11th Mar 2016 09:48
Results of the 47th Annual GeneralMeeting of Shareholders
The 2016 annual general meeting of shareholders (the "Annual General Meeting") was held on March 11, 2016. The results of the votes cast with respect to the matters voted upon at the Annual General Meeting are set forth below.
1. Agenda Item No.1: Approved and Ratified
- Approval of Balance Sheet, Income Statement, and Statement of Appropriation of
Retained Earnings for the 47th Fiscal Year (from Jan 1, 2015 to Dec 31, 2015)
• Assets : KRW 242,180 B
• Liabilities : KRW 63,120 B
• Equity : KRW 179,060 B
• Revenue : KRW 200,653 B
• Operating profit : KRW 26,413 B
• Net income : KRW 19,060 B
• Earnings per share: KRW 126,305
- Cash Dividends:
• Year-end dividend per share : KRW 20,000 (common), KRW 20,050 (preferred)
• Interim dividend per share : KRW 1,000 (common), KRW 1,000 (preferred)
• Total payout(interim + year-end dividends): KRW 3,069 B
• Dividend yield (interim + year-end dividends): 1.6% (common share),
1.9% (preferred share)
2. Agenda Item No. 2: Approved and Ratified
- Agenda 2.1: Appointment of Independent Directors
- Agenda 2.1.1: Mr. In-ho Lee
- Agenda 2.1.2: Mr. Kwang-soo Song
- Agenda 2.1.3: Mr. Jae-wan Park
- Agenda 2.2: Appointment of Executive Directors
- Agenda 2.2.1: Mr. Boo-keun Yoon
- Agenda 2.2.2: Mr. Jong-kyun Shin
- Agenda 2.2.3: Mr. Sang-hoon Lee
- Agenda 2.3: Appointment of Members to the Audit Committee
- Agenda 2.3.1: Mr. In-ho Lee
- Agenda 2.3.2: Mr. Kwang-soo Song
3. Agenda Item No. 3: Approved and Ratified
- Approval of the limit on the remuneration of Directors
- 2016: KRW 39 B
- 2015: KRW 39 B
4. Agenda Item No.4: Approved and Ratified
- Approval of Amendments to the Articles of Incorporation
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