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Tambis Mapping Highlights Potential

10th May 2011 07:15

RNS Number : 2384G
Medusa Mining Limited
10 May 2011



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10th May 2011


Medusa Mining Limited (ASX and AIM - MML; TSX - MLL) ("Medusa" or the "Company"), through its Philippines operating company Philsaga Mining Corporation ("Philsaga"), advises that regional and detailed mapping which commenced in October 2010 has highlighted excellent potential for additional discoveries of breccia-hosted, epithermal veins and quartz stockwork gold mineralisation within a large intrusive-breccia complex mapped over an area measuring approximately 7 kilometres in length and 3 kilometres in width along a well defined northeasterly trending structural and alteration corridor. 

New outcrops of porphyry and related styles of copper mineralisation have also been located at the Sawahon Creek prospect, at the lower Bananghilig River prospect, and southwest of the Bananghilig Gold Deposit in the extensive skarn area which is associated with the fertile copper-bearing Supon diorite and the adjacent Kamarangan porphyry copper-molybdenum prospect.

Drilling is continuing with six drilling rigs at the Bananghilig Deposit with the Company aiming to provide a drilling update during the September 2011 quarter.

Geoff Davis, Managing Director of Medusa, commented:

"This on-going mapping has significantly enhanced the regional potential of the Tambis District. The outlining of a large intrusive-breccia complex with extensive alteration zones and containing the known diatreme breccia-hosted Bananghilig Deposit, milled breccia hosted mineralisation at Canugas as well as numerous mineralised epithermal veins and quartz stockworks, and the outcropping Sawahon Creek porphyry copper prospect and other copper prospects, all auger well for defining new deposits.

"We see strong similarities with the Wafi Golpu Project in PNG with respect to the regional setting, rock types, mineralisation styles and potential. A comparative interpreted cross-section to the Figure 4 contained in this report is shown on page 10 of the presentation of the Harmony- Morobe Mining Joint Venture Analyst Tour dated March 2011.

"In addition there are many similarities to the richly mineralised Baguio District north of Manila which has produced approximately 28 million ounces of gold and 2.8 million tonnes of copper."


The Tambis Project (Figure 1) is operated under a Mining Agreement with Philex Gold Philippines Inc. over granted Mineral Production Sharing Agreement 344-2010-XIII which covers 6,262 hectares. In addition the Company is earning a 70% interest in a joint venture through MRL Gold Phils., Inc. with Apical Mining Corporation which covers the adjacent Mineral Production Sharing Agreement application 000028-XIII with an area of 2,084 hectares.


The following sections are quoted extensively from consultant geologist Ruelo (2010, 2011a, b & c).

The Tambis district is situated in the regionally extensive Eastern Mindanao volcano-plutonic arc, an area with known precious metals and base-metals mines, deposits and occurrences. This metallogenic region is one of the most significant epithermal and porphyry copper districts in the Philippines, including gold and copper-gold deposits at Diwalwal (7 million ounces of gold), Co-O (1.9 million ounces including production), Kingking (14 million ounces gold equivalent), Amacan (4 million ounces gold equivalent), Masara (2 million ounces), Boyongan (16 million ounces gold equivalent), Bayugo (7 million ounces gold equivalent), Siana (2.10 million ounces) and Placer (2 million ounces gold equivalent).

The Tambis regional geology typifies a structurally complex intermediate-sulphidation, epithermal gold, breccia-type system, including disseminated gold overprinting the host Tertiary-age igneous package which had been emplaced into an andesitic volcanic basement. The fertile igneous suite comprises a multi-phase calc-alkaline, high level, sub-volcanic intrusive package cut by extensive bodies of phreatomagmatic diatremes and hydrothermal breccias.


Figure 1 (please see the link at the end of this announcement) shows the regional geology of the Tambis District prospects in relation to the disposition to the south along the Barobo Fault Corridor of the Kamarangan, Saguisilan, Guinhalinan, Umbon, Matanog and Usa gold and copper-gold prospects. Preliminary mapping indicates that some of these are possibly skarn-like mineralised prospects hosted in calcareous rocks in contact with dioritic intrusives.

Figure 2 (please see the link at the end of this announcement) shows the geological setting which is characterised by a shallowly eroded extensive volcanic and sub-volcanic intrusive, multi-phase diatreme complex which is similar to the well known Philippine gold districts of Surigao in northern Mindanao, and Baguio and Mankayan in northern Luzon. The Baguio District is recorded as producing 28 million ounces of gold and is far from mined out.

The intrusive complex comprises predominantly andesite porphyry, feldspar porphyry, porphyritic andesite with smaller stock-like bodies of dioritic and dacitic composition. Figure 2 also shows three circular features which may represent eroded calderas, consistent with the regional volcanic setting. In addition, radiometric anomalies and aeromagnetic features are outlined.

The copper prospects and generalised gold prospects and vein systems are shown on Figure 2.

