12th May 2016 14:10
WIRELESS GROUP PLC - Result of Wireless Group Plc AGMWIRELESS GROUP PLC - Result of Wireless Group Plc AGM
PR Newswire
London, May 12
Wireless Group plc
(formerly UTV Media plc)
Result of Annual General Meeting
The Directors of Wireless Group plc are pleased to report that at the Company's Annual General Meeting held today, all of the resolutions put to the meeting were duly passed.
All of the resolutions were passed on a show of hands. The total number of proxy votes received in respect of each such resolution 48 hours prior to the meeting is set out below.
Resolution | Votes For | Votes Discretionary | Votes Against | Votes Withheld |
To receive and adopt the Company's Financial Statements and the Directors' and auditors' reports. | 41,002,767 (99.60%) | 163,193 (0.40%) | 357 (0.00%) | 1,737 |
To approve the report of the Board on the Directors' remuneration. | 40,341,312 (98.01%) | 163,193 (0.40%) | 654,063 (1.59%) | 9,486 |
To approve the Wireless Group Performance Share Plan 2016. | 40,647,442 (98.80%) | 163,788 (0.40%) | 327,876 (0.80%) | 28,948 |
To declare a final dividend of 7.60p per ordinary share. | 41,003,291 (99.60%) | 163,193 (0.40%) | 232 (0.00%) | 1,338 |
To re-elect R Huntingford as a Director. | 38,203,705 (92.80%) | 163,193 (0.40%) | 2,800,014 (6.80%) | 1,142 |
To re-elect H Kirkpatrick as a Director. | 39,912,473 (96.95%) | 163,193 (0.40%) | 1,091,246 (2.65%) | 1,142 |
To re-elect S Kirkpatrick as a Director. | 40,685,939 (98.83%) | 163,193 (0.40%) | 317,780 (0.77%) | 1,142 |
To re-elect A Anson as a Director. | 41,003,166 (99.60%) | 163,193 (0.40%) | 553 (0.00%) | 1,142 |
To re-elect N McKeown as a Director. | 40,997,215 (99.59%) | 163,193 (0.40%) | 6,504 (0.02%) | 1,142 |
To re-elect S Taunton as a Director. | 41,001,219 (99.60%) | 163,193 (0.40%) | 2,500 (0.01%) | 1,142 |
To re-elect R Brennan as a Director. | 40,998,276 (99.59%) | 163,550 (0.40%) | 5,086 (0.01%) | 1,142 |
To re-appoint Ernst & Young LLP as auditors to the Company. | 40,675,041 (98.81%) | 163,193 (0.40%) | 327,411 (0.80%) | 2,409 |
To authorise the Directors to fix the auditors' remuneration. | 40,975,663 (99.59%) | 163,193 (0.40%) | 7,157 (0.02%) | 22,041 |
To authorise the Directors to allot shares or grant subscription or conversion rights. | 40,937,588 (99.50%) | 176,319 (0.43%) | 28,098 (0.07%) | 26,049 |
To disapply statutory pre-emption rights. | 40,152,300 (97.64%) | 176,319 (0.43%) | 793,883 (1.93%) | 45,552 |
To authorise the Company to make market purchases of its own ordinary shares. | 40,962,174 (99.56%) | 163,134 (0.40%) | 18,320 (0.04%) | 24,426 |
To permit General Meetings other than Annual General Meetings to be called on not less than 14 days' notice. | 40,558,743 (98.52%) | 163,193 (0.40%) | 444,976 (1.08%) | 1,142 |
In accordance with Listing Rule 9.6.2, copies of the resolutions that do not constitute ordinary business at an annual general meeting will be submitted to the National Storage Mechanism and will shortly be available for viewing.
The voting results will also shortly be available on the Wireless Group plc website at: www.wirelessgroupplc.com.
For further information, please contact:
Norman McKeown, Group Finance Director & Company Secretary
Tel: +44 28 90 262804
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