1st Aug 2011 12:49
01 August 2011
Woodburne SQUARE AG pLC
("Woodburne Square" or the "Company")
Result of AGM
The Board of Woodburne Square, the silver and precious metals focused investment company, announces that all resolutions put to shareholders at the Company's Annual General Meeting held earlier today were duly passed.
Martin Kiersnowski, Chairman of Woodburne Square, commented:
"2010 saw a transformation of the Company, including directorate changes and a business strategy overhaul reflected in the name change to Woodburne Square AG Plc. Changing the strategic focus of the Company to seek value in precious metals securities markets, paying particularly attention to silver, has been a key driver during the period.
"Whilst there will continue to be high level of volatility in commodity stock valuation, the Board remains positive about the outlook for silver in terms of price, silver equities and our portfolio in particular. Operational gearing means that shares in the high quality silver plays in which we have invested should prosper, and we therefore view the short and medium term outlook with confidence."
For further information, please contact:
Woodburne Square Ag plc
Martin Kiersnowski, Chairman
Tel: 0207 562 3350
Tom Winnifrith, Chief Investment Officer01624 676848
Libertas Capital Corporate Finance Limited
Sandy Jamieson
Tel: 0207 569 9650
Rivington Street Corporate Finance
Jon Levinson
Tel: 020 7562 3357
Bishopsgate Communications
Laura Stevens/Giang Nguyen
Tel: 0207 562 3355
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