Figure 3 (please see the link at the end of this announcement) shows the zones and names of the main mineralised quartz veins and stockwork areas which appear to be controlled by structural corridors which are orthogonal to the northwest-trending Barobo and Lianga Faults which in turn are sub-parallel to the Philippine Rift Fault direction. The main designated mineralised areas within the northeast corridor are Supon - Bananghilig, Malinao, Tagabaca, Canugas and Lansang which are discussed below except Malinao which will be discussed in the update on drilling in the September quarter.

It should be emphasised that the interpreted geology is subject to change as more work is conducted. The interpretations at present are based on mainly stream outcrop mapping and exposures in artisanal mining areas as the majority of the area is soil covered.


Copper Prospects

Lower Bananghilig River copper prospect

Outcropping copper-rich quartz stockwork veining in propylitically altered volcanics have been located over an area of approximately 50 metres by 30 metres. Chip samples have returned up to 0.16% copper and 0.35 g/t gold. Work is continuing to locate any additional stockworks which may be indicative of nearby porphyry style mineralisation.


Sawahon copper prospect

Outcrops of strong magnetite-clay-pyrite altered microdiorite with chalcopyrite-bearing sheeted veinlets with chip assays up to 0.27% copper and 0.16 g/t gold were located in Sawahon Creek. Reconnaissance samples of altered diorite along creeks returned up to 0.44% copper plus 0.10 g/t gold. This zone is located near the intersection of the Auron and Melendres Veins with the northnorthwest-trending Canugas Landsat Lineament and the copper-bearing veinlets are oriented parallel to the Canugas Landsat Lineament. The extent of the outcropping mineralisation is still being delineated.

Copper-rich quartz vein stockworks in variably silicified and argillically altered volcanics adjacent to the western side of the Sawahaon diorite have also been recently located and sampled.

A programme of ridge and spur sampling is planned for the Sawahon and nearby mineralised Canugas milled breccia pipe (described below).

Supon prospect

The Supon prospect area consists of the fertile Supon Diorite which contains disseminated chalcopyrite, an argillised quartz dacite porphyry, and some adjacent outcrops of oxidised copper-bearing silicate-sulphide skarns.

Gold Veins and Stockworks

Figure 3 (please see the link at the end of this announcement) shows the four main areas of quartz veins and stockworks described below which comprise a regional scale northeast-trending structural corridor of anastomosing vein systems and pervasive argillic alteration.

Gold mineralisation is present in all areas as quartz veins, vein breccias, stockworks and silicified structures. These styles are typical for an intermediate sulphidation, epithermal gold breccia-type system. There are numerous known gold-bearing vein zones with considerable strike lengths transecting the areas described below.

Northeast Vein Zones:

·; Polonio 1 Vein

·; Polonio 2 Vein

·; Auron Vein

·; Melendres Vein

·; Emben Vein, Lansang splits

Northsouth Vein Zones:

·; Lansang 1 Vein

·; Lansang 2 Vein

North-northwest Vein Zone:

·; Canugas Veins

Southwest Vein Zones:

·; Bananghilig Veins - Tambis, Tambis North, Amarille, Ludeta, Jacinto, Tinago, Y Vein, Alvin, and A, B, C, and D Veins

·; Malinao Veins - Mailinao, Moreno veins

·; Supon and Das-agan Veins - Jimmy, Jesus, and Maki Veins


Tagabaca area

There are currently two zones with potential quartz stockwork bulk mineable mineralisation. Both are open to the northeast towards Canugas.

Zone 1: This zone occupies an intensely altered area of approximately 500 metres by 350 metres with three identified sub-parallel vein zones (Polonio 2, Auron, and Melendres). Strongly developed quartz-sulphide stockworks over a width of 35 metres were recently mapped near the Melendres Vein. Peak gold assays from reconnaissance sampling include 69.61, 6.90, 4.67 and 4.35 g/t gold.

Zone 2: This zone sits along the northeast trending Polonio 1 Vein and the Canugas interpreted aeromagnetic feature. Assays from reconnaissance sampling, include 85.79, 6.49, 5.60 and 4.39 g/t gold.

Canugas area

The Canugas area abuts the Tagabaca prospect areas where the four Tagabaca veins, Polonio 1, Polonio 2, Auron and Melendres Veins, continue through the Canugas area. Two zones have been identified so far

Zone 3: This zone comprises two areas:

(i) The intersection of the Polonio 2 and Vargas Veins with the interpreted northeast-trending Canugas aeromagnetic structure and the north-northwest trending Canugas Landsat Lineament where quartz stockworks have been located along road cuttings but have not yet been sampled. Previous reconnaissance assays returned up to 3.23 g/t gold.

(ii) The Canugas milled breccia trends north-northwest and is located approximately 300 metres north of the known Sawahon porphyry copper outcrops. It was explored and partially mined for high grade (up to 1,000 g/t gold) mineralisation by underground development pre-WWII and again in the 1950s through tunnelling and drilling. The area exhibits widespread strong argillic and chloritic alteration. The Canugas breccia pipe is at least 80 metres long by up to 17 metres wide and is composed of fragments of sub-rounded to rounded hornblende andesite and some diorite fragments which are all strongly silicified and with pervasive disseminated pyrite. Some fragments also contain minor disseminated sphalerite and galena. Other adjacent smaller pipes have also been located as well as numerous narrow pebble dykes cross-cutting the volcanic rocks. Rock chip assays are still pending.

