17th Jun 2014 10:57
17th June 2014
London Stock Exchange
Dear Sirs,
Re : Postal Ballot.
The Committee (constituted by the Board of Directors on 11th April 2014), at its meeting held today has proposed to seek approval of the members of the Company through postal ballot pursuant to Section 110 of the Companies Act, 2013, for the following:
1. Increase in borrowing limits from Rs. 50,000 crores to Rs. 70,000 Crores or the aggregate of the paid up capital and free reserves of the Company, whichever is higher.
2. Creation of Charges on the movable and immovable properties of the Company, in respect of borrowings.
3. Further issuance of privately placed debt securities (convertible into equity or otherwise) in the international and/or domestic capital markets for an amount not exceeding Rs. 14,000 crores.
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