10th Jan 2005 07:00
INTERSERVE PLC TRADING UPDATEInterserve Plc provides the following update in advance of announcingpreliminary results for 2004 on 9 March 2005.TradingGroup trading has continued in line with expectations, based on encouragingprogress in each of the four principal operating divisions. Our marketscontinue to offer positive trading conditions. During the second half of theyear the Group has secured over ‚£800 million worth of new work and our futureworkload now stands at ‚£4.9 billion (2003: ‚£4.3 billion). The board looksforward to continued progress in 2005.Investment disposalOn 30 December 2004 the Group disposed of its equity and loan stock interestsassociated with the PFI contract for Neath Port Talbot Hospital, in which theGroup has no continuing operational involvement. The sale, representing amultiple of 2.2 times book value, will generate an exceptional profit of ‚£1.9million.ENDRelated Shares: