6th Aug 2010 07:00
6 August 2010 Corero PLC ("Corero" or "the Company") Results of CULS Offer
On 14 July 2010 Corero made the offer to redeem £2 million of the Company's Convertible Unsecured Loan Stock on the basis of £1 nominal of 8% Rivington Stock and £0.0638905 Zero Coupon Rivington Stock for every £1 nominal of CULS.
As at 1.00 p.m. on 5 August 2010, valid acceptances of the CULS Offer had been received in respect of a total of £1,976,200 nominal of CULS representing, in aggregate, 49.41 per cent. of Corero's current issued Convertible Unsecured Loan Stock. As previously announced, the CULS Offer is only for half of the total current issued CULS and, therefore, the £1,976,200 nominal of Convertible Loan Stock which accepted equates to 98.81 per cent. of the CULS which were available to accept the CULS Offer.
Prior to the posting of the Shareholder circular dated 14 July 2010, Corero had received irrevocable undertakings from certain CULS Holders to accept the CULS Offer in respect of, in aggregate, £1,833,816 nominal of CULS representing approximately 91.7 per cent. of the £2 million nominal of CULS which could accept the CULS Offer. Corero has received valid acceptances with respect to all of these irrevocable undertakings.
The CULS Offer, which remains subject to the terms and conditions set out in the Shareholder circular, is being extended and remains open for acceptance until further notice. The conditions of the CULS Offer are (i) the passing at the General Meeting of Resolution numbered 2 and (ii) the completion of the Disposal pursuant to the Business Transfer Agreement.
CULS Holders who hold CULS in uncertificated form (that is, in CREST) and wish to accept the Offer, should submit a TTE Instruction and comply with the instructions in paragraph 6 of Part III of the Shareholder circular as soon as possible.
Terms defined in the Shareholder circular dated 14 July 2010 have the samemeaning in this announcement.Enquiries:Corero plc Peter Waller, Chairman Tel: 020 7457 2047 Merchant Securities Limited (Nominated Adviser and Broker) John East / Simon Clements Tel: 020 7628 2200 finnCap Limited (Placing Agent) Tom Jenkins / Sarah Wharry Tel: 0207 600 1658 College Hill Matthew Smallwood/Adrian Duffield Tel: 020 7457 2047
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