5th May 2021 18:16
May 5, 2021
London Stock Exchange
Dear Madam, Sir(s),
Re: Outcome of the Board Meeting
The Board of Directors of Tata Steel Limited ('the Company') at the meeting held today, i.e. May 5, 2021, inter alia, transacted the following business:
1. Financial Results
a) Approved the Audited Standalone and Unaudited Consolidated Financial Results of the Company for the quarter ended March 31, 2021.
b) Approved the Audited Standalone and Consolidated Financial Results of the Company for the financial year ended March 31, 2021.
Price Waterhouse & Co Chartered Accountants LLP, the Statutory Auditors of the Company have issued auditors' reports with an unmodified opinion on the Financial Results of the Company for the Financial Year ended March 31, 2021.
2. Dividend and 114th Annual General Meeting
Recommended a dividend of ₹25/- per fully paid-up Ordinary Share of ₹10/- each (250%) to the shareholders of the Company for the Financial Year ended March 31, 2021. Further, in respect of the outstanding partly paid-up Ordinary Shares of the Company on which call money remains unpaid as on the date of book closure for the dividend payment, the dividend will be paid in proportion to the amount paid-up on such shares i,e. ₹6.25 per partly paid-up Ordinary Share of ₹10/- each (paid-up ₹2.504 per share) (250%).
The dividend recommended by the Board of Directors of the Company is subject to the approval of the shareholders at the ensuing Annual General Meeting ('AGM') of the Company to be held on Wednesday, June 30, 2021.
The dividend, if approved by the shareholders at the AGM, will be paid, subject to deduction of tax at source, on and from Friday, July 2, 2021, subject to there being no constraints due to the ongoing pandemic.
3. Book Closure
Pursuant to Regulation 42 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements), Regulations, 2015, approved the closure of the Register of Members and Share Transfer Books of the Company from Saturday, June 19, 2021 to Wednesday, June 30, 2021 (both days inclusive) for taking record of the Members of the Company for the purpose of payment of dividend and the AGM for the financial year ended March 31, 2021.
The Board meeting commenced at 3:30 p.m. (IST) and concluded at 6.55 p.m. (IST).
A copy of the said results together with the Auditors' Report for quarter and financial year ended March 31, 2021, press release and investor presentation are enclosed herewith. These are also being made available on the website of the Company at www.tatasteel.com.
This is for your information and record.
Click on, or paste the following link into your web browser, to view the associated PDF document.
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