21st Nov 2014 13:04
PR Newswire
London, November 21
Pan African Resources PLC(Incorporated and registered in England and Wales under Companies Act 1985 with registered number 3937466 on 25 February 2000) Share code on AIM: PAF Share code on JSE: PAN ISIN: GB0004300496 ("Pan African" or the "Company") RESULTS OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Pan African shareholders are advised that at the annual general meeting ("AGM")of shareholders held on Friday, 21 November 2014, all the ordinary and specialresolutions, as set out in the notice of AGM dated 29 October 2014, wereapproved by the requisite majority of shareholders present or represented byproxy. The total number of Pan African shares eligible to vote at the AGM is1,829,994,763. The number of shares voted in person or by proxy was1,623,706,516 representing 88.73% of the total issued share capital of the sameclass of Pan African. All resolutions proposed at the AGM, together with the percentage of sharesabstained, as well as the percentage of votes carried for and against eachresolution, are as follows: Resolution number 1 (Ordinary resolution): To receive the Accounts and thereports of the directors and auditors thereon Shares Voted Abstained For Against 1,375,675,018 6,155 100% 0% (75.17%) (0.00%) Resolution number 2 (Ordinary resolution): To approve the payment of a finaldividend for the year ended 30 June 2014 Shares Voted Abstained For Against 1,375,675,018 5,524 100% 0% (75.17%) (0.00%) Resolution number 3 (Ordinary resolution): To re-elect Mrs H H Hickey as amember of the Audit Committee Shares Voted Abstained For Against 1,375,675,018 27,483 98.73% 1.27% (75.17%) (0.00%) Resolution number 4 (Ordinary resolution): To re-elect Mr K C Spencer as amember of the Audit Committee Shares Voted Abstained For Against 1,375,675,018 27,483 73.49% 26.51% (75.17%) (0.00%) Resolution number 5 (Ordinary resolution): To re-elect Mr T Mosololi as amember of the Audit Committee Shares Voted Abstained For Against 1,375,675,018 27,483 98.73% 1.27% (75.17%) (0.00%) Resolution number 6 (Ordinary resolution): To endorse the Company'sRemuneration Policy Shares Voted Abstained For Against 1,375,675,018 248,031,498 83.53% 16.47% (75.17%) (13.55%) Resolution number 7 (Ordinary resolution): To re-elect Mr J A J Loots as aDirector of the Company Shares Voted Abstained For Against 1,375,675,018 27,483 87.06% 12.94% (75.17%) (0.00%) Resolution number 8 (Ordinary resolution): To re-elect Mrs H H Hickey as aDirector of the Company Shares Voted Abstained For Against 1,375,675,018 27,483 98.73% 1.27% (75.17%) (0.00%) Resolution number 9 (Ordinary resolution): To re-elect Mr T Mosololi as aDirector of the Company Shares Voted Abstained For Against 1,375,675,018 27,483 98.73% 1.27% (75.17%) (0.00%) Resolution number 10 (Ordinary resolution): To re-elect Mr R M Smith as aDirector of the Company Shares Voted Abstained For Against 1,375,675,018 27,483 98.73% 1.27% (75.17%) (0.00%) Resolution number 11 (Ordinary resolution): To re-appoint Deloitte LLP asauditors of the Company and to authorise the Directors to determine theirremuneration Shares Voted Abstained For Against 1,375,675,018 38,147 97.47% 2.53% (75.17%) (0.00%) Resolution number 12 (Ordinary resolution): To authorise the Directors to allotequity securities Shares Voted Abstained For Against 1,375,675,018 30,483 91.36% 8.64% (75.17%) (0.00%) Resolution number 13 (Special resolution): To approve market purchases ofOrdinary Shares Shares Voted Abstained For Against 1,375,675,018 5,524 90.12% 9.88% (75.17%) (0.00%) Notes * Percentages of shares voted are calculated in relation to the total issued share capital of Pan African eligible to vote * Percentage of shares for and against are calculated in relation to the total number of shares voted at the AGM * Abstentions are calculated as a percentage in relation to the total issued share capital of Pan African eligible to vote 21 November 2014 Pan African Resources Enquiries Ron Holding Cobus LootsPan African Resources PLC Pan African Resources PLCChief Executive Officer Financial DirectorOffice: + 27 (0) 11 243 2900 Office: + 27 (0) 11 243 2900 Phil Dexter Neil Elliot / Peter StewartSt James's Corporate Services Limited Canaccord Genuity LimitedCompany Secretary Nominated Adviser and Joint BrokerOffice: + 44 (0)20 7796 8647 Office: +44 (0)207 523 8350 Matthew Armitt / Ross Allister Sholto SimpsonPeel Hunt LLP One CapitalJoint Broker JSE SponsorOffice: +44 (0)020 741 8900 Office: + 27 (0)11 550 5009 Julian Gwillim Daniel ThöleAprio Strategic Communications Bell Pottinger PRPublic & Investor Relations SA Public & Investor Relations UKOffice: +27 (0)11 880 0037 Office: + 44(0) 203 772 2500www.panafricanresources.com
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