3rd Nov 2006 15:05
121 Media, Inc. ("121 Media") or (the "Company") Share Price Movement The board of 121 Media Inc, a market leader in the field of targeted onlineadvertising, has noted the recent downward movement in the Company's shareprice. It wishes to confirm to investors that it continues to make substantialprogress in its advanced discussions with the large ISP's referred to at thetime of the Interim Results on 29 September 2006. It also wishes to confirm toinvestors that it has successfully concluded trials of its PageSense technologywith the leading ISP evaluating its technology referred to in previousannouncements. The Board continues to believe the repositioning of thebusiness away from the historic desktop model towards an ISP focusedbehaviourally targeted advertising model will soon deliver substantialshareholder value.Further enquiries:Kent Ertugrul121 Media, Inc. 0870 405 7727Mark WilliamsCanaccord Adams Limited 0207 518 7343John East/Simon ClementsJohn East & Partners Limited 0207 628 2200END121 MEDIA INCRelated Shares: