9th Jul 2024 07:00
Investing SMARTLY
ZCCM-IH Investee Company - Maamba Collieries Ltd - Granted Exploration Licenses
for Lithium and other Minerals in Southern Province, Zambia
08th July 2024, Lusaka, Zambia: ZCCM Investments Holdings Plc (ZCCM-IH) is pleased to announce that its investee company, Maamba Collieries Limited (MCL), in which it has a shareholding of 35%, has been issued two Large Scale Exploration Licenses for Lithium and other minerals (amethyst, aquamarine, tantalum and tin) in the Southern Province of Zambia.
MCL intends to commence exploration as soon as possible to ascertain the presence of these minerals in these licence areas.
The licenses are valid for a period of four years during which period MCL plans to carry out detailed exploration to ascertain the presence of mineable resources of the various minerals and thereafter proceed to determine the quantum of resources and reserves if applicable.
These two license areas are located approximately 100 km southwest of MCL's coal mine in Maamba.
Lithium is part of the critical battery metals that ZCCM-IH has planned to explore for in its 2020-2026 strategic plan. As such the granting of the two licences to its investee company contributes to the strategy to diversify the company's mineral commodity base.
End Issued by:
Loisa Mbatha
Corporate Affairs Manager
ZCCM Investments Holdings Plc
About ZCCM Investments Holdings Plc
ZCCM Investment Holdings PLC (ZCCM-IH) is an investment holding company with strategic interest in Zambia's mining and energy sectors. ZCCM-IH is majority owned by the Government of the Republic of Zambia with 17.25% shares through the Ministry of Finance and 60.28% shares held through the Industrial development Corporation (IDC) Zambia, with the remaining 22.47% held by various institutional and private individual shareholders. ZCCM-IH has a primary listing on the Lusaka Securities Exchange and secondary listings on the Paris Euronext Access and the London Stock Exchange. ZCCM-IH has a 35% shareholding in Maamba Collieries Ltd.
The "ZCCM" in the company name 'ZCCM Investments Holdings Plc' is not an acronym and thus does NOT stand for "Zambia Consolidated Copper Mines Limited" following privatisation in the year 2000.
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