16th May 2014 14:22
Results of Annual General Meeting
Brammer plc announces that all resolutions proposed at its Annual General Meeting ("AGM") held on Friday 16 May 2014 at 43-45 Broad Street, Teddington, Middlesex, TW11 8QZ were duly passed on a show of hands.
Copies of the following:
· Ordinary resolution in relation to the renewal of the authority for the directors to allot new shares up to specific limits;
· Special resolution relating to the renewal of the authority for the directors to disapply statutory pre-emption rights; and
· Special resolution relating to the renewal of the authority for the Company to purchase its own shares;
· Special resolution to authorise a General Meeting (other than the Annual General Meeting) to be held on not less than 14 days clear notice,
being resolutions (other than resolutions concerning ordinary business) passed by the Company at its AGM on Friday 16 May 2014, have been submitted to the UK Listing Authority via the National Storage Mechanism and will shortly be available for inspection at www.morningstar.co.uk/uk/nsm
Details of the proxy voting instructions lodged prior to the meeting are set out below:
Company Name | Brammer plc |
Meeting Date | 16 May 2014 |
Number of cards (shareholders) at meeting date | 200 Cards (1,363 Shareholders on Register) |
Issued share capital at meeting date | 129,304,481 Ordinary shares of 20p each |
Number of votes per share | One |
Total proxy votes received (including Abstain/Withheld) | 108,219,447 |
Meeting type AGM/EGM | AGM
Resolution (No. as noted on proxy form) | Shares For | Shares Discretionary | Shares Against | Shares Withheld / Abstentions | Poll Yes/No |
1. To receive the report and accounts | 108,177,962 | 40,961 | 0 | 524 | No |
2. To approve the directors' remuneration report (other than remuneration policy) | 106,297,414 | 42,283 | 87,572 | 1,792,178 | No |
3. To approve the directors' remuneration policy | 107,481,720 | 40,961 | 134,567 | 562,201 | No |
4. To declare a final dividend | 108,178,486 | 40,961 | 0 | 0 | No |
5. To re-elect Ian Fraser | 107,809,973 | 42,283 | 365,707 | 1,484 | No |
6. To re-elect Paul Thwaite | 108,109,902 | 42,283 | 65,778 | 1,484 | No |
7. To re-elect Charles Irving-Swift | 106,950,064 | 42,283 | 1,225,615 | 1,484 | No |
8. To re-elect Bill Whiteley | 108,061,647 | 42,283 | 114,033 | 1,484 | No |
9. To re-elect Terry Garthwaite | 95,238,230 | 42,283 | 12,937,449 | 1,484 | No |
10. To re-elect Duncan Magrath | 106,969,484 | 42,283 | 1,206,196 | 1,484 | No |
11. To re-appoint PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as auditors to the company | 103,125,489 | 40,961 | 4,011,770 | 1,041,226 | No |
12. To authorise the directors to agree the remuneration of the auditors | 104,147,485 | 40,961 | 2,990,275 | 1,040,726 | No |
13. To authorise the directors to allot shares up to specific limits | 106,316,347 | 42,283 | 1,851,817 | 9,000 | No |
14. To disapply statutory pre-emption rights | 108,157,210 | 22,283 | 28,448 | 11,506 | No |
15. To authorise the company to purchase its own shares | 108,169,711 | 42,283 | 7,453 | 0 | No |
16. To authorise a general meeting (other than an annual general meeting) to be held on not less than 14 clear days' notice | 106,492,223 | 42,283 | 1,684,441 | 500 | No |
Enquiries to:-
Steven Hodkinson
Company Secretary
Tel: +44 (0)1565 756 800
16 May 2014
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