2nd Feb 2022 17:23
Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) No. 549300DFVPOB67JL3A42
The 2022 Annual General Meeting of Imperial Brands PLC was held at the Bristol Marriott Hotel,
2 Lower Castle Street, Old Market, Bristol, BS1 3AD on Wednesday 2 February 2022 at 2.30 pm.
All resolutions proposed at the Meeting were decided on a poll and all resolutions were passed.
The number of votes for and against each of the resolutions put before the Meeting and the number of votes withheld were as follows:
Total Votes For
% For |
Total Votes Against
Total Votes Cast
Votes Withheld
| |
| Annual Report and Accounts | 728,988,696 | 99.98 | 114,425 | 729,103,121 | 3,398,555 |
| Directors' Remuneration Report | 702,037,143 | 95.93 | 29,784,340 | 731,821,483 | 680,193 |
| To declare a final dividend | 732,118,321 | 99.99 | 66,027 | 732,184,348 | 317,328 |
| Re-elect S Bomhard | 729,860,126 | 99.72 | 2,041,183 | 731,901,309 | 600,370 |
5 | Re-elect S Clark | 729,614,912 | 99.69 | 2,249,159 | 731,864,071 | 637,605 |
6 | Elect N Edozien | 729,255,577 | 99.66 | 2,502,154 | 731,757,731 | 743,945 |
| Re-elect T Esperdy | 726,465,624 | 99.64 | 2,615,122 | 729,080,746 | 3,420,930 |
8 | Re-elect A Johnson | 729,859,518 | 99.74 | 1,926,946 | 731,786,464 | 715,212 |
9 | Re-elect R Kunze-Concewitz | 726,640,042 | 99.68 | 2,352,884 | 728,992,926 | 3,508,750 |
10 | Re-elect S Langelier | 729,843,519 | 99.73 | 2,001,664 | 731,845,183 | 656,493 |
11 | Elect L Paravicini | 729,057,119 | 99.62 | 2,789,274 | 731,846,393 | 655,283 |
12 | Elect D de Saint Victor | 731,239,912 | 99.93 | 489,964 | 731,729,876 | 771,800 |
13 | Re-elect J Stanton | 725,476,610 | 99.51 | 3,574,052 | 729,050,662 | 3,451,014 |
| Re-appointment of Auditors | 728,891,560 | 99.59 | 2,992,417 | 731,883,977 | 617,699 |
| Remuneration of Auditors | 731,590,999 | 99.96 | 258,921 | 731,849,920 | 651,756 |
| Political donations/ expenditure | 727,408,041 | 99.45 | 4,005,976 | 731,414,017 | 1,087,659 |
17 | Authority to allot securities | 730,854,868 | 99.84 | 1,160,818 | 732,015,686 | 485,990 |
| Disapplication of pre-emption rights | 725,008,014 | 99.08 | 6,732,382 | 731,740,396 | 761,280 |
| Purchase of own shares | 728,638,507 | 99.57 | 3,156,946 | 731,795,453 | 706,223 |
| Notice period for general meetings | 699,032,086 | 95.50 | 32,963,550 | 731,995,636 | 506,040 |
a) The 'For' vote includes those giving the Chairman discretion and the percentage is rounded to two decimal places.
b) A vote withheld is not a vote in law and is not counted in the calculation of the proportion of votes for or against a resolution.
c) Resolutions 18 to 20 are special resolutions.
d) The total number of ordinary shares of 10 pence each, in issue, excluding shares held in treasury as at 6.00pm on 1 February 2022 were 946,408,101.
A copy of a document setting out the resolutions passed dealing with special business at the meeting has been submitted to the National Storage Mechanism and will be available for inspection at https://data.fca.org.uk/#/nsm/nationalstoragemechanism in due course.
Daniel Bevan
Assistant Company Secretary
Copies of our announcements are available on our website: www.imperialbrandsplc.com/Investors/Stock-Exchange-announcements
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