21st Apr 2005 17:27
Saad Financial Services S.A.21 April 2005 FORM SAR 3 Date of disclosure 21st APRIL, 2005 DISCLOSURE UNDER RULE 3 OF THE RULES GOVERNING SUBSTANTIAL ACQUISITIONS OF SHARES ("SARs") Date of acquisition 21st APRIL, 2005 Acquisition in THE BERKELEY GROUP HOLDINGS PLC (name of company) (1) Class of voting shares Number of shares/rights If rights over shares (eg ordinary shares) over shares acquired acquired, as opposed to the shares themselves, specify nature of rights UNITS COMPRISING ONE 1,200,000 shares ..................... NEW ORDINARY SHARE, ONE 2006B SHARE, ONE ...N/A..........rights 2008 B SHARE AND ONE 2010 B SHARE PER UNIT (2) Resultant total holding Resultant total holding Total percentage of voting shares (and % of rights over shares of total voting shares (and % of total voting in issue) shares in issue) 21,800,000 shares ...............( %) 18.04% 18.04% (3) Party making disclosure SAAD FINANCIAL SERVICES S.A., RUE DE LAUSANNE 80, 1202 GENEVA, SWITZERLAND (4) (a) Name of person acquiring shares or rights over shares SAAD INVESTMENTS COMPANY LIMITED and, if different, beneficial owner............................... (b) Names of any other persons acting by agreement or understanding (see SAR 5) MR. MAAN AL-SANEA LOMBARD ATLANTIC BANK N.V. AWAL BANK B.S.C. Signed, for and on behalf of the party named in (3) above................... (Also print name of signatory) CHRISTOPHER C. HART Telephone and extension number +41 22 715 03 03 Note 1. Under SAR 5, the holdings of and acquisitions by persons acting byagreement or understanding must be aggregated and treated as a holding of oracquisition by one person. Note 3 on SAR 5 requires persons who must aggregateholdings to disclose certain disposals. Note 2: The resultant total percentage holding of voting shares and rights overshares is to be calculated by reference to the percentage held and in issueoutside treasury. For full details of the SARs disclosure requirements, see Rules 3 and 5 of theSARs. If in doubt, contact the Panel on Takeovers and Mergers, MonitoringSection, Tel. No: 020 7638 0129. E-mail: [email protected] LETTER TO: THE BERKELEY GROUP HOLDINGS PLCDATED: 21st APRIL, 2005 Subject: Part VI of the Companies Act 1985 As agent of each of the persons noted below, we hereby give you notice inaccordance with Section 198 of Part VI of the Companies Act 1985. This notice isgiven on behalf of the following persons: 1. Saad Investments Company Limited whose address is at P.O. Box 309GT, Ugland House, South Church Street, George Town, Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands ("Saad"); 2. Mr. Maan Al-Sanea whose address is at P.O. Box 3250, Al Khobar 31952, Saudi Arabia ("Mr. Al-Sanea"); 3. Lombard Atlantic Bank N.V. whose address is at New Haven Office Center, Emacipatie Boulevard 31B, Suite 11, P.O. Box 6052, Curacao, Netherlands Antilles ("Lombard"); and 4. Awal Bank B.S.C. whose address is at Bahrain Commercial Complex, The Tower, P.O. Box 1735, Manama, Bahrain. Each of the notifications in this letter relates to Units comprised of one NewOrdinary Share, one 2006 B Share, one 2008 B Share and one 2010 B Share per Unit("such share capital") in the Berkeley Group Holdings plc ("Berkeley GroupHoldings"). The notification of each of Saad and Mr. Al-Sanea is that each has a knownnotifiable interest in such share capital numbering 21,800,000 Units, which weunderstand represents 18.04 % of such share capital of 120,820,642 Units. The notification of Lombard, a wholly owned subsidiary of Saad, is that Lombardhas a known notifiable interest in 5,000,000 of the same 21,800,000 Units. The notification of Awal, a company owned by Saad and Mr. Al-Sanea, is that Awalhas a known notifiable interest in 3,250,000 of the same 21,800,000 Units. The registered holders of such shares and the numbers of shares held by eachregistered holder upon settlement of transactions through the close of businesson 21st April, 2005 will be: Vidacos Nominees Ltd 10,792,635 Raffles Nominees (Pte) Ltd. 1,341,135 Euroclear Nominees Limited 1,017,000 N.Y. Nominees Limited 7,090,730 Chase Nominees Ltd. 670,000 James Capel (Nominees) Ltd 888,500 Total 21,800,000 FROM: FOR AND ON BEHALF OF SAAD FINANCIAL SERVICES S.A. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock ExchangeRelated Shares:
Berkeley Group