive Plan (SIP) reverted to Cyril Sweett Trustee Company Limited from Capita IRG Trustees Ltd.
To allow the change of trusteeship to take effect, on 1 July 2010, Capita IRG Trustees Limited transferred its entire holding of 10,051,080 ordinary shares of 10 pence each in the Company representing 17.2% of the issued share capital, to Cyril Sweett Trustee Company Limited for nil consideration.
Following this transfer, Cyril Sweett Trustee Company Limited holds 10,051,080 Ordinary Shares in the Company on behalf of the Cyril Sweett Share Incentive Plan (SIP), representing 17.2% of the issued share capital.
There is no change in beneficial ownership of the shares arising from this transfer.
For further information, call:
Cyril Sweett Group plc 0207 061 9053
Francesca Wilson, Company Secretary
Brewin Dolphin 0845 213 4730
Andrew Kitchingman
Sean Wyndham-Quin
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