12th Nov 2024 18:36
12 November 2024
McBride plc
Result of Annual General Meeting
McBride plc (the Company) is pleased to announce that at its Annual General Meeting (AGM) held earlier today, 12 November 2024, all the resolutions put to its shareholders were passed by the requisite majorities. Resolutions 1 to 12 were passed as ordinary resolutions and resolutions 13 to 15 were passed as special resolutions.
The results of the poll vote for each resolution are set out below:
No | RESOLUTION | VOTESFOR (incl. discretionary) | FOR (% of votes cast) | VOTESAGAINST | AGAINST (% of votes cast) | TOTAL VOTES CAST | % of ISSUED SHARE CAPITAL VOTED | VOTESWITHHELD |
1 | To receive the Company's accounts for the financial year ended 30 June 2024, together with the Directors' reports and the independent auditor's report on those accounts. | 117,500,938
| 159,097
| 0.14%
| 117,660,035
| 67.61%
| 218,669
2 | To approve the Directors' Remuneration Report for the financial year ended 30 June 2024 (other than the summary of the Directors' Remuneration Policy included in the Directors' Remuneration Report) | 117,547,834
| 99.74%
| 309,558
| 0.26%
| 117,857,392
| 67.73%
| 21,312
3 | To re‑appoint Jeffrey (Jeff) Nodland as a Director. | 114,399,884
| 97.06%
| 3,467,438
| 2.94%
| 117,867,322
| 67.73%
| 11,382
4 | To re‑appoint Christopher (Chris) Smith as a Director. | 117,699,234
| 99.86%
| 168,889
| 0.14%
| 117,868,123
| 67.73%
| 10,581
5 | To re-appoint Mark Strickland as a Director. | 117,698,433
| 99.86%
| 168,889
| 0.14%
| 117,867,322
| 67.73%
| 11,382
6 | To re-appoint Elizabeth (Liz) McMeikan as a Director. | 115,294,605
| 97.82%
| 2,573,518
| 2.18%
| 117,868,123
| 67.73%
| 10,581
7 | To re-appoint Alastair Murray as a Director. | 116,936,026
| 99.21%
| 932,097
| 0.79%
| 117,868,123
| 67.73%
| 10,581
8 | To re-appoint Regi Aalstad as a Director. | 116,936,026 | 99.21% | 932,097 | 0.79%
| 117,868,123 | 67.73%
| 10,581
9 | To re-appoint PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as auditor of the Company. |
117,795,497 |
99.94% |
71,593 | 0.06%
117,867,090 | 67.73%
11,614 |
10 | To authorise the Audit and Risk Committee to determine the auditor's remuneration. | 117,832,908
| 99.97%
| 35,515
| 0.03%
| 117,868,423
| 67.73%
10,281 |
11 | To authorise the Company and its subsidiaries to make political donations and incur political expenditure | 112,722,186
| 99.83%
| 193,894
| 0.17%
| 112,916,080
| 64.89%
4,962,624 |
12 | To authorise the Directors to allot shares. | 112,820,977
| 99.92%
| 95,523
| 0.08%
| 112,916,500
| 64.89%
13 | Subject to the passing of Resolution 12, to authorise the Directors to disapply statutory pre-emption rights in respect of the allotment of the Company's equity securities for cash. | 112,695,811
| 99.81%
| 218,521
| 0.19%
| 112,914,332
| 64.89%
4,964,372 |
14 | To authorise the Company to make market purchases of its own shares. | 117,779,641
| 99.92%
| 88,782
| 0.08%
| 117,868,423
| 67.73%
10,281 |
15 | To authorise the Directors to call a general meeting on 14 clear days' notice. | 111,545,055
| 98.78%
| 1,372,246
| 1.22%
| 112,917,301
| 64.89%
4,961,403 |
The Board would like to thank shareholders for their engagement and support ahead of the AGM and throughout the year.
1. Any proxy arrangement which gave discretion to the Chairman has been included in the "For" totals.
2. A "Vote withheld" is not a vote in law and is not counted in the calculation of the percentage of shares voted "For" or "Against" any resolution or the total number of votes cast.
3. On 11 November 2024, the Company's issued share capital comprised 174,015,287 ordinary shares of 10 pence each (excluding treasury shares), 42,041 ordinary shares of 10 pence each held in treasury ('treasury shares') and 665,888,258 B Shares of 0.1 pence each. Each ordinary share of the Company carries one vote at General Meetings of the Company. Any ordinary shares held in treasury and the B Shares have no voting rights. Consequently, on 11 November 2024, the total number of voting rights was 174,015,287.
4. Pursuant to UK Listing Rule 6.4.2, copies of all resolutions, other than those concerning ordinary business, passed at the AGM today will be submitted to the National Storage Mechanism and will shortly be available to view at https://data.fca.org.uk/#/nsm/nationalstoragemechanism.
5. Results of the poll will also be available shortly to view on the Company's website at www.mcbride.co.uk/investors/shareholder-information/agm/.
For further enquiries:
McBride plc Robert Henry, General Counsel and Company Secretary Chris Smith, Chief Executive Officer
| 0161 203 7401 |
Instinctif Partners Hannah Scott Augustine Chipungu | 0207 457 2020 |
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