10th Sep 2010 14:30
Press release
Results of the Extraordinary General Meeting
Date: 10. 9. 2010
An Extraordinary General Meeting of the shareholders of Telefónica O2 Czech Republic, a.s. took place in Prague on September 10, 2010. Shareholders holding some 87% of the company's shares took part; therefore, the General Meeting had a quorum.
The General Meeting approved changing the form of all the company's common shares with nominal value of CZK 100 from bearer shares to registered share. The reason for changing the form of the shares was the adoption of an amendment to the Procurement Act. Changing the form of the shares will not have any impact on existing shareholder rights.
The General Meeting also approved the amendments to the company's Articles of Association. Their major part is associated with the change of the common shares' form. In addition, the amendments extend the company's subject of business (activity).
At the conclusion of the session, the General Meeting adopted a resolution that provided its consent with entering into a contract for deposition of the part enterprise into a 100% owned subsidiary company. The agreement should be concluded between Telefónica O2 Czech Republic, a.s., as a depositor and a newly established company (provisional company name: Informační linky, a.s.). The subject-matter of the contract deals with the deposition of the part of the enterprise of Telefónica O2 Czech Republic, a.s., represented by the autonomous organizational unit - Informační a asistenční služby a katalog firem (Call-based information services and On-line business catalogue) - in the registered share capital of the newly established company.
For more information, please contact:MARTIN ŽABKA Spokesperson
Telefónica O2 Czech Republic, a.s.
tel: 800 163 342 (800 1 media)
About Telefónica O2 Czech Republic
Telefónica O2 Czech Republic is a major integrated operator in the Czech Republic. It is now operating more than seven million lines, both fixed and mobile, making it one of the world's leading providers of fully converged services. The organization offers the most comprehensive portfolio of voice and data services in this country. It is paying special attention to the exploitation of the growth potential, particularly in the data and Internet sector. Telefónica O2 Czech Republic operates the largest fixed and mobile network including a 3rd generation network, CDMA (for data), and UMTS, enabling voice, data and video transmission. Telefónica O2 Czech Republic is also a notable provider of ICT services.
About Telefónica Europe
Telefónica Europe is a business division of Telefónica comprising mobile, fixed and DSL operations in the UK, Ireland, Germany, the Czech Republic and Slovakia - all of which use 'O2' as their consumer brand. Telefónica Europe also has 50% ownership of the UK and Irish Tesco Mobile and German Tchibo Mobilfunk joint venture businesses. Telefónica Europe is headquartered in Slough, UK, and has some 54 million mobile and fixed customers.
About Telefónica Telefónica is one of the world's largest telecommunications operators by market capitalisation. Its activities are centred mainly on the fixed and mobile telephony businesses, while its broadband business is the key growth driver underpinning both. It operates in 25 countries and has a global customer base of 260 million. Telefónica's growth strategy is focused on the markets in which it has a strong foothold: Spain, Europe and Latin America. Telefónica is a 100% private sector company with its shares listed in Madrid and other stock exchanges and more than 1.5 million individual shareholders.
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