13th Apr 2006 12:17
Cesky Telecom A.S.13 April 2006 RESOLUTION OF BONDHOLDERS' MEETING On 12 April 2006, CESKY TELECOM, a.s., with its registered seat at Praha 3,Olsanska 55/5, Postal Code 130 34, Identification No.: 60193336, registered inthe Commercial Registry maintained by the City Court in Prague, Section B, File2322 (the "Issuer"), hereby in accordance with the applicable laws and terms andconditions of the bonds convened a meeting of holders of the bonds issued by theIssuer, specifically the bonds identified as "Dluhopis CESKY TELECOM 3,50%/2008", ISIN CZ0003501355, issued on 9 July 2003. The Bondholders' Meeting was attended by bondholders who hold 52,38 % of theaggregate nominal value of all issued and outstanding bonds of such issue. The Bondholders' Meeting approved the following Resolution: The Bondholders' Meeting of the bonds identified as "Dluhopis CESKY TELECOM3,50%/2008", ISIN CZ0003501355, issued on 9 July 2003, has resolved to approvethe transfer of assets and liabilities of Eurotel Praha, spol. s r.o. to CESKYTELECOM, a.s. in accordance with the Draft Agreement on Transfer of Assets andLiabilities. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock ExchangeRelated Shares: