11th Jul 2007 07:30
Eurotunnel PLC/Eurotunnel S.A.11 July 2007 11 July 2007 Immediate release Eurotunnel: Revenue and traffic figures for first half of 2007 • Shuttle revenues up by 8% and total revenue up by 7% to £252m compared to first half of 2006 (on comparable pro forma basis) • Strong traffic growth: trucks (+9%), cars (+8%), Eurostar (+5%) Eurotunnel notes with satisfaction a net increase in its revenues and maintraffic during the first half of 2007 compared to the same period in theprevious year (on a comparable basis), thereby reinforcing its position asleader in the cross-Channel market. During the period under review, Eurotunnel revenues were £252 million, anincrease of 7% without the minimum usage payments which came to an end inNovember 2006. The number of trucks (+9%) and cars (+8%) carried on Eurotunnel Shuttles hasgrown significantly, as has that of Eurostar passengers travelling through theChannel Tunnel (+5%). Revenues During the first six months of the year, Eurotunnel has recorded a clearincrease in revenues from its core activity, the transport of trucks andpassenger vehicles on board its Shuttles: this is up to £162 million, animprovement of 8% compared to 2006 at a constant exchange rate. Revenues from railway operators, which no longer include the payments guaranteedunder the Minimum Usage Charge (MUC), were £86 million. Excluding the MUC, theserevenues have increased by 6% in the first six months. For comparison, the MUCpayments for the first half of 2006 were £37 million. Revenues from non-transport activities remained marginal, at £4 million. Total revenues for the first half of the year were up to £252 million, anincrease of 7% on a comparable pro forma basis (£252 million compared to £236million). The ending of the minimum payment from the railways should have led to amechanical reduction in total revenues of 14% (portion of 2006 first halfrevenues represented by the MUC). In fact revenues have only decreased by 8%:the company has therefore already compensated for a major part of the MUC. 1st half 1st half % change 1st half % changeRevenues 2007* 2006 excl. MUC 2006£ million (un-audited) excl. MUC MUC included (restated*) (restated*) Shuttle Services 162 150 + 8% 150 + 8%Railways (excl. MUC) 86 81 + 6% 81 + 6% MUC - 37Railways 86 118 - 27%Non-transport activities 4 5 - 14% 5 - 14%Revenues 252 236 + 7% 273 - 8% * Exchange rate: £1=€1.478 Shuttle traffic The quality of service offered by Eurotunnel, the speed, ease and reliability ofits transport system, which is also more environmentally friendly than itscompetitors for crossing the Channel, have led to even more customers choosingto use the service during the first half of 2007. The number of trucks carried rose to 707,422, an increase of 9% over the firsthalf of 2006. The number of cars transported (955,510) rose by a similar amount (8%), or68,046 vehicles. 1st half 2007 1st half 2006 2007/2006 % change Truck shuttles 707,422 649,596 + 9%Passenger shuttles Cars* 955,510 887,464 + 8% Coaches 32,500 33,030 - 2% * Including motorcycles, vehicles with trailers, caravans and camper vans. Railways traffic 3,913,283 people travelled on Eurostar* during the first half of 2007, anincrease of 5% even though the final section of the high speed line to London,High Speed 1, will not come into service until November 2007. By contrast, railway freight trains travelling through the Tunnel during thefirst half of 2007 carried only 680,531 tonnes of goods, a decrease of 14%compared to the first half of 2006. This traffic remains significantly below theoriginal forecasts and the capacity of the Channel Tunnel. Eurotunnel is working hard with its partners Fret SNCF, EWS and BRB to re-launchthis activity. 1st half 1st half 2007/2006 2007 2006 % change Eurostar* 3,913,283 3,733,403 + 5%(passengers)Rail Freight tonnage 680,531 791,672 - 14%(EWS/SNCF) * Only Eurostar passengers passing through the Channel Tunnel are included inthis table. This excludes those travelling between Paris-Calais andBrussels-Lille. Jacques Gounon, Chairman and Chief Executive of Groupe Eurotunnel declared "Having succeeded in restructuring its finances, Eurotunnel has now completed itsreturn to the cross-Channel market with significant growth in its main traffic.It is clearly market leader." No 028/2007 For media enquiries contact on + 44 (0) 1303 284491Email: [email protected] For investor enquiries contact Michael Schuller on + 44 (0) 1303 288 749.Email: [email protected] www.eurotunnel.com This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock ExchangeRelated Shares:
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