14th May 2015 14:00
PR Newswire
London, May 14
14 May 2015 UTV Media plc ("UTV Media" or the "Company") Results of AGM The Directors of UTV Media are pleased to report that at the Company's AnnualGeneral Meeting held today, all of the resolutions put to the meeting were dulypassed. All of the resolutions were passed on a show of hands. The total number ofproxy votes received in respect of each such resolution 48 hours prior to themeeting is set out below. Resolution Votes Votes Votes Votes Discretionary Withheld / For Against Abstentions 1. To receive and adopt the 61,852,203 37,413 2,240 833Company's Financial (99.94%) (0.06%) (0.00%)Statements and theDirectors' and auditors'reports. 2. To approve the report of 51,596,319 37,413 5,432,180 4,826,777the Board on the Directors' (90.42%) (0.07%) (9.52%)remuneration. 3. To declare a final 61,854,779 37,413 90 407dividend of 5.43p per (99.94%) (0.06%) (0.00%)ordinary share. 4. To re-elect R Huntingford 55,870,709 38,413 62,906 5,920,661as a Director. (99.82%) (0.07%) (0.11%) 5. To re-elect H Kirkpatrick 59,794,117 37,413 2,060,159 1,000as a Director. (96.61%) (0.06%) (3.33%) 6. To re-elect S Kirkpatrick 59,794,077 37,413 2,060,199 1,000as a Director. (96.61%) (0.06%) (3.33%) 7. To re-elect A Anson as a 61,848,476 37,413 5,800 1000Director. (99.93%) (0.06%) (0.01%) 8. To re-elect C McConville 55,928,675 37,413 5,940 5,920,661as a Director. (99.92%) (0.07%) (0.01%) 9. To re-elect J McCann as a 61,847,643 38,246 5,800 1,000Director. (99.93%) (0.06%) (0.01%) 10. To re-elect N McKeown as 61,827,796 57,463 5,890 1,540a Director. (99.90%) (0.09%) (0.01%) 11. To re-elect S Taunton as 61,828,060 57,413 6,216 1,000a Director. (99.90%) (0.09%) (0.01%) 12. To elect R Brennan as a 61,829,634 57,413 5,235 407Director (99.90%) (0.09%) (0.01%) 13. To re-appoint Ernst & 61,125,825 37,413 699,544 29,907Young LLP as auditors to the (98.81%) (0.06%) (1.13%)Company. 14. To authorise the 61,806,926 37,413 17,610 30,740Directors to fix the (99.91%) (0.06%) (0.03%)auditors' remuneration. 15. To authorise the 61,784,202 37,413 36,575 34,499Directors to allot shares or (99.88%) (0.06%) (0.06%)grant subscription orconversion rights. 16. To disapply statutory 56,210,933 37,413 5,585,152 59,191pre-emption rights. (90.91%) (0.06%) (9.03%) 17. To authorise the Company 61,808,619 37,413 18,917 27,740to make market purchases of (99.91%) (0.06%) (0.03%)its own ordinary shares. 18. To permit General 61,009,488 37,413 844,955 833Meetings other than Annual (98.57%) (0.06%) (1.37%)General Meetings to becalled on not less than 14days' notice. In accordance with Listing Rule 9.6.2, copies of the resolutions that do notconstitute ordinary business at an annual general meeting will be submitted tothe National Storage Mechanism and will be available for inspection atwww.hemscott.com/nsm.do. For further information please contact the Company's Communications Office on+44 (0) 28 9026 2129 Neither the content of the Company's website nor the content of any websiteaccessible from hyperlinks on the Company's website (or any other website) isincorporated into, or forms part of, this announcement nor, unless previouslypublished by means of a recognised information service, should any such contentbe relied upon in reaching a decision as to whether or not to acquire, continueto hold, or dispose of, securities in the Company. For further information contact: UTV Media plc John McCann, Group Chief Executive +44 (0) 28 9032 8122 Norman McKeown, Group Finance Director +44 (0) 28 9032 8122 Orla McKibbin, Director of Communications +44 (0) 28 9026 2188 Maitland
James Devas +44 (0)20 7379 5151
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