19th Dec 2006 15:18
AIM19 December 2006 ANNOUNCEMENT TO BE MADE BY THE AIM APPLICANT PRIOR TO ADMISSION IN ACCORDANCE WITH AIM RULE 2 ALL APPLICANTS MUST COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING: COMPANY NAME: Central African Gold plc ("CAG") COMPANY ADDRESS: Registered office: Millennium Bridge House 2 Lambeth Hill London COMPANY POSTCODE: EC4V 4AJ COUNTRY OF INCORPORATION: England and Wales COMPANY BUSINESS OR, IN THE CASE OF AN INVESTING COMPANY, DETAILS OF ITS INVESTMENT STRATEGY TO BE DISCLOSED INACCORDANCE WITH SCHEDULE 2, PARAGRAPH (J) OF THE AIM RULES: Operator and investor in the natural resources sector with particular emphasis on gold projects in central and southernAfrica. During the period since admission to trading on AIM, the Company has acquired and is progressing prospectiveexploration properties in Mali and Botswana and has reviewed and is currently considering other potential acquisitionsin Africa. On 22 August 2006, CAG announced that it had signed a binding agreement to acquire the Bibiani gold mine and relatedliabilities and assets, including a Mining Lease and Prospecting Licence, in Ghana. DETAILS OF SECURITIES TO BE ADMITTED (i.e. where known, number of shares, nominal value and issue price to which itseeks admission and the number and type to be held as treasury shares): 161,642,570 ordinary shares of 0.1p each (Admission to be made for an additional estimated 17,550,326 ordinary sharesof 0.1p each to be made separately) CAPITAL TO BE RAISED ON ADMISSION: £14,547,831.30 before expenses (Admission to be made for an additional estimated £1,579,529.34 before expenses to bemade separately) FULL NAMES AND FUNCTIONS OF DIRECTORS AND PROPOSED DIRECTORS: Directors Gregory David Hunter (Chief Executive Officer and Chairman) Mark William Rosslee (Chief Financial Officer) Roy Aubrey Pitchford (Non-Executive Director) PERSON(S) INTERESTED IN 3% OR MORE OF THE ISSUER'S CAPITAL, EXPRESSED AS A PERCENTAGE OF THE ISSUED SHARE CAPITALBEFORE AND AFTER ADMISSION: Prior to the placing On admission No. of % of issued No. of % of issued Ordinary share Ordinary share Shares capital Shares capitalCGT Management Limited 35,000,000 12.93 35,000,000 8.09Central African Mining & 20,000,000 7.39 31,111,111 7.20Exploration Company plcPH Edmonds 19,000,000 7.02 19,000,000 4.39AS Groves 18,700,000 6.91 24,697,516 5.71North Sound Capital LLC 12,448,500 4.60 43,698,500 10.11Michael Vitton 12,000,000 4.43 12,000,000 2.78George Robinson 11,111,111 4.10 11,111,111 2.57Palmyra Fund 11,000,000 4.06 11,000,000 2.54Libra Funds 10,529,960 3.89 19,441,071 4.50Endeavour Mining 8,495,000 3.14 8,495,000 1.96Ospraie Management LLC NA NA 29,111,800 6.73Julius Bar NA NA 16,500,000 3.82Investec NA NA 15,546,231 3.60 NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF ALL PERSONS TO BE DISCLOSED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SCHEDULE 2, PARAGRAPH (H) OF THE AIM RULES: NA ANTICIPATED ACCOUNTING REFERENCE DATE: 31 December EXPECTED ADMISSION DATE: 20 December NAME AND ADDRESS OF NOMINATED ADVISER: Strand Partners Limited 26 Mount Row London W1K 3SQ NAME AND ADDRESS OF BROKER: Hichens, Harrison & Co. plc Bell Court House 11 Bloomfield Street London EC2M 1LB DETAILS OF WHERE (POSTAL OR INTERNET ADDRESS) THE ADMISSION DOCUMENT WILL BE AVAILABLE FROM, WITH A STATEMENT THAT THISWILL CONTAIN FULL DETAILS ABOUT THE APPLICANT AND THE ADMISSION OF ITS SECURITIES: Salans Millennium Bridge House 2 Lambeth Hill London EC4V 4AJ The Admission Document is also available at www.centralafricangold.com DATE OF NOTIFICATION: 19 December 2006 NEW/ UPDATE (see note): Update This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock ExchangeRelated Shares: