9th Aug 2017 16:58
BH Global Limited - Total Voting RightsBH Global Limited - Total Voting Rights
PR Newswire
London, August 9
BH Global Limited (the "Company")(a closed-ended investment scheme established as a company with limited liability under the laws of Guernsey with registered number 48555)
Total Voting Rights9 August 2017
The Company notes that as a result of an administrative error in relation to the 31 March 2017 share conversions from 26 April 2017, the number of Sterling shares in issue was misstated by an additional 2,369 shares. Contrary to the announcement made by the Company on 8 May 2017, these shares were never in issue.
As of today’s date, the correct numbers for the total number of shares in issue in each class is as follows:
3,354,659 US Dollar Shares329,443 US Dollar Treasury Shares21,510,782 Sterling Shares2,000,546 Sterling Treasury Shares
The number of votes each share in the Company is entitled to on a poll at any general meeting of the Company was published by the Company on 23 May 2008. These are:
US Dollar Share – 1Sterling Share – 1.97950
The total number of voting rights in the Company (rounded down to the nearest whole number) is 45,935,251.
Company website: www.bhglobal.com
Northern Trust International Fund Administration Services (Guernsey) LimitedTel: +44 (0) 1481 745001
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