11th May 2023 07:00
abrdn plc
Results of Annual General Meeting
and Board Changes
Results of AGM
The Board of abrdn plc ('the Company') is pleased to announce that all the resolutions put to its Annual General Meeting ('AGM') held on Wednesday 10 May 2023 were duly passed.
The results of the polls were as follows:
For | % For | Against
| Total Votes Validly Cast | Votes Withheld | |
Resolution 1: To receive and consider the Annual report and accounts 2022 | 901,800,327 | 99.93 | 663,121 | 902,463,448 | 2,586,550 |
Resolution 2: To declare a final dividend for 2022 | 897,008,747 | 99.15 | 7,694,712 | 904,703,459 | 346,539 |
Resolution 3: To re-appoint KPMG LLP as auditors | 895,004,041 | 99.03 | 8,806,687 | 903,810,728 | 1,238,971 |
Resolution 4: To authorise the audit committee to set the auditors' fees | 901,863,076 | 99.76 | 2,149,979 | 904,013,055 | 1,036,943 |
Resolution 5: To approve the Directors' remuneration report, excluding the remuneration policy | 666,444,586 | 93.76 | 44,325,192 | 710,769,778 | 194,280,220 |
Resolution 6: To approve the Directors' remuneration policy | 675,020,934 | 94.29 | 40,860,480 | 715,881,414 | 189,168,584 |
Resolution 7A: To re-elect Sir Douglas Flint CBE as a Director | 864,730,808 | 95.71 | 38,765,528 | 903,496,336 | 1,553,662 |
Resolution 7B: To re-elect Jonathan Asquith as a Director | 857,314,326 | 94.91 | 45,935,182 | 903,249,508 | 1,800,052 |
Resolution 7C: To re-elect Stephen Bird as a Director | 892,448,135 | 98.79 | 10,887,965 | 903,336,100 | 1,713,898 |
Resolution 7D: To re-elect Catherine Bradley CBE as a Director | 685,597,487 | 75.89 | 217,802,103 | 903,399,590 | 1,650,408 |
Resolution 7E: To re-elect John Devine as a Director | 883,780,921 | 97.84 | 19,499,595 | 903,280,516 | 1,769,482 |
Resolution 7F: To re-elect Hannah Grove as a Director | 881,749,637 | 97.61 | 21,586,196 | 903,335,833 | 1,714,165 |
Resolution 7G: To re-elect Pam Kaur as a Director | 873,349,307 | 96.68 | 29,964,436 | 903,313,743 | 1,735,599 |
Resolution 7H: To re-elect Michael O'Brien as a Director | 898,169,540 | 99.43 | 5,103,986 | 903,273,526 | 1,770,955 |
Resolution 7I: To re-elect Cathleen Raffaeli as a Director | 895,976,182 | 99.19 | 7,338,632 | 903,314,814 | 1,734,528 |
Resolution 8: To provide limited authority to the Company and its subsidiaries to make political donations and to incur political expenditure | 702,879,570 | 98.15 | 13,217,663 | 716,097,233 | 188,952,109 |
Resolution 9: To authorise the Directors to issue further shares | 688,446,785 | 76.67 | 209,437,804 | 897,884,589 | 7,149,867 |
Resolution 10 (Special): To disapply share pre-emption rights | 701,244,927 | 78.21 | 195,353,328 | 896,598,255 | 8,445,726 |
Resolution 11 (Special): To give authority for the Company to buy back up to 14.99% of its issued ordinary shares | 681,456,209 | 75.41 | 222,224,649 | 903,680,858 | 1,368,484 |
Resolution 12: To authorise the Directors to allot shares in relation to the issuance of Convertible Bonds | 703,864,038 | 78.05 | 197,997,170 | 901,861,208 | 3,188,134 |
Resolution 13 (Special): To disapply pre-emption rights in respect of allotments of equity securities in relation to the issuance of Convertible Bonds | 887,614,472 | 98.46 | 13,895,509 | 901,509,981 | 3,539,361 |
Resolution 14 (Special): To allow the Company to call general meetings on 14 days' notice | 855,342,231 | 94.61 | 48,737,281 | 904,079,512 | 969,830 |
Resolutions 7D, 9, 10, 11 and 12
The Board is pleased that Resolution 7D, Resolution 9, Resolution 10, Resolution 11 and Resolution 12 were passed by a significant majority of the shareholders who voted, but notes the votes against these resolutions.
