21st Feb 2007 18:25
Sarantel (AIM:SLG), the leading manufacturer of revolutionaryfiltering antennas for mobile and wireless devices, today announcesthat its GeoHelix(R) GPS antenna has been selected for the Jaty L2000GPS mobile phone. £ The L2000 will be available in the Spring from LG Telecom, Korea,the world's first provider of CDMA technology. It combines a multitudeof leisure activities for the active user including GPS navigation,mountain navigation, sea navigation, golf rangefinder, electronicdictionary, stock trading, T-DMB mobile television, MP3 playback andan innovative 'find-a-friend' feature. £ The GeoHelix antenna was selected because of its high performanceand small size, which provides the consumer with enhanced GPSperformance whether on foot or in a car. £ Combining so many features into a small hand-held unit istechnically challenging. Apart from its superior performance when handheld, the filtering characteristics of the GeoHelix antenna also allowit to be integrated in close proximity to the CDMA antenna, which hasthe benefit of saving space. The ease of integration of the Geohelixantenna will ensure that Jaty can get its product to market in timefor a launch in Spring. £ Kevin Kim, Director of Jaty Electronics comments: "The L2000 isproof that combining GPS, CDMA and T-DMB need not compromise size orperformance in a phone. It is a compact and feature-rich phone thatalso offers superior navigation." £ David Wither, CEO of Sarantel Ltd adds: "Accurate navigation isessential for people who love the outdoors and it is especiallychallenging when GPS is integrated into compact and feature richdevices like the L2000. Sarantel delivers this accuracy where otherantennas can't. We are delighted to help Jaty bring the L2000 tomarket so quickly." £ Notes to Editors £ About Sarantel £ Sarantel is a leader in the design of high-performance miniatureantennas for portable wireless applications including hand-heldnavigation, satellite radio and laptop computers. £ Sarantel's revolutionary ceramic filtering antennas offerdramatically improved performance over existing antenna designs,resulting in a clearer signal, better range and a 90 per centreduction in the amount of signal radiation absorbed by the body. £ Because of their smaller size and higher capabilities, Sarantel'santennas enable manufacturers to create innovative high-volumeconsumer products incorporating technologies such as GPS, Wi-Fi,WiMax, 3G, GPRS, Satellite Radio and Bluetooth. £ More information about the company is available atwww.sarantel.com £ About LG Telecom £ LG TeleCom was incorporated in July 1996 as the world's firstmobile telecommunications service provider of CDMA technology. TheCompany launched its commercial operations of Personal CommunicationsService in October 1997 and since then has enjoyed £ continuous growth. In May 1999, LG TeleCom became the firstoperator to launch wireless internet service in Korea. As the first inthe world to develop Java Station, a Java technology used in CDMAphones, LG TeleCom has been leading Korea's wireless internettechnology. £ About Jaty £ Jaty Electronics was incorporated in January 1984 as the worldwideleader of the Handsfree Car Kit, Bluetooth Car Kit and Car NavigationSystem manufacture. Jaty's excellence has been publicly acknowledgedby supplying their goods to many mobile system carriers and mobilephone manufactures such as Samsung, LG, Hyundai, Cellcom, Orange, PCL. £ Currently, the company has No.1 market share in the fullyinstallation car kit market in the world. Copyright Business Wire 2007Related Shares:
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