11th May 2007 07:00
\* T FORM 8.3IRISH TAKEOVER PANELLodge with the Stock Exchange (which may publicise) and with the Panel.Use separate form for each class of securities in which dealings havebeen made. Date of disclosure.11/5/2007...........................DISCLOSURE UNDER RULE 8.1(a), 8.1(b)(i) and 8.3 OF THE IRISHTAKEOVER PANEL ACT, 1997, TAKEOVER RULES, 2001Date of Dealing: 10/5/2007.......................................................................Dealing in (name of company). IRISH CONTINENTAL GROUP PLC(1) Class of securities (e.g. ordinary shares) Units(2) Amount bought Amount sold Price per unitBought 26,220 units at 21.25 ................... ......................(3) Resultant total of the same class owned or controlled(and percentage of class) 663,036 units 2.84%........................................................................(4) Party making disclosure..Arnhold and S. Bleichroeder Advisers, LLC.......................................................................(5) EITHER (a) Name of purchaser/vendor (Note 1)OR (b) If dealing for discretionary client(s), name of fundmanagement organization (b) See answer to (4) above......................................................................................(6) Reason for disclosure (Note 2)(a) (i) offeror or associate of offeror (Note 3) NO(ii) offeree or associate of offeree NOSpecify which category or categories of associate ((a) to (l) page 3/4)................................If category (l), explain.......................................................................(b) Rule 8.3 disclosure because of ownership or control of 1% or morethe class of relevant securities dealt in. YESSigned, for and on behalf of the party named in (4) above. ................................................. (Also print name of signatory) . HAYLEY NELSON Telephone and extension number.....001 212-698-3363 ......................................\* T Copyright Business Wire 2007Related Shares:
Irish Cont.