29th Jul 2015 12:58
29 July 2015
Acal plc
Results of Annual General Meeting
Acal plc (LSE: ACL, "Acal" or "The Group"), one of the leading international suppliers of customised electronics to industry, announces that, at the Annual General Meeting held earlier today, all resolutions were carried on a show of hands. The following levels of proxy votes were received.
| Resolution | For | Against | Chairman's Discretion | Withheld |
1 | Receipt and Adoption of Financial Statements | 39,638,899 | 0 | 46,592 | 0 |
2 | Approval of Final Dividend | 39,638,899 | 0 | 46,592 | 0 |
3 | Approval of Directors' Remuneration Report | 33,182,057 | 302,591 | 48,120 | 6,152,723 |
4 | Approval of Directors' Remuneration Policy | 27,076,555 | 7,144,963 | 48,120 | 5,415,853 |
5 | Re-election of N Jefferies | 39,006,336 | 132,563 | 46,592 | 500,000 |
6 | Re-election of R Moon | 39,138,899 | 500,000 | 46,592 | 0 |
7 | Re-appointment of Auditors | 39,623,015 | 15,884 | 46,592 | 0 |
8 | Authority to fix Auditors' Remuneration | 39,638,899 | 0 | 46,592 | 0 |
9 | Authority to Allot Shares | 39,130,187 | 8,712 | 46,592 | 500,000 |
10 | Additional Authority to Allot Shares (rights issue) | 39,130,133 | 8,766 | 46,592 | 500,000 |
11 | Authority to Disapply Statutory Pre-Emption Rights | 39,123,210 | 515,689 | 46,592 | 0 |
12 | Additional Authority to Disapply Statutory Pre-Emption Rights (rights issue) | 37,438,021 | 527,075 | 46,592 | 1,673,803 |
13 | Additional Authority to Allot Shares | 38,858,756 | 513,743 | 46,592 | 266,400 |
14 | Authority to Purchase Company's Own Shares | 39,135,402 | 3,497 | 46,592 | 500,000 |
15 | Notice of General Meetings | 34,388,196 | 5,250,703 | 46,592 | 0 |
As at today's date Acal plc has 63,065,260 ordinary shares in issue.
A copy of the resolutions approved by Shareholders will be placed on the National Storage Mechanism.
G P Shillinglaw
Group Company Secretary
For further information please contact:
Acal plc
Nick Jefferies - Group Chief Executive 01483 544500
Simon Gibbins - Group Finance Director
Gary Shillinglaw - Group Company Secretary
Instinctif Partners
Mark Garraway 0207 457 2020
Helen Tarbet
James Gray
Notes to Editors:
About Acal plc |
Acal is a leading supplier of customised electronics to industry. It designs, manufactures and distributes customer-specific electronic products and solutions to 25,000 industrial manufacturers and is listed on the London Stock Exchange (LSE: ACL).
Acal has two divisions: Custom Distribution and Design & Manufacturing. The majority of its sales comes from products and solutions which are either created uniquely for a customer or sourced exclusively. Acal works across a range of technologies, namely Communications & Sensors, Electromechanical, Imaging & Photonics, Embedded Computers & Displays, and Power & Magnetics.
Acal operates through the following wholly-owned businesses: Acal BFi, Foss, Hectronic, MTC, Myrra, Noratel, RSG, Stortech and Vertec. It has operating companies and manufacturing facilities in a number of markets, including the UK, Germany, France, the Nordic region, Benelux, Italy, Poland, Slovakia and Spain, as well as in Asia (China, India, Sri Lanka and South Korea), the US and South Africa.
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