16th May 2018 17:21
Jupiter Fund Management plc (the "Company")
16 May 2018
Results of the Annual General Meeting
The Board announces that at the Annual General Meeting ("AGM") of the Company held yesterday at The Zig Zag Building, 70 Victoria Street, London SW1E 6SQ, all the resolutions set out in the Notice of Meeting were passed by the requisite majorities.
The results of the AGM resolutions, all decided by way of poll, are set out below.
Resolutions | For | % of total votes cast | Against | % of total votes against | Total votes | Votes withheld* |
1.To receive the Directors' report and the audited accounts of the Company for the year ended 31 December 2017 | 364,519,273 | 98.88 | 4,128,717 | 1.12 | 368,647,990 | 2,775 |
2.To approve the Annual Report on Remuneration for the year ended 31 December 2017 | 352,924,243 | 95.74 | 15,721,771 | 4.26 | 368,646,014 | 4,750 |
3.To approve the Directors' Remuneration Policy | 283,433,482 | 81.16 | 65,778,651 | 18.84 | 349,212,133 | 19,438,633 |
4.To elect Roger Yates as a Director | 366,966,690 | 99.55 | 1,672,949 | 0.45 | 368,639,639 | 11,127 |
5.To re-elect Liz Airey as a Director | 348,265,924 | 98.39 | 5,683,336 | 1.61 | 353,949,260 | 14,701,506 |
6.To re-elect Jonathon Bond as a Director | 348,541,700 | 98.47 | 5,407,560 | 1.53 | 353,949,260 | 14,701,506 |
7.To re-elect Edward Bonham Carter as a Director | 367,059,399 | 99.57 | 1,587,367 | 0.43 | 368,646,766 | 4,000 |
8.To re-elect Charlotte Jones as a Director | 367,028,163 | 99.56 | 1,618,111 | 0.44 | 368,646,274 | 4,492 |
9.To re-elect Bridget Macaskill as a Director | 349,656,590 | 98.79 | 4,292,670 | 1.21 | 353,949,260 | 14,701,506 |
10.To re-elect Maarten Slendebroek as a Director | 367,053,985 | 99.57 | 1,587,367 | 0.43 | 368,641,352 | 9,414 |
11.To re-elect Karl Sternberg as a Director | 275,150,455 | 74.64 | 93,491,542 | 25.36 | 368,641,997 | 7,267 |
12.To re-elect Polly Williams as a Director | 365,566,667 | 99.17 | 3,072,239 | 0.83 | 368,638,906 | 11,860 |
13.To re-appoint PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as the Company's auditors | 361,826,326 | 98.15 | 6,822,756 | 1.85 | 368,649,082 | 1,683 |
14.To authorise the Audit and Risk Committee to fix the auditors' remuneration | 366,580,925 | 99.44 | 2,068,833 | 0.56 | 368,649,758 | 1,007 |
15.To authorise the Directors to allot shares in the Company | 368,638,336 | 100.00 | 9,423 | 0.00 | 368,647,759 | 3,007 |
16.To authorise political donations and political expenditure | 367,605,022 | 99.73 | 987,741 | 0.27 | 368,592,763 | 58,003 |
17.To adopt the Jupiter Fund Management plc 2018 Long Term Incentive Plan | 291,621,511 | 79.71 | 74,237,505 | 20.29 | 365,859,016 | 2,791,750 |
18.To adopt the Jupiter Fund Management plc 2018 Deferred Bonus Plan | 362,144,343 | 99.27 | 2,673,942 | 0.73 | 364,818,285 | 3,832,480 |
19.To authorise the Directors to disapply pre-emption rights | 368,423,543 | 99.94 | 224,216 | 0.06 | 368,647,759 | 3,007 |
20.To authorise the Company to purchase its own shares | 364,932,765 | 99.02 | 3,628,035 | 0.98 | 368,560,800 | 89,965 |
21. To approve general meetings (other than annual general meetings) of the Company being called on 14 clear days' notice | 358,192,330 | 97.16 | 10,458,436 | 2.84 | 368,650,766 | 0 |
*Please note that 'vote withheld' is not a vote under English law and is not counted in the calculation of votes 'for' or 'against' a resolution, or in the 'votes cast as a percentage of issued share capital'.
The Company is pleased that all of the resolutions put to the AGM today were passed with all of them receiving strong support, except for two resolutions which passed with just under 80% support. These results reflect a very positive engagement programme with major shareholders leading up to today's AGM. The Board also notes that in relation to resolution 11, the re-election of Karl Sternberg, the Board monitors and assesses the continuing contribution and commitment of all of its members and is satisfied that Mr Sternberg demonstrates strong enthusiasm and commitment to Jupiter and has sufficient time to devote to it. It notes that most of Mr Sternberg's external obligations are to investment trusts.
The issued share capital of the Company comprises 457,699,916 shares. Resolutions 19, 20 and 21 were passed as special resolutions.
The Company has today sent copies of the resolutions passed at the AGM concerning items other than ordinary business to the National Storage Mechanism and they are available for inspection at: http://www.morningstar.co.uk/uk/NSM.
Details of proxy votes lodged will be available shortly on the Company's website at https://www.jupiteram.com/Global/en/Investor-Relations/Shareholder-information/AGM-information.
For further information please contact:
Investors Media
Jupiter Adam Westley Kate O'Neill
+44 (0)20 3817 1169 +44 (0)20 3817 1196
Powerscourt Steve Marinker Justin Griffiths
+44 (0)20 3328 9369 +44 (0)20 7549 0999
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