Zone 4: Sawahon Copper Area. This zone is located near the intersection of the Auron and Melendres Veins with the north-northwest-trending Canugas Landsat Lineament and is described in more detail in the Copper Prospect section above.

Lansang area

The Lansang area currently consists of two zones and is located adjacent to and along strike from the Canugas prospect.

Zone 5: This is the main Lansang Vein zone which was the site of extensive local mining in the 1990s. The main area of workings is centred on north trending Lansang 1 and Lansang 2 Vein zones which measure approximately 900 metres along strike and 150 metres wide. The quartz-sulphide veins are narrow at 0.10 to 0.50 metres wide (up to 23.49 g/t gold) but have extensive wide stockwork zones in both walls.

Zone 6: This comprises the north-northeast-trending Emben Vein zone. Preliminary examination of this zone shows it contains extensive fault gouge with chalcopyrite and minor sphalerite and galena, and patchy silicification and brecciation. Reconnaissance samples returned assays of 9.02, 8.0, 7.93 and 5.30 g/t gold. Further work is required.

Supon-Bananghilig area

Numerous veins and vein zones have been located within the Bananghilig area as depicted on Figure 3 (please see the link at the end of this announcement). As a generalisation, work to date has shown that veins and/or structures that truncate the more ductile and permeable diatreme breccias zones tend to lose their vein style and form corridors of more disseminated styles of mineralisation associated with hydrothermal breccias and varying degrees of silicification.

When the mineralised veins and structural zones truncate the more brittle, generally intrusive or volcanic rocks, they form better vein zones with more defined boundaries.

The Supon prospect area contains the Jimmy Vein (and other un-named veins) which comprises epithermal vein and hydrothermal breccias across a total width of approximately 20 metres of variably silicified and argillised intrusives with pyrite and minor chalcopyrite indicating the structural zones seen at Bananghilig continue further to the southwest, a total distance from the eastern end of the Bananghilig Deposit to Jimmy Vein of approximately 1,000 metres. Other recently discovered old workings to the southwest of Bananghilig also indicate possible extensions to the southwest of the Ludetta Vein, and the Jacinto and Tinago Veins and their splits which extend southwest under younger limestone cover. New veins have also been recently uncovered during construction of drill roads.

It is anticipated that continuing detailed work will show that the mineralised vein systems and structural zones will extend continuously to the southwest.


Regional and detailed geological mapping, trenching and sampling is on-going to better define each prospect and to delineate drill targets. Ridge and spur sampling is planned for the Sawahon and Canugas area.


Ruelo, H.B, 2010, Report on the Detailed Geological Mapping of Bananghilig & Malinao Areas and Review of the Tambis District Potential, Unpublished Company Report.

_________, 2011a, Comments on the Tagabaca-Canugas-Lansang Prospects, Tambis District, Agusan del Sur province. Unpublished Company Report.

_________, 2011b, Comments on Some Areas of Interest and Exploration Activities in the Tambis Project,

Surigao del Sur province. Unpublished Company Report.

_________, 2011c, Update on Exploration Activities and Potential Targets in the Southwestern Part of Tambis Project. Unpublished Company Report.



For further information please contact:


Medusa Mining Limited

+61 8 9367 0601

Geoffrey Davis, Managing Director

Roy Daniel, Finance Director

United Kingdom

Fairfax I.S. PLC

+44 (0)20 7598 5368

Financial Adviser and Broker

Ewan Leggat/Laura Littley

Lothbury Financial Services

+44 (0)20 7868 2010

Michael Padley


Nicholas Sayce, Investor Relations

+1 416 822 4404


Information in this report relating to Exploration Results has been reviewed and is based on information compiled by Mr Geoff Davis, who is a member of The Australian Institute of Geoscientists. Mr Davis is the Managing Director of Medusa Mining Limited and has sufficient experience which is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposits under consideration and to the activity which he is undertaking to qualify as a "Competent Person" as defined in the 2004 Edition of the "Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves" and is a "Qualified Person" as defined in "National Instrument 43-101" of the Canadian Securities Administrators. Mr Davis consents to the inclusion in the report of the matters based on his information in the form and context in which it appears.

Refer to the Technical Report which was filed on in August 2010 for further discussion of the Co-O Deposit's geology, structural controls, drilling, sampling and assaying information, and any known material environmental, permitting, legal, title, taxation, socio-political, marketing or other relevant issue.


This announcement may contain certain forward-looking statements. The words 'anticipate', 'believe', 'expect', 'project', 'forecast', 'estimate', 'likely', 'intend', 'should', 'could', 'may', 'target', 'plan' and other similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Indications of, and guidance on, future earnings and financial position and performance are also forward-looking statements.

Such forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors, many of which are beyond the control of Medusa, and its officers, employees, agents and associates, that may cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied in such statements.

Actual results, performance or outcomes may differ materially from any projections and forward-looking statements and the assumptions on which those assumptions are based.

You should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements and neither Medusa nor any of its directors, employees, servants or agents assume any obligation to update such information.




This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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