17th Sep 2010 16:58
17 September 2010
('RAM' or the 'Company')
Result of General Meeting
Completion of the acquisition of TrainFX
Further to the announcement dated 1 September 2010, the Board of the Company is pleased to announce that all resolutions put to shareholders at the GM held today to approve the acquisition of the remaining 50.1% of TrainFX were duly passed.
As disclosed in the announcement, the Company also entered into a conditional loan note agreement with TVC. The terms of the warrant instrument entered into by the Company as part of the Loan Documentation provided for the exercise price of the warrants to be the lower of 6p per Ordinary Share or 20% above the mid-market share price of the Company on the date of the Loan Documentation is completed. In order to complete the loan agreement today and hence be in a position to exercise the VMG Option and the OCH Option, the Board has agreed to vary the terms of the warrant instrument by setting the exercise price of the warrants at 5.68p. In all other respects the terms of the Loan Documentation remain as set out the Circular.
As a result, the Company has completed the Loan Documentation and issued the Loan Notes to TVC. The Company has also today exercised the VMG Option and the OCH Option and has completed the acquisition of the remaining 50.1% of TrainFX, which is now a wholly owned subsidiary of RAM.
The definitions used in the announcement dated 1 September 2010 also apply in this announcement.
For further information please call:
Tim Baldwin RAM Investment Group plc 0207 518 4303
Sandy Jamieson Libertas Capital Corporate Finance Limited 0207 569 9650
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