In the coming months, we will engage with the major voters against the resolutions to understand the reasons behind their voting. In accordance with the UK Corporate Governance Code, we will publish an update on that engagement within six months of the AGM.
Board changes and CFO exit remuneration arrangements
As announced on 28 February 2023 and 9 March 2023 respectively, we confirm that Brian McBride and Stephanie Bruce did not seek re-election and retired from the Board at the conclusion of the meeting.
As required by section 430(2B) of the Companies Act 2006, details of the remuneration payments and related exit terms made to or to be made to Ms Bruce in accordance with her employment contract are set out in the attached Appendix.
Other matters
The total number of shares in issue at 6pm on Tuesday 9 May 2023 was 2,001,892,537 ordinary shares of 1361/63 pence each.
Votes withheld are not a vote in law and have not been counted in the calculation of the votes for and against each resolution, the total votes validly cast or the calculation of the proportion of issued share capital voted.
Copies of all resolutions are available for inspection in the AGM Guide previously submitted to the National Storage Mechanism at https://data.fca.org.uk/#/nsm/nationalstoragemechanism
In accordance with Listing Rule 9.6.2, copies of the resolutions that do not constitute ordinary business at an annual general meeting will also be submitted to the National Storage Mechanism and available for inspection at https://data.fca.org.uk/#/nsm/nationalstoragemechanism
The AGM Guide and the voting results are also available on the abrdn plc website at www.abrdn.com
11 May 2023
Group Secretariat Paul McKenna |
+44 (0) 7736 853 801
Media Relations Andrea Ward
+44 (0) 7876 178 696
Investor Relations Catherine Nash
+44 (0) 7798 518 657 |
Classification: 3.1. Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of the United Kingdom
Appendix - CFO Exit Remuneration Arrangements
Further to our RNS announcement on 9 March 2023, Stephanie Bruce has stepped down as Chief Financial Officer and as a Director of abrdn plc ('abrdn' or 'the Company') following the conclusion of the 2023 AGM. As required by section 430(2B) of the Companies Act 2006, details of the remuneration payments and related exit terms (together referred to as 'the Terms') made to or to be made to Ms Bruce are set out below.
The following Terms agreed with Ms Bruce were the subject of careful consideration by the Remuneration Committee and are in line with the Company's Directors' Remuneration Policy ('Policy') which was approved by shareholders at the 2020 AGM. The Terms are also consistent with the Policy presented and approved at the 2023 AGM:
Salary and benefits
· 12-month notice period commenced on 8 March 2023.
· Garden leave with effect from 11 May 2023 to 31 December 2023. During this period, salary and contractual benefits are payable.
· At the end of this period, the Company will make a payment in lieu of notice of basic salary, pension entitlement and contractual benefits, in monthly instalments (subject to mitigation) over the remainder of the contract (being three months and eight days).
· Employment will, therefore, terminate on 31 December 2023 (the 'Termination Date').
Annual Bonus
· Eligible for a pro-rated Annual Bonus in respect of the 2023 financial year to reflect the portion of the year prior to the commencement of garden leave (1 January 2023 to 10 May 2023).
· The Annual Bonus will be determined per the normal timetable and subject to Policy requirements including deferral and the application of malus and clawback.
Share Awards
· Treated as a good leaver under the abrdn plc Annual Bonus Deferred Share Plan and Long-Term Incentive Plan in accordance with the plan rules, including the application of malus and clawback.
· Unvested LTIP awards will continue to vest on normal vesting dates and will remain subject to the satisfaction of the relevant performance conditions (measured over the full performance period) and holding periods. All awards will be prorated based on the proportion of the performance period completed to the Termination Date.
· The Company's post-cessation shareholding requirements apply for a two-year period from the Termination Date.
Other payments
· Entitled to a capped contribution towards legal fees incurred in connection with these arrangements.
Further information
· Other than the amounts disclosed above, Ms Bruce is not eligible for any remuneration payments or payments for loss of office.
In accordance with section 430(2B) of the Companies Act 2006, the information contained in this document will be made available on the Company's website until its next Directors' Remuneration Report is made available.
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