23rd Nov 2007 07:00
OILEX LTD23 November 2007The Manager
Centralised Company Announcement Office
Australian Stock Exchange Limited
10th Floor, 20 Bond StreetSYDNEY NSW 2000Dear Sir,
We have pleasure in advising that all resolutions put to the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders, held at 5.00pm on Thursday 22 November 2007 were passed unanimously on a show of hands as detailed below:
As Ordinary Resolutions
1. Re-election of Mr. Raymond Barnes as a Director
2. Adoption of Remuneration Report
3. Issue of Options to a Director - Dr. Bruce McCarthy
4. Issue of Options to a Director - Mr. Raymond Barnes
5. Issue of Options to a Director - Mr. Max Cozijn
6. Issue of Options to a Director - Mr. Laxmi Bhandari
Proxy Votes
There were a total of 51 valid proxies received. These proxy votes wererecorded as follows: IN FAVOUR OF FOR AGAINST ABSTAIN TOTAL THE CHAIRMAN (CAN'T VOTE) Resolution 1 95,614 33,507,706 3,000 2,004,443 35,610,763 Resolution 2 95,614 34,113,077 17,000 1,385,072 35,610,763 Resolution 3 95,614 31,482,531 2,938,872 1,093,746 35,610,763 Resolution 4 95,614 31,951,792 2,938,872 624,485 35,610,763 Resolution 5 95,614 31,860,663 2,903,872 750,614 35,610,763 Resolution 6 95,614 26,860,663 2,903,872 5,750,614 35,610,763
For and on behalf of the Board
M.D.J. CozijnChairman
cc: Directors - BMcC/RB/GIJ/LLB
ABN 50 078 652 632
Level 3, 50 Kings Park Road West Perth WA 6005 Australia, PO Box 588 West Perth
WA 6872 Australia Telephone: (+61 8) 9226 5577 Facsimile: (+61 8) 9226 2108
Email: [email protected] Web: www.oilex.com.au
OILEX LTDRelated Shares: