19th Nov 2007 07:01
TyraTech, Inc.19 November 2007 Press Release 19 November 2007 TyraTech Inc. ("TyraTech" or "the Company") Launch of Sustainable Solutions Business TyraTech Inc. (AIM: TYR), the pioneer of safer, effective and natural pesticideproducts, today announces the US launch of its "Sustainable Solutions" businesswith Nature's Natural, a peat replacement and horticulture product that willalso provide a mass-market medium for the delivery of TyraTech's naturalpesticides. Douglas Armstrong PhD, Chief Executive Officer of TyraTech, said: "Thedevelopment of Nature's Natural and the entirely new Sustainable Solutionsbusiness has been driven by the long-standing needs of our internationalpartners and potential customers for pest and disease management products thatmake sustainable business practices the easy economic choice. The Nature'sNatural peat alternative could eliminate the costly and environmentally damagingdepletion of natural peat bogs, and will be an ideal medium for the delivery ofour natural pesticides whilst generating an early revenue stream for us." Nature's Natural is created using a proprietary technology that can separate,compost and purify livestock waste on site. The production machinery is beingsold by TyraTech directly to large-scale US dairy farmers and is designed toprovide safe and sustainable treatment of organic waste and solids whilstgenerating an agricultural, farm and home garden peat replacement product. Thepotential value of the US market for the sale of the machinery alone isapproximately US$400 million, based on the number and scale of dairy farmsacross the country. First sales have now been made, providing an early sourceof revenue for the Company. By means of contractual agreements with eachproducer, TyraTech also retains the rights for up to two thirds of the materialgenerated on farms using this technology for use in its Nature's Natural productlines. Sustainable Solutions provides waste and associated pollution management fordairy farms, as well as an end product that is available as a low-cost, highquality hygienic bedding for cattle. TyraTech is also developing a process thatwill apply the Company's safer and effective products for repelling insects andparasites to the bedding to improve cattle wellbeing and productivity. Nature's Natural's low salt, pathogen and seed content, along with its highwater retention and nutrient content, also mean it is valuable to horticulturalmarkets, such as nurseries in need of a sustainable peat moss substitute forvarious potting and gardening uses. The annual US market for peat moss is inexcess of US$245 million. The nutrient-rich soil alternative can then be usedas a medium for TyraTech's natural pesticides that kill or repel insects andnematodes that impair plant growth. Take up of the machinery by agricultural and horticultural markets will bedriven by the cost savings and additional revenue streams that producers andusers will be able to generate through its application. By reducing the amountof cattle manure that is spread on the land or retained in collection lagoons,it can provide significant economic and environmental compliance advantages forthe farmer, especially by curtailing the pollution of the water table and thebad odours that effect neighbours in the farming community. The Nature'sNatural approach lowers the farm's on-site waste content, allowing for largerand more sustainable herds to be managed within strict US governmentregulations. There are further environmental advantages such as the lowering ofgreenhouse gas emissions via the processing of cow manure before the compostingprocess releases these gases. As an alternative to peat it also reduces thecommercial extraction pressures currently placed on the world's endangerednatural peat bogs. "As a growing dairy farm, bedding expenses and waste management considerationsare two significant limiting factors in our operations," said Eddie O'Donnell,General Manager of Irish Acres Farms, which has been trialling the TyraTechmanure management bedding system for its 1,500 head dairy herds in Indiana andOhio. O'Donnell continued, "The Nature's Natural system has dramatically decreased ourbedding costs, lowered waste management labour costs, and should enable us toincrease herd size and milk production without hitting regulatory nutrienteffluent limits. In this important part of our operations, we project positivecash flow from the first month and expect material annual savings. While thefinancial and compliance benefits are indeed significant, it is TyraTech'sability to help us create a healthy and safe environment for our cows,neighbours and community that makes the technology additionally invaluable." Douglas Armstrong PhD, Chief Executive Officer of TyraTech, added: "We arepleased with the initial demand shown by the agricultural community in the USand intend to progressively grow this early-stage revenue capture model. Ourmultiple shots-on-goal approach to the major international markets involving thecontrol of insects and prevention of parasitic disease provides us with theability to capitalise on a diversity of global opportunities." - Ends - For further information:TyraTech Inc.Douglas Armstrong PhD, Chief Executive Officer Tel: +1 (321) 409 7403 www.tyratech.comNomura Code SecuritiesCharles Walker / Clare Terlouw Tel: +44 (0) 20 7776 1200 www.nomuracode.com Media enquiries:AbchurchHeather Salmond / Justin Heath Tel: +44 (0) 20 7398 [email protected] [email protected] www.abchurch-group.com About TyraTech, Inc. TyraTech is pioneering a new class of highly effective, non-toxic, pesticidesand anti-parasitic compounds to address global agriculture, horticulture,functional foods, healthcare and veterinary markets. Using a revolutionarychemoreceptor screening process, TyraTech has identified proprietary blends ofnatural oils that stimulate the reactions and biological behaviour of insectsand parasites so that they can be effectively repelled or killed. TyraTech'stechnology prevents the development of resistance and avoids the environmentalconcerns and human health risks of chemical solutions whilst still being atleast, if not more, effective. The Company's products have been validated through strong partnerships withmultinational conglomerates operating within a growing US$23 billion worldwidemarket that is being increasingly driven by environmental legislation andend-user demand. TyraTech continues to develop new product applications based on safe, naturalingredients with a broad range of partners around the world. For further information, see www.tyratech.com This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock ExchangeRelated Shares: