28th Jan 2016 10:06
Transactions with Affiliate Company
(Related-Party Transaction); Sales of Stakes
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. (KS005930, KS005935, SMSN, SMSD) ("SEC") announced today
that on January 28, 2016, its Board of Directors authorized the sales of SEC's stake in Samsung Card
Co., LTD. to Samsung Life insurance. The transaction is subject to regulatory review and certain other
customary closing conditions. Samsung Life Insurance is an affiliate of SEC.
Details of Transaction
1. Transaction Parties and Number of Shares to be Sold:
Samsung Electronics plans to sell a total of 43,393,170 shares of Samsung Card to Samsung Life
\* Total number of Samsung Card shares issued: 115,858,891
2. Transaction Amount (Total Consideration): KRW 1.54 trillion
3. Date of the Definitive Agreement
The effective date of the definitive agreement is 28 January 2016. The transaction will take place on
28 January 2016 in the form of an off-hours block trade after the market closes.
4. Reason for Divestment
The purpose of the divestment is to secure capital for investment in new businesses as well as allocating
additional resources to strengthen the SEC's core competencies.
5. Other Information
ž Details on contract resolution (including put-option): None
ž Number of Independent Directors Present at the BOD Meeting: 4 (80%)
ž Number of Audit Committee Members Present at the BOD Meeting: 3 (100%)
* This disclosure is made pursuant to, and in accordance with, the Korean Fair Trade Act, which mandates that a
company must disclose financial and real estate transactions in the event a transaction is worth KRW 5 billion or
more and the counterparty involved is a financial affiliate of the party required to make the disclosure.
Related Shares:
Samsung El.gdr