1st Apr 2021 12:11
("Aura" or the "Company")
Rights Issue and Timetable
Aura has today published a Prospectus in connection with the non-renounceable entitlement offer of shares in the Company ("Shares") on the basis of 1 Share for every 2 existing Shares held on the Record Date, at an issue price of A$0.026 each to raise up to AS$3.4 million.
Further details of the Prospectus, the Rights Issue, associated share and option issues and the Chairman's address from the AGM can be viewed at:
Foreign Shareholder Restrictions
The Prospectus does not constitute an offer in any jurisdiction where, or to any person to whom, it would not be lawful to issue the Prospectus or make such an offer. No action has been taken to register of qualify the Shares or the Entitlements Offer or otherwise to permit an offering of the Shares in any jurisdiction outside of Australia and New Zealand.
When the Prospectus has been despatched to Shareholders domiciled outside Australia or New Zealand and where that country's securities code or legislation prohibits or restricts in any way the making of the Entitlements Offer contemplated by the Prospectus, then the Prospectus and accompanying Acceptance Form are provided for information purposes only. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure compliance with any laws of a country relevant to their application. The return of a duly completed Acceptance Form will be taken by the Company as a representation and warranty by the Applicant that there has been no breach of such laws and that the Applicant is an Eligible Shareholder.
Timetable for Rights Issue
Event | Date2 |
Announcement of Offers | Friday, 12 February 2021 |
Release of Prospectus and Appendix 3B with ASX (pre-market open) | Thursday, 1 April 2021 |
Ex date | Wednesday, 7 April 2021 |
Record date (date for determining Eligible Shareholder to participate in the Entitlement Offer) | Thursday, 8 April 2021 |
Opening Date, Prospectus and personalised Entitlement and Acceptance Forms sent to Shareholders | Tuesday, 13 April 2021 |
Last day to extend the Entitlement Offer Closing Date¹ | Monday, 19 April 2021 |
Closing Date (Offer closes 5pm Sydney, New South Wales) | Thursday, 22 April 2021 |
Shares quoted on a deferred settlement basis | Friday, 23 April 2021 |
Announcement of results of issue | Tuesday, 27 April 2021 |
Issue date of Shares and lodgement of Appendix 2A with ASX applying for quotation of the securities | Thursday, 29 April 2021 |
Quotation of Shares under the Entitlement Offer | Friday, 30 April 2021 |
¹ Subject to the ASX Listing Rules, the Directors reserve the right to extend the Closing Date for the Offer at their discretion. Should this occur, the extension will have a consequential effect on the anticipated date of issue for the New Shares.
2 These dates are indicative only are subject to change.
The information contained within this announcement is deemed by the Company to constitute inside information under the Market Abuse Regulation (EU) No. 596/2014.
Related Shares:
Aura Egy