22nd Jul 2016 08:00
Central Rand Gold Limited (Incorporated as a company with limited liability under the laws of Guernsey, Company Number 45108) (Incorporated as an external company with limited liability under the laws of South Africa, Registration number 2007/019223/10) ISIN: GG00B92NXM24 LSE share code: CRND JSE share code: CRD ("Central Rand Gold" or the "Company") |
Tolling Agreement Executed and First Ore Delivery Received |
Further to the "Operational, Financial and Corporate Update and Board Changes" announcement dated 7 June 2016, regarding Toll Treatment and Joint Venture Opportunities, the board of directors of Central Rand Gold is pleased to provide the following update to shareholders.
Joint Venture Tolling Agreement Update
Central Rand Gold is pleased to announce that it has completed and executed the definitive documents which will govern the Joint Venture Tolling Agreement ("Tolling Venture") with the third party supplier of gold bearing ore ("Ore Supplier"). In addition, the Company is pleased to announce that it has received multiple deliveries of gold bearing ore from the Ore Supplier which is presently being stockpiled on site at the Company's metallurgical plant. The Ore Supplier will continue to deliver gold bearing ore to the Company over the coming days, before processing of the material by Central Rand Gold, commencing in late July 2016. The Company is presently conducting metallurgical testing to ensure optimum recoveries of gold are achieved from the material.
Additional Joint Venture Opportunities
The Company continues to advance due diligence and negotiations with additional third parties regarding a variety of joint venture alternatives. Given the commencement of the Tolling Venture, the Joint Venture Opportunities will likely require the nameplate capacity of the Company's existing metallurgical plant to be increased. In this regard, the Company is working closely with Zhejiang Golden Machinery Plant to conduct various testwork and due diligence workstreams regarding the Joint Venture Opportunities and the potential expansion of the existing metallurgical plant. The Company expects to be in a position to update shareholders regarding the Joint Venture Opportunities in the near future.
For further information, please contact:
Central Rand Gold +27(0) 87 310 4400
Lola Trollip / Nathan Taylor
Panmure Gordon (UK) Limited - Nominated Adviser & Broker +44 (0) 20 7886 2977
Adam James / James Greenwood
Merchantec Capital - JSE Sponsor +27 (0) 11 325 6363
Monique Martinez / Marcel Goncalves
22 July 2016
Related Shares:
Central Rand Gold