6th Jun 2008 13:46
Annual General Meeting of R.E.A. Holdings plc ("REA")
All of the resolutions set out in the notice of the company's annual general meeting dated 24 April 2008 were duly passed on a show of hands.
The four resolutions passed as special business have increased the authorised share capital to £27,750,000 by the creation of 3,000,000 9 per cent cumulative preference shares of £1 each, have provided replacement authorities for the allotment of relevant securities and have provided a fresh authority under section 95 of the Companies Act 1985 regarding the issue of ordinary shares for cash. Copies of these resolutions have been submitted to, and will shortly be available for inspection at, the UK Listing Authority's Document Viewing Facility at:
Financial Services Authority,
25 The North Colonnade,
Canary Wharf,
E14 5HS
Telephone: (0)20 7676 1000
A total of 32,573,856 ordinary shares of REA were eligible to vote at the annual general meeting with each ordinary share carrying one vote on a poll. Proxies were received for use in connection with the annual general meeting with the following instructions (treating proxies giving discretion to the chairman as a "for" instruction):
Resolution (number and subject matter) For Against Abstain
1 Annual report 21,318,496 - 1
2 Directors' remuneration report 18,968,303 294 2,349,900
3 Re-election of R M Robinow 19,332,032 25,418 1,961,047
4 Re-election of J M Green-Armytage 18,346,879 2,308,388 663,230
5 Re-election of J R M Keatley 19,005,670 2,312,826 1
6 Re-election of L E C Letts 21,288,640 29,856 1
7 Re-appointment of auditors 21,318,187 - 310
8 Increase in authorised share capital 21,318,203 294 -
9 Allotment of ordinary shares 21,317,032 294 1,171
10 Allotment of preference shares 21,317,032 294 1,171
11 Cash issues of ordinary shares 21,316,771 294 1,432
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