26th May 2016 16:32
London, 26 May 2016
BGEO Group PLC - Results of AGM
The Board of Directors of BGEO Group PLC (the Company) announces the results of voting on the resolutions put to shareholders at its Annual General Meeting (the AGM) held on Thursday, 26 May 2016. Details of the resolutions are set out in full in the Notice of AGM dated 25 April 2016.
Resolutions 1 to 16 were passed as ordinary resolutions and resolutions 17 and 18 were passed as special resolutions.
The results of the poll were as follows:
1 To receive and accept the Company's Annual Report and Accounts, together with the Strategic Report and reports of the Directors. | 31,084,522 | 99.95 | 15,249 | 0.05 | 31,099,771 | 78.73 | 1,431 |
2 To declare a final dividend for the year ended 31 December 2015. | 31,101,202 | 100.00 | 0 | 0.00 | 31,101,202 | 78.74 | 0 |
3 To receive and approve the Director's Remuneration Report for the year ended 31 December 2015. | 28,335,277 | 91.35 | 2,683,660 | 8.65 | 31,018,937 | 78.53 | 82,265 |
4 To re-elect Neil Janin, as Non-Executive Chairman of the Company. | 30,991,216 | 99.65 | 109,662 | 0.35 | 31,100,878 | 78.74 | 324 |
5 To re-elect Irakli Gilauri, as an Executive Director of the Company. | 31,069,848 | 99.90 | 31,080 | 0.10 | 31,100,928 | 78.74 | 274 |
6 To re-elect David Morrison, as a Non-Executive Director of the Company. | 30,572,356 | 98.30 | 528,522 | 1.70 | 31,100,878 | 78.74 | 324 |
7 To re-elect Alasdair Breach, as a Non-Executive Director of the Company. | 30,776,135 | 98.96 | 324,743 | 1.04 | 31,100,878 | 78.74 | 324 |
8 To re-elect Kaha Kiknavelidze, as a Non-Executive Director of the Company. | 30,878,421 | 99.28 | 222,457 | 0.72 | 31,100,878 | 78.74 | 324 |
9 To re-elect Kim Bradley, as a Non-Executive Director of the Company. | 30,878,421 | 99.28 | 222,457 | 0.72 | 31,100,878 | 78.74 | 324 |
10 To re-elect Tamaz Georgadze, as a Non-Executive Director of the Company. | 25,562,545 | 82.56 | 5,401,486 | 17.44 | 30,964,031 | 78.39 | 137,171 |
11 To re-elect Bozidar Djelic, as a Non-Executive Director of the Company. | 30,525,616 | 99.92 | 23,930 | 0.08 | 30,549,546 | 77.34 | 551,656 |
12 To elect Hanna Loikkanen as a Non-Executive Director of the Company. | 30,536,980 | 99.25 | 229,607 | 0.75 | 30,766,587 | 77.89 | 334,615 |
13 To re-appoint Ernst & Young LLP as Auditor to the Company. | 29,615,453 | 95.22 | 1,485,749 | 4.78 | 31,101,202 | 78.74 | 0 |
14 To authorise the Board to set the remuneration of the Auditor. | 29,781,260 | 95.76 | 1,319,942 | 4.24 | 31,101,202 | 78.74 | 0 |
15 To authorise political donations and political expenditure. | 29,862,767 | 98.53 | 445,983 | 1.47 | 30,308,750 | 76.73 | 792,452 |
16 Authority to allot securities. | 30,712,393 | 98.75 | 388,809 | 1.25 | 31,101,202 | 78.74 | 0 |
17 Authority to disapply pre-emption rights. | 30,321,025 | 97.49 | 780,177 | 2.51 | 31,101,202 | 78.74 | 0 |
18 Authority for the Company to purchase its own shares. | 31,031,937 | 99.78 | 69,215 | 0.22 | 31,101,152 | 78.74 | 50 |
*Issued share capital
As at the date of the AGM, the Company had 39,500,320 ordinary shares in issue. The Company did not hold any shares in treasury and therefore the number of total voting rights as at the date of the AGM was 39,500,320. In accordance with the Company's Articles of Association and subject to the Listing Rules, on a poll, every member who is present in person or by proxy has one vote for every share held. The scrutineer of the poll was Computershare Investor Services PLC, the Company's Share Registrar.
Note that a "vote withheld" is not a vote in law and such votes have not been included in the calculation of votes "for" and "against" each resolution. Proxy appointments which gave discretion to the Chairman have been included in the "for" total above.
In accordance with Listing Rule 9.6.2, copies of the resolutions which constitute special business at the AGM (being resolutions 16-18) will be submitted to the National Storage Mechanism and will shortly be available for inspection at www.morningstar.co.uk/uk/nsm.
A copy of this announcement has been posted on the Company's website, www.bgeo.com.
Kate Bennett Rea, on behalf of KB Rea Ltd., Company Secretary
About BGEO Group PLC
BGEO Group PLC is a UK incorporated holding company of a Georgia-based banking group with an investment arm. Its primary business is the leading Georgian bank JSC Bank of Georgia, which has a market share of 33.5% (based on total assets), 32.3% (based on total loans) and 33.2% (based on client deposits). The banking business offers a broad range of retail banking, corporate banking, investment management and P&C insurance services. As of 31 March 2016, the bank served approximately 2.0 million client accounts through one of the largest distribution networks in Georgia, with 266 branches, the country's largest ATM network, comprising 753 ATMs, 2,627 Express pay (self-service) terminals and a full-service remote banking platform and a modern call center. The investment business primarily consists of the largest healthcare group in Georgia (Georgia Healthcare Group), real estate business (m2) and utility business (Georgia Global Utilities).
Bank of Georgia has, as of the date hereof, the following credit ratings:
Standard & Poor's | 'BB-/B' |
FitchRatings | 'BB-/B' |
Moody's | 'B1/NP' (FC) & 'Ba3/NP' (LC) |
For further information, please visit www.bgeo.com or contact:
Irakli Gilauri | Michael Oliver | Ekaterina (Eka) Shavgulidze |
Group CEO | Adviser to the CEO | Head of Investor Relations |
+995 322 444 109 | +44 203 178 4034 | +995 322 444 205 |
This news report is presented for general informational purposes only and should not be construed as an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any securities
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