31st May 2017 12:51
Polar Capital Holdings Plc (the "Company")
31 May 2017
The Board is pleased to announce that at the General Meeting of the Company held today at 11.00am the Special Resolution as set out in the Notice of Meeting was put to the meeting and duly passed on a poll.
The results are detailed below.
| For and discretionary | Against | Total Votes Cast1 |
Special resolution (in summary) | No of votes
| No of votes | No of votes |
That the appropriation of distributable profits in the financial years ended 31 March 2005, 31 March 2006, 31 March 2007, 31 March 2008, 31 March 2014, 31 March 2015, 31 March 2016, and 31 March 2017 (as described in further detail in the Notice of Meeting) is confirmed, and that the Directors of the Company are authorised to execute the Shareholders' Deed Poll of Release and the Directors' Deed Poll of Release. | 55,084,121 | 0 | 55,084,121 |
The total number of shares on the register at 6.30pm on 26 May 2017, being those eligible to be voted on at the meeting, was 91,462,174.
Note 1: All votes cast were in favour and discretionary. No votes were cast against the resolution or were withheld.
Note 2: The directors and former directors (including their connected persons) have not voted on their combined shareholdings of 15,260,250 ordinary shares which represents approximately 16.68% of the issued share capital.
Note 3: Following the passing of the resolution, and as described in detail in the circular published by the Company on 28 April 2017, the Company has today entered into a deed of release in respect of its shareholders and a deed of release in respect of its directors and former directors.
For further information please contact:
Polar Capital
Tim Woolley (CEO)
John Mansell (COO) +44 (0)20 7227 2700
Canaccord Genuity - Nomad and Joint Broker
Simon Bridges (QE)
Andrew Buchanan +44 (0)20 7523 8000
Peel Hunt - Joint Broker
Guy Wiehahn +44 (0)20 7418 8893
Ed Gascoigne-Pees +44 (0)20 3757 4984
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