19th Nov 2020 07:30
Shares of Exillon Energy Plc to be traded at J P Jenkins Ltd.
19 November 2020
Exillon Energy Plc (the "Company") announces that its shares are in the process of being admitted onto J P Jenkins Ltd. share dealing platform.
Exillon Energy plc is an independent oil producer with assets in two oil-rich regions of Northern Russia: Exillon TP in Timan-Pechora and Exillon WS in Western Siberia. The Company is incorporated in the Isle of Man, and has its operational headquarters in Urai, Russia.
On 18 November 2020, an Extraordinary General Meeting of shareholders of the Company passed a resolution to cancel the listing of the Company's ordinary shares (the "Ordinary Shares") on the Official List and the admission of the Ordinary Shares to trading on the London Stock Exchange's Main Market for listed securities on 18 December 2020 (the "Cancellation"). In order to facilitate trading in the Ordinary Shares post the Cancellation, the Company shall launch a matched bargain facility starting from 21 December 2020 (the "Launch Date").
J P Jenkins is the oldest established trading platform in the UK for unlisted or unquoted companies which enables shareholders and prospective investors to trade their shares on a matched bargain basis.
Shareholders or persons wishing to acquire or dispose of the Ordinary Shares will be able, through their stockbroker, to leave an indication with J P Jenkins (J P Jenkins is unable to deal directly with members of the public), of the number of the Ordinary Shares that they are prepared to buy or sell and indicative price. All indicative bids will be collected J P Jenkins, but no transaction with Ordinary Shares will take place until the Launch Date.
The indicative price and transaction history are available on J P Jenkins's website (www.jpjenkins.com) or via phone at +44 (0) 20 7469 0937.
Veronika Oswald, Director of J P Jenkins said: "We are delighted to welcome Exillon Energy Plc, to our growing share dealing platform".
For further information, please contact:
J P Jenkins Ltd. | |
Veronika Oswald Director | +44 (0)20 7469 0937 |
Exillon Energy Plc
Tom Blackwell, EM
Telephone: +7 919 102 9064
Email: [email protected]
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