1st May 2019 07:45
Exillon Energy plc
Suspension of share listing
1 May 2019 - Exillon Energy plc ("Exillon Energy" or the "Company") (EXI.LN), a London Premium listed oil producer with assets in two oil-rich regions of Russia, Timan-Pechora ("Exillon TP") and West Siberia ("Exillon WS"), further to its announcement on 26 April 2019 about the delay in publication of the consolidated financial statements of the Company and its subsidiaries (the "Group") for the year ended 31 December 2018 and the Group's annual report, announces that it has requested the suspension of listing of its ordinary shares with effect from 7:30 am today pending publication of the Group's consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2018 and annual report.
The directors of the Company continue to work together with the Company's auditors and external professional service providers with the aim of ensuring that the consolidated financial statements and the Group's annual report are published as soon as possible.
The Company is in contact with the relevant regulator in respect of these matters.
A further announcement will be made by no later than 30 June 2019.
Media contacts:
Tom Blackwell, EM
+7 919 102 9064
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