19th Mar 2010 07:01
This announcement is not a prospectus. This announcement does notconstitute or form part of, and should not be construed as, any offer for sale orsubscription of, or solicitation of any offer to buy or subscribe for, any sharesin the Company or securities in any other entity, in any jurisdiction, includingthe United States, nor shall it, or any part of it, or the fact of its distribution,form the basis of, or be relied on in connection with, any contract or investmentdecision whatsoever, in any jurisdiction.
This announcement does not constitutea recommendation regarding any securities. Any investment decision must be made exclusivelyon the basis of the final prospectus to be published by the Company and any supplementthereto in connection with the admission of Ordinary Shares of the Company to theOfficial List of the UK Listing Authority and to trading on the London Stock Exchange'smain market for listed securities (the "Prospectus"). Unless specified or unless the context otherwise requires, capitalised termsused in this announcement have the meanings given to them in the Prospectus.
For immediate release 19 March 2010
Metric Property Investments plc (the "Company")
The London Stock Exchange
10 Paternoster Square
London EC4M 7LS
Dear Sirs
Metric Property Investments plc - Placing and Offer for Subscriptionof Ordinary Shares
Stabilisation Notice
Pursuant to Off Order Book Trading Rule 3070, J.P. Morgan SecuritiesLtd. hereby notifies the London Stock Exchange that it and its affiliates may stabilisethe issue of Ordinary Shares of 1 pence each in Metric Property Investments plc:
1. |
Security to be stabilised: OrdinaryShares of 1 pence each in Metric Property Investments plc; |
2. |
Issue price of the security: 100pence per Ordinary Share; |
3. |
Security identifier: GB00B3PQND71; |
4. |
Stabilising manager: J.P. MorganSecurities Ltd. (a member firm); |
5. |
Contact: Greg Chamberlain - 0207155 8616; |
6. |
Stabilisation period commences: 19March 2010 at approximately 08.00 a.m. London time; |
7. |
Stabilisation period ends: Closeof business on 16 April 2010; |
8. |
Over-allotment option: OrdinaryShares with an aggregate value (at the Issue Price) up to a maximum of £15 million. |
Yours faithfully,
J.P. Morgan Securities Ltd.
Important Notices
This announcement, and the information contained therein, is notfor viewing, release, distribution or publication, directly or indirectly, in orinto the United States, Canada, Australia, the Republic of South Africa, Japan, orany other jurisdiction where applicable laws prohibit its release, distribution orpublication, and will not be made available to any national, resident or citizenof the United States, Canada, Australia, the Republic of South Africa, or Japan.The distribution of this announcement in other jurisdictions may be restricted bylaw and persons into whose possession this document comes must inform themselvesabout, and observe, any such restrictions. Any failure to comply with the restrictionsmay constitute a violation of the federal securities law of the United States andthe laws of other jurisdictions.
The ordinary shares of the Company (the "Ordinary Shares") havenot been, and will not be, registered under the US Securities Act of 1933, as amended(the "Securities Act"). The Ordinary Shares cannot be offered, re-sold, pledgedor otherwise transferred, directly or indirectly, in or into the United States orto, or for the account or benefit of, any US Person (as defined in Regulation S ofthe Securities Act), except pursuant to an exemption from, or in a transaction notsubject to, the registration requirements of the Securities Act. The Ordinary Sharesare being offered or sold outside the United States in reliance on Regulation S,and within the United States pursuant to an exemption from the registration requirementsof the Securities Act. There will be no public offering of the Ordinary Shares inthe United States.
The Company has not been, and will not be, registered under the USInvestment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the "Investment Company Act") and investorswill not be entitled to benefits under the Investment Company Act.
In connection with the Issue, J.P. Morgan Securities Ltd. as stabilisingmanager or any of its agents may, to the extent permitted by law, over-allot OrdinaryShares with an aggregate value (at the Issue Price) of up to 10 per cent. of thetotal amount to be raised and/or effect other transactions with a view to stabilisingor supporting the market price of the Ordinary Shares at a level higher than thatwhich might otherwise prevail in the open market. Such transactions may be effectedon any securities market, over-the-counter market, stock exchange or otherwise. Thereis no obligation on J.P. Morgan Securities Ltd. or any of its agents to undertakestabilisation transactions. Stabilising measures, if commenced, may be discontinuedat any time, may be taken up at any time on or after the commencement of conditionaldealings in the Ordinary Shares on the London Stock Exchange, and will end no morethan 30 days thereafter. Save as required by law or regulation, neither J.P. MorganSecurities Ltd. nor any of its agents intend to disclose the extent of any over-allotmentsand/or stabilisation transactions in connection with the Issue. In undertaking suchstabilisation transactions, J.P. Morgan Securities Ltd. may act as principal.
For the purposes of allowing J.P. Morgan Securities Ltd. to covershort positions resulting from any such over-allotments made by it during the stabilisingperiod, the Company has granted J.P. Morgan Securities Ltd. an Over-allotment Option,pursuant to which J.P. Morgan Securities Ltd. may require the Company to issue additionalOrdinary Shares with an aggregate value (at the Issue Price) up to a maximum of 10per cent. of the total amount to be raised under the Issue (before exercise of theOver-allotment Option) at the Issue Price. The Over-allotment Option is exercisable,in whole or in part, upon notice by J.P. Morgan Securities Ltd., at any time on orafter the date of commencement of conditional dealings in the Ordinary Shares onthe London Stock Exchange and will expire no more than 30 days thereafter. Any OrdinaryShares issued by the Company pursuant to the Over-allotment Option will rank paripassu with the Ordinary Shares, including for all dividends and other distributionsdeclared, made or paid on Ordinary Shares, will be issued on the same terms and conditionsas the other Ordinary Shares and will form a single class for all purposes with allthe other Ordinary Shares.
All investments are subject to risk, including the loss of the principalamount invested. Past performance is no guarantee of future returns. All investmentsto be managed by the Company involve a substantial degree of risk, including therisk of total loss. You should always seek expert legal, financial, tax and otherprofessional advice before making any investment decision